ENS Women: www.socialistfeminist.org.uk
Saturday 20 October, University of East London Docklands Campus (Cyprus DLR)
Throughout the day: stalls, exhibitions, film showings including Love, Honour and Disobey, a film by Southall Black Sisters; and A Place of Rage: women in the black civil rights movement; Salt of the Earth, a story of workers', Mexican-Americans' and women's struggle for liberty and dignity
Registration starts
Welcome and introduction to the event. Speakers will include Teodora Todorova from ENS Women/Feminist Fightback organising committee
12.35-1.45 Workshops
a) Is sexy always sexist? Speakers include: K Good (Shark Infested Waters); Sofie Buckland (ENS Women); anti-lads mags campaigners
b) Race, sex, class. Speakers include Priya Gopal, writer and activist
c) No sweat: women sweatshop workers fightback. Speaker from the No Sweat campaign and showing of the film China Blue, about garment workers' struggles in China
1.45-2.15 Lunch
Lunchtime workshop: Women in Darfur. Speaker: Jo Read (Day for Darfur)
2.15-3.30 Workshops
a) Ecofeminism? Socialism, feminism and ecology. Speakers include Women's Environment Network and Laura Sterry (Feminist Fightback)
b) Sexual liberation vs capitalism? Fighting homophobia. Speakers include Maria Exall (Communication Workers' Union executive; LGBT representative on TUC General Council)
c) Introduction to socialist feminism. Speaker: Laura Schwartz (Workers' Liberty)
3.35-4.50 Workshops
a) Feminism, imperialism and women in the Muslim-majority world. Yassamine Mather (Campaign for the Abolition of All Gender Based Misogynistic Legislation and Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran)
b) Debate on women's representation in politics. Speakers: Katy Clark (Labour MP for North Ayrshire and Arran), Jill Mountford (socialist council candidate in Lewisham); Sam Lyle (Warwick University), Ellie Crimbo (Oxford Women in Politics)
c) The "gender pay gap", low pay and the class struggle. Speakers include Marsha jane Thompson (London Unison youth activist); Jean Lane (teaching assistant and Unison activist in Tower Hamlets)
4.55-6 Action workshops
a) The fight for abortion rights. Speakers: RAG Irish pro-choice campaigners, Oxford Pro-Choice Forum, ENS Women, Abortion Rights (invited)
b) Feminists against borders. Speakers include: International Union of Sex Workers and ENS Women
6-7 Closing plenary: what future for socialist feminism?
Speakers include Eva Caradonna (IUSW), Amrit Wilson (South Asia Solidarity Group and author of Dreams, Questions, Struggles: South Asian Women in Britain), Heather Shaw (ENS Women), Laurie Penny (Red Pepper magazine). Collection for striking Fremantle care workers in Barnet
Followed from 8pm by a social at the Ivy House, 8-10 Southampton Row, two minutes from Holborn tube, to raise money for Iranian women's liberation organisations
Feminist Fightback presents
"Show us your art, love!" is an exhibition of work by women artists. This diverse collection aims to raise the profile of new women artists, and to highlight the inequality they face in a male dominated art world. It is hosted by the Feminist Fightback conference (Saturday 20 October - see

Come along and make a donation...
Private view
Where: Atrium, UEL Docklands campus (Cyprus DLR)
When: 5-10pm, Friday 19 October 2007
Where, Atrium, UEL
When: 20-21 October
Louise Gold 07746 759 773 /

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