London Indymedia

Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT

FIT Watch | 28.10.2007 09:15 | Repression | London

FIT Watch will be present at Bash the Rich.

Meet 3rd November, 11:30, bar area of Royal Festival Hall (to discuss tactics and actions before the event).

Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT

Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT) will be out in force for this one and we
will be there to greet them.

Whilst we allow the FIT teams to film and follow; stop and search; control
and coral, we will not have successful public actions. When we start
refusing and resisting, we will start to win.

This is a call from FIT Watch activists to join us on 3rd and show the FIT
Teams we will oppose their intimidatory tactics.

FIT Watch can be done by anyone and can be as passive or as
confrontational as you wish. Here are some tactics we have found to be

1. Holding large banners in front of photographers. This is
particularly effective with double sheets on sticks which can block a
camera from a distance. This is the least confrontational way of
blocking photography.
2. Taking photos of them. They really don’t like this but it isn’t
illegal. With any photos it’s always good to either try and get the
cop’s number in the shot, or note it down.
3. Following the FIT. Pick a team and tail them. Turn their tactics
onto them – everything time they send a text message look over their
shoulder, listen to their phone conversations, look at what they’re
writing in their notebooks.
4. Watch out for group huddles, especially with senior officers and go
and unobtrusively stand by them. This disrupts their briefings and
there’s always the possibility you might learn some useful information.
5. Upload any information gathered about the FIT to or email to
6. Put yourself physically in the way of the camera men by standing
constantly in front of the camera and constantly shadowing them. This
has been the most confrontational tactic used so far and has therefore
been the one people have been arrested for. However it has also been
possible to do this without arrest.

For anyone who doesn’t know, these are the cops who are paid to harass
anarchists (and the Far Right, football fans and Islamic fundamentalists).
They follow “known” people on protests and they stand outside public
meetings taking photos and writing copious notes.

The personal is political. Over the last six years I have been harassed,
wrongfully arrested, assaulted and driven to a nervous breakdown as a
direct result of the treatment I have received from the FIT teams. I know
people who will not attend meetings or protests because they can’t deal
with the FIT teams. I do not want to watch another person being driven to
the edge by their actions. I do not want to hear of one other person being
discouraged from joining our actions because of their behaviour.

Once and for all we need to admit they are a problem. We’ve spent too long
ignoring them, pretending they don’t have an impact on us because of a
belief that once they know they’re having an effect, they will become more
powerful. However they know they’re having an effect and this is why
they’re persisting. They get away with what they do because we let them.
And whilst we continue to ignore their presence, we will never tackle the

I feel a lot stronger since I have admitted this vulnerability and I now
feel a pressing desire to reclaim their power. We have seen their
behaviour fuck up our friends. We have seen the very real impact their
presence has had on our movement. Isn’t it time we attacked this
disease,this cancer which has afflicted us for years?

If we were being systematically tortured by the State, we would protest.
Mental abuse is just as important and it is vital to the strength of our
actions that we challenge this. This call to action and discourse is an
attempt to kick start that challenge.

Over the last seven years, everyone who has attended a public (state
perceived) anarchist meeting in London will have had their details
recorded. This has both enabled the police to build up profiles of us over
the years and has also made many newcomers feel uncomfortable about
joining our meetings. Many people carry on walking when they see thecops.

It is argued that our meetings are already infiltrated and it is therefore
a distraction to focus on the police outside. However the psychological
effect of having them outside our meetings is damaging; damaging to both
the experienced activists who feel harassment at their presence and to the
people who do not even step inside the meeting because they don’t want
their photograph taken.

The cops are so comfortable outside our meetings they think they don’t
need back up. Four cops and a photographer feel safe outside our meetings.
We have become too accepting of our own repression and this must change.
We hold large demonstrations on behalf of others, on behalf of comrades in
foreign jails. We must extend this solidarity to ourselves. We need to
start dismantling the chains of our own oppression.

At the last Disarm DSEi public meeting, two people were arrested after
trying to hold up placards whilst the cops were filming. Many people
attending the meeting were inspired by the action and many commented they
were happy to have been able to attend without having their photographs

This proposal calls for solidarity demos outside every public meeting
where there is likely to be a FIT presence. Every time the FIT team harass
us, we must react. We must show them we will no longer tolerate this
treatment. We must rebuild solidarity amongst groups. We may not want to
get involved in the organising of every campaign, but we can spare half an
hour to stand outside a meeting in solidarity with those in attendance. If
we can spread this level of solidarity throughout the different
groupscurrently experiencing harassment from FIT teams, then we are in a
place to build a stronger, more effective, community.

