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9th Annual Protest against Custody Deaths 27.7.2007 | 21.10.2007 00:22 | Anti-racism | Health | Repression | London

Imagine a country where someone gets killed by the police every week [1]. At the same time, at least 10 more people die an untimely death in state custody [2]. Week after week, month after month, decade after decade. And not a single copper, goaler or doctor sentenced. Not even for unlawful killing, neglicence or anything. Not once [3].

On top, since more of the victims were poor, living in bad areas or just black, pretty nobody gave a flying fuck anyway. Year after year, the bereaved gathered for a silent procession followed by noisy protest in front of the prime minister's offices [4]. Since every year there were more bereaved than the year before, the protests kept on growing.

However, as usual no one else came ...


The UK has probably the grimmest death in custody toll of all Europe. According to official figures, every year about 600 people die in state custody. And everytime, afterwards, the bereaved just getting fucked over again.

Think about it.

[1] Official figures. However, the total count per year you have to add yourself ...
[2] Different official figures (see chart at bottom). Now that's more convenient, innit? And also I'd say that charts looks more impressive. Police Custody figures pretty lower, though.

Last year's feature 2006:

Think again.



9th Annual Remembrance Procession
Saturday 27th October 2007
Meet at Trafalgar Square, Central London • Assemble at 12.30pm. Nearest tube: Charing Cross
Silent Procession along Whitehall followed by Noisy Protest at Downing Street!
Further info: contact United Families & Friends Campaign on 07770 432 439


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seriously limiting your potential attendees

21.10.2007 10:04

i would love to come, its a cause i feel very strongly about - however, its anarchist bookfair that day which is a shame, coz youre not gonna get a group of people more strongly opinionated about state rule and imprisonment than the 100s of people who will be there.

Maybe next time!


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21.10.2007 11:01

I'm going to the demo first and if I have time then onto the Bookfair. I consider the killing of people by our police to be more important than preaching to the converted.


still possible doing both

21.10.2007 12:05

the main part of the rally will be trafalgar square to downing st. and will take not more than 90 minutes, so there's still the opportunity of attending the book fair afterwards.

wotsit, thanks for your setting your priorities straight! alex, 'i feel strongly about, but maybe next time', well, i dunno. btw, the annual protest is every year on the last sat in oct for 9 years now and got covered vy indymedia many times, actually was a bit surprised learning that the bookfair being scheduled the same day ... hopefully not again next year?


date clash - more the merrier

22.10.2007 21:43

date of bookfair has changed this year - the rally has always been on last saturday in Oct.


Stop the campaign snobbery!

23.10.2007 23:27

Who can be more passionate about deaths in custody than those that have actually lost loved ones in custody? This is not a contest - the majority of people attending this annual rally are grieving relatives coming together for mutual support and solidarity.
If you can't be there at least sign the petition:

It is this sort of 'snobbery' in the campaigning world that turns my stomach, and drives so many people away from good causes. This is a fight for justice not a party political broadcast!!!

Keep it real y'all



24.10.2007 11:19

Okay, fair point. Maybe the organizers of bookfair should've been more aware of the timing of your demo if it is such a regular fixture (i didnt realise it had been going on so long) - this is obviously something that needs to be acknowledged.

However, i have committments that were made a while ago to meet with friends from accross the country and help on a stall at the bookfair and i have to honour them - and alot of people will be in my position. I think its unfair to accuse me of having my priorities wrong.

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Okay, still......................

24.10.2007 23:27

I hear you! However, I can't help noticing that none of you (as far as I can tell) have signed the petition whatever your argument??? C'mon, "put your mouse where your mouth is"

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Who Is Who In The Zoo?

25.10.2007 15:35

As I know Alex personally, I know that he is a strong enough individual that can stand his own ground and never needs anybody to defend him. So what follows below is not out of defence, but to put those that criticised him in place.

If you were one of the people at May Day, you would have mobilised with him. If you were at Climate Change, you would have shared your time with him. If you were one of the few that pitched up for both of the Disarm DSEI protests, you would have been victimised by the police with him. If you made the effort to attend the No Borders Demonstration, you would have marched with him. If you were one of the actual protesters at The Stop The War Coalition march, you would have took part in the Whitehall-Bridge Street intersection siege and occupied parliament square. If you are part of the London Radical Students, then you will share his commitment. If you are involved in a Grass Roots Organisation, you will understand how much time he gives up every week. If you have stood with the postal workers, then you would have been by his side at the strike action. If you were aware of the AVAAZ petion in support of the protester in Burma, you would have signed it with him. If you are one of the people that are part of a group involved in the A-Bookfair and are voluntarily working on the day, you will be at the venue at 9.00 in the morning and only finishing at 19.00.

