After some deliberation, the magistrates agreed that indeed it had not been demonstrated that an officer of the British Transport Police was an agent or officer of the railway who could ask somebody to leave the station if they were not doing anything unlawful. Hence, the case was thrown out. The defence will ask for court costs and is considering whether to pursue the matter further.
Mrs Gwyntopher, who is a pacifist, had wanted to exit Custom House DLR station via the Excel centre, where the DSEi arms fair was being held, to leaflet international arms dealers outside. She wanted to try and persuade them to think about the victims of the arms trade. Officers of the British Transport Police had pounced on her very quickly at the exit to the station as she tried to negotiate access to Excel with security staff. There is a suspicion that the police action and subsequent prosecution were politically motivated.
About a dozen supporters were present in court, and there was also a protest and brass band outside the courthouse.
Previous report here:
More detailed report to follow (probably)