Having a few persistent people with banners is a good start. However we
should be aiming to get to the stage where it is prohibitively expensive
for them to police our public meetings. We need to get to the stage that
when they try to follow us through our demonstrations, people
automatically link arms and prevent them from doing so. We are safer to
the State if we stay as disparate groups. We are at our most powerful when
we work in solidarity with each other.

This proposal can only start to work if we act in solidarity with each
other. What are you going to do?

Further Action:This proposal is only meant to be a starting point. If
there are enough people interested, it’d be good to have a cross group
meeting to discuss strategies et cetera. This proposal is a personal
response, it’d be good if different groups wanted to come together and
write a joint proposal. For further information, networking, ideas etc

Join the email list by sending a blank email to

A blog has been set up with the aim of becoming a resource for
peopletrying to resist the FIT teams. People are invited to add
theirexperiences, ideas, photographs, information – Anyone can add comments to the blog, but anyone
can be added as an author who wishes to contribute regularly.

FIT Watch
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 11 comments


28.10.2007 10:58

> these are the cops who are paid to harass
anarchists (and the Far Right, football fans and Islamic fundamentalists).

Thank god they don't harass animal rights activists !!



i still think that the most effective thing to do

28.10.2007 13:07

for a wider public support is inform the tax payers exactly how much they are paying for this ridiculous waste of time/money.

peoples republic of southwark

to peoples republic of southwark

28.10.2007 13:27

"inform the tax payers exactly how much they are paying for this ridiculous waste of time/money."

good idea - go on then...


An Anarchists guide to the Human Rights Act?

28.10.2007 14:18

Has anyone tried to use the Human Rights Act to stop these tactics?

Could be very expensive for plod as certain to lose any cases brought under Article 10, Freedom of Expression. Also, sections dealing with Freedom of Movement and Inhuman and degrading treatment.

Any lawyers, or McLibel types prepared to swot up on this and take court cases to challenge what they are trying to do, ie intimidate any sort of opposition to the corrupt capitalist system?

Realise that the legal process is governed by the same ruling elite but we can tie them up with their own boot laces maybe.


fighting fit

28.10.2007 21:54


Three fitwatch types who are up in court for obstructing FIT cameras are using some damn clever legal arguments to defend themselves and to raise serious questions about the lawfulness of what the police are doing.

The problem is, it won't work. No matter how brilliant the legal arguments are, there is no way the courts are going to rule against police surveillance. Not a chance. I'd eat my hat. These cases are great for making the buggers sweat it a bit, and for keeping them on their toes, and even for finding out a bit more about how they work. But to change things? C'mon, don't you know there's a war against terror going on?

There is no getting away from this. The only people who will stop the FIT teams operating like this is us. They will only stop when we stop them. When all of us take responsibility for getting them away from our meetings and off our streets.

Bash the rich - hospitalise the FIT

fighting fit

Violent Action - much better

29.10.2007 08:55

Yes - bash the FIT.

Magistrates like nothing better but to give punative penalties for violence agaisnt Police and besides it assists whatever cause you are 'supporting' that day.

So what that it will enable authriaties to justify banning further demos due to violence - so what that the press will be able to write you off as midless thugs.

Bash the FIt - so much better than actually having to think.


Which Human Right

29.10.2007 09:05

Use the Human Rights act?

Which right is it you wish to assert? - FIT don't stop protest they photograph you while you do so!

Are you asserting the right to protest anonymously? I can't find that one.
Perhaps its the right to freedom of expresion but without having to take responisbility for that expresion?

What is it you are doing you don't want people to see you doing? What is it you want to say that you don't want the public to hear?


Re: incredulous

29.10.2007 11:28

"Are you asserting the right to protest anonymously? I can't find that one. "

Then you clearly haven't bothered to read it:-

"Everyone has the right for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence."..........."Everyone has the right of freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority and regardless of frontiers."

Yes, people should have the right to protest and attend meeting anonymously. FIT take photos at demos and use it to profile activists. They can use face recognition software to build a database of who is going to what meetings and demos, and who is communicating with who. There is no other area of life where people are subject to this intimidation, harrassment, and spying.... yet. They are following activists around not because they are hardened criminals but because they are activists who are exposing the state's nefarious activities. Not even crime bosses get this level of attention from police. This demonstrates what the police's true priorities are, maintaining the status quo, allowing the powerful and rich to get away with their criminal behaviour. This is why they employ mindless bullies to do this, they need people who don't think. If they really wanted to pig an activist for a "crime" they would put them under covert surveillance. This overt behaviour by FIT is simply to deter people from dissent.

