Remembering and Reflecting on racism and resistance
On 13 August 1977, the far-right National Front attempted to march from New Cross to Lewisham in South East London. Local people and anti-racists from all over London and beyond mobilised to oppose them, and the NF were humiliated as their march was disrupted and banners seized.
To mark the 30th anniversary of the 'Battle of Lewisham' we are holding a half day event in New Cross on Saturday 10th November with speakers and films (1 pm start at Goldsmiths College, New Cross).
It will provide an opportunity to both remember the vents of 1977 and reflect on their significance for today.
The event will include an exhibition, films, and a panel of speakers, including participants in the 1977 events.
Lewisham '77 - November 10th conference
1-5 pm at Goldsmiths College (Great Hall), New Cross, London SE14.
The conference will provide an opportunity both to remember the events of 1977 and to reflect on their significance for today. It will include a photographic exhibition, videos, and a panel of speakers. Confirmed to take part so are:
-Professor Paul Gilroy - sociologist, ex-Goldsmiths lecturer and author of Ain't No Black In The Union Jack and The Black Atlantic;
- Balwinder Rana and Ted Parker - veterans of Lewisham '77 and the Anti-Nazi League;
- Martin Lux, author of Anti-Fascist: A Foot-Soldier's Story;
- Dr William (Lez) Henry - former Goldsmiths lecturer and South London reggae DJ, author of What the Deejay Said: A Critique from the Street.
- Les Back, author of Race. Politics and Social Change, and Out of Whiteness: Colour Politics and Culture.
- Dave Landau, No One is Illegal.
- speakers from Lewisham Anti-Racist Action Group (LARAG)
The event starts at 1 pm, admission is free. To be added to the mailing list with details of the event, please email