If you are the kind of person that is involved in a singular aspect of the unjust system that governs society … it is possible that you would never have met Alex. He one of those individuals that has given all his time and energy into as many issues that the 24 hour cycle allows, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I know this, because I am involved in the same activities and interact with him virtually every day. There is absolutely no way that an individual can be involved in everything.

When those that say that they will be coming to the A-Bookfair after the protest do arrive … there will be an A-Bookfair because we are part of a group that are making it function. Furthermore, will those that are critical of Alex be going to the ‘Stop The War Coalition’ conference or the Tino Rangatiratanga, (Maori claims to self-determination) Protest on Saturday? They are both causes that involve people being killed by state authorities.

I urge people to not overemphasise any particular issue, as all the issues are equally relevant to the wider problem in society. They all stem from the same source. And if you are one of those people that criticised Alex, well get to know him before you post the comments that you have.

Being ’Real’ involves more than just a funky statement … ‘Y’all’


Spelling Mistakes

25.10.2007 15:39

Yeah ... that's " AVAAZ 'petition' in support of the 'protesters' in Burma

Only Human ...


Sign The Petition … and One Wish

25.10.2007 16:18

Although I am aware of the Custody Deaths issue that is being illustrated in the article above, I was not aware of the online petition. Nice one Naphtali (One Love) for pointing the online petition out. I do agree that if anybody cannot make the protest, then sign the petition. I have just signed it and it literally takes 3 minutes of your time … not much considering how long this injustice has been going on.

I have one wish … and one wish only. That all … and I mean all Grass Roots / Independent individuals and organisations partaking in left, far left and extreme left activities consolidate as one movement and mobilise for a single protest and march to parliament …outlining all the various issues as one voice, as one people.

Object Refuse Resist Abuse


subscribe to the custody death newsletter ...

25.10.2007 19:15

... or: why don't you recognise injustice when it happens on your doorstep?

dear don, thanks for letting everybody know who's the really big fish in the pond (and who not).

on a less ironical note, as i perceive it nobody got personal about alex, also it wasn't actually about the people organising the fair, but about the 'hundreds of anarchists' attending it that he mentioned, which now would be missing the rally due to the rally's organisers fault, though up to now only a very, very small fraction of these ever made it to the annual custody death protest anyway -- a fact that's been labelled 'piss poor' also on these pages for quite a while now, see e.g.

on the other hand, don't you recognise it's a bit insulting to accuse people of "Being ’Real’ involves more than just a funky statement … ‘Y’all’", when they were merely pointing out that on the last sat of october actually the rally has a longer history than the fair? If not, at least to me that would seem to just prove the case ...

more generally speaking, every once in a while can't help but to wonder how many decent people protesting valid issues in countries far away seem to fail to even recognise the same shit happening at their very doorstep. while i stopped wondering for quite a while when it comes down to ngo's like amnesty etc, have to admit still amazes me how widesperead the same seems happening in the alternative/left/anarchist factions.

so if this cool march you wish for ever happens (and who couldn't be with you on that), hope i'm around, but also that the really shaming uk custody death toll will be featured prominently according to its relevance.

and until this march happens, still wish that a bit more people will join the annual u.f.f.c. protest, also next year and the the year after, or else do whatever you can to help making the problem a little better known, therefore increasing the pressure to stop these deaths that in general could be prevented easily (one reason why they never happen to posh people, but disproportionately often to coloured folks ...)

btw, 4wardever offers a excellent newsletter re: custody deaths, i'd like to urge everybody to subscribe!


So sad!

26.10.2007 22:14

I find it both sad and upsetting to see this tug of war by presumably good people!
As I said before, this is not a contest, and yes I do agree that one person cannot spread themselves to every cause - that's just impossible!

I am sure that Alex is a good person doing what he can, aren't we all?
Equally I have been involved in campaigning and building community projects since the mid seventies, not just in the UK but also in Africa, the Caribbean, Germany and numerous other places. I have worked with disaffected and brutalised communities and raised literally millions of ££'s in founding over the last 20+ years..... I don't make a song and dance about it - it’s just what I do!!
I would never attack anyone who can give less - circumstances are different for everyone.

Respect to all people that give what they can, but I also understand the difficulties that many ordinary affected families have to get involved, and to be quite honest when they see this sort of in-fighting it doesn't help any cause, it just drives people away.

Just do what you can - no more no less!!


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27.10.2007 17:17

some more background re: custody deaths & campaigns:



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