"What is it you are doing you don't want people to see you doing? What is it you want to say that you don't want the public to hear?"

If you have ever been to one of these you would need to be willfully ignorant to not figure out why people are there, they want the world to know what they have to say!

"Perhaps its the right to freedom of expression but without having to take responsibility for that expression?"

By "taking responsibility" I assume you are talking about suffering the punitive consequences of the law. The state will always bring in new laws to stifle dissent and criminalise morally legitimate action by the people in order to allow those in power to continue their crimes unhindered. Just because it is illegal to do something it does not mean it is immoral, quite the opposite in many cases. Non-violent direction action has been successful throughout history in creating the social change which you enjoy. However, the history books will tell you otherwise. Then I suppose that is why you work for the police though...


What are we hiding?

29.10.2007 13:26

Anyone who thinks this is all about a few activists trying to get away with illegal actions is wrong. Even if you don't agree with someone's politics, does it give the police the right to harass and intimidate; wrongfully arrest and assault; make abusive comments and drive people to breakdown. Because this is what has happened and what will continue happening if we don't fight their tactics.

Regarding the sarcastic comments made over violence. Firstly the cops/state will use any excuse going to stop a demo/impose conditions/nick people - it's what they've been doing for years, regardless of any violence. Besides it shouldn't be an argument for restricting our actions. We need to fight them by whatever way we feel is the most effective. There have already been consequences for some FIT Watch activists - but that is not a reason to stop, it is a reason to fight back.

Ultimately we have to examine the fact that the FIT Teams wouldn't get away with what they're doing in other countries. The reason they wouldn't get away with it - they wouldn't feel safe, they would know they were under threat and they would be attacked. They do what they do because we let them get away with it.

FIT Watch
- Homepage:

an interesting discovery, straight from the metropolitan police authority report

29.10.2007 16:54

for 2006

'CO11 Public Order Branch objectives include the safe and efficient delivery of public order events and to achieve this without un-necessarily impacting on staffing levels across the organisation. This is measured by the abstraction to aid rate of borough OCU officers (5% cent reduction on the previous year), and the amount of aid sourced from non-borough OCUs (target rate is 2.5%). Actual rates fluctuate according to the demands placed on the MPS, however, during July abstraction rates significantly increased, not only as a result of demand created by Operation Theseus, but also as a result of the MPS’s commitment to police large public order events. Progress has been made to bring abstraction levels within target: three of the last four months since October have been significantly within target levels, and aid sourced from non-BOCUs falls just below target (2.2%).'

(CO11 being the FIT)

i believe the 'unnecessarily impacting on staffing levels across the organisation' just flew out of the window at heathrow.

peoples republic of southwark

Anarchists And The State

02.11.2007 16:33

An objective, realistic view has to be taken about what we are going to be a part of tomorrow. There have been loads of Protest Actions this year and everyone has had Anarchists present. The solidarity amongst the Anarchists has been incredibly inspiring to other people. This year has seen a radical increase in an interest in Anarchism as an alternative to mainstream politics … a popular alternative. There has also been an amazing increase in members in Anarchist Organisations. This year has also seen a notable increase in the failures of the State. Right now Anarchists are an immense threat to the State and its institutions, if not the biggest threat.

There a several Socio-Political issues that Bash The Rich is linked to, but essentially we are taking Anarchism back to the streets. This Demonstration tomorrow is an Anarchist one … nothing more and nothing less. Anarchists are in direct opposition to the State. Therefore, part of being an Anarchist is being victimised by the State. There is no way that Anarchists can use the State Institutions to protect Anarchists. These Institutions have been set up to protect the State from Anarchism. Every one of those being paid by the State depends on the State. Anarchists aim to take there stability away from them … they have very little to contribute to an Anarchic Society, their skills are based on the State.

This is the nature of the War that is going on. It’s got very little to do with ‘legitimate’ protest when it comes to Anarchism. . Only that which promotes the continuation or does not directly threaten the existence of the State is legitimate. There are a lot of Anarchist activities, but essentially this is the crunch … out on the streets. This is where a lot of people can determine whether they are actually comfortable with being Anarchists. Being an Anarchist and being identified as an Enemy of the State go hand in hand. FIT, amongst other State actors, are the enemy of Anarchists. They are not a neutral group providing a professional service. They also provide information to the EU Black Bloc Data Base. At the same time, State actors view Anarchists as their enemy. This is the nature of the War that is going on … no need to use pretty shades of colour. As Anarchists, we all know what we are up for in life.

Anarchy Peace Freedom

Object Refuse Resist Abuse



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