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Peter Tatchell disrupts Paletine rally

stelios Ioannou | 12.10.2007 16:39 | Anti-racism | Iraq | Palestine | London

Peter Tatchell disrupts Palestine rally

Peter Tatchell the anti Muslim campaigner has been up to his old tricks again.
This week he attended a Pro Palestinian rally in central London and managed to disrupt it again and divert attention from the message.
Al Quds pro-Palestinian march and rally in took place in Trafalgar Square in London last Sunday, 7 October 2007. The Al Quds demonstration was supported by the left-wing Respect Party, 1990 Trust, Muslim Association of Britain, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Federation of Student Islamic Societies.
The post-march Trafalgar Square rally was addressed by the Respect Party MP, George Galloway, and the former Daily Express journalist, Yvonne Ridley.

The Al Quds protest was in support of justice for the Palestinian people.
However Peter Tatchell's unwelcome and provocative attendance managed to disrupt the event. As most people know Tatchell has long been an anti Muslim and anti Palestinian campaigner who is also a person who wrote and spoke in support of the war in Iraq and has recently been campaigning for an attack to take place in Iran.
I suggest we write to Peter Tatchell to inform him to stay away from any Stop The War and other such events. I also suggest we write to the Guardian and the New Statesman to get Tatchell removed from his job which he has used to spew his pro war vitriol and anti Muslim rhetoric and anti Palestinian bile.

Tatchell acting as a deliberate provocateur at a Palestinian rally.
Let’s read a few quotes from Tatchell himself writing in his column in the New Statesman. Lesbian and Gay organisations had called for a boycott of Israel which had organised an event to be staged in Jerusalem . "We ask you to join us in a boycott of travel to World Pride Jerusalem 2006 as part of the international boycott of Israel and the campaign to divest from Israel ."
However Tatchell wrote in his website
The call for a boycott of World Pride in Jerusalem may seem an appropriate response to Israel 's illegal occupation of Palestinian land in defiance of successive UN resolutions calling for withdrawal.
On careful reflection OutRage! believes a boycott would be a big mistake. While supporting justice for the Palestinian people, we oppose calls for a boycott of World Pride, which is being held in Jerusalem from 6-12 August 2006.

Regarding the war in Iraq Peter Tatchell said

Peter Tatchell stood in front of Tony Blair and held a banner which read wrote:
"Arm the Kurds! Topple Saddam"
He took this action BEFORE the invasion of Iraq proving to Mr Blair that he had the support of the former Labour candidate.

“I am marching against war on Iraq but with feelings of ambivalence. The Stop the War campaign ignores Saddam's human rights abuses: detention without trial, torture, execution and the ethnic cleansing of Kurds and Shias”

While rejecting war, it offers no counter-strategy for overthrowing the "Butcher of Baghdad".

We should help train and arm a Free Iraq army inside the safe havens of the northern and southern no-fly zones, as we supported the Free French forces and the French resistance during the Second World War. From these safe havens, the Iraqi opposition could launch military operations against Saddam Hussein, creating liberated areas around the major towns, leading to an eventual assault on Baghdad . The Kurds in the north already have large armies. The Shias and Marsh Arabs in the south want to take on Saddam. All they need is training and weapons. Pincer movements from the north and south could encircle Baghdad within six months.”

Hardly the words of a peace campaigner:
These are Peter Tatchell's actual words AGAINST the impending war in Iraq . Now excuse me for pointing out the obvious but this is exactly the kind of DOUBLESPEAK we have seen in 1984. While on the face of it appearing to be anti war he is nevertheless justifying and encouraging it by undermining the Stop the War movement.
Please check the links these are all Tatchell's own words.
Like his article on 911 and Iran . Doublespeak.

Read Tatchell’s own recent words about Iran :
The case for regime change is overwhelming
A democratic, progressive Iran would pose no threat to anyone.
Iran is a dangerous, terrorist, fundamentalist, anti-Semitic dictatorship, which is striving to develop nuclear weapons and which poses a serious threat to international peace and security.
If Iran was no longer a fanatical religious tyranny, the case for war would evaporate.
Jihadis and suicide bombers.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking: Ahmedinajad is the ELECTED President of a country that has neither invaded nor occupied anybody else's country, nor engaged in mass murder, let alone genocide, a country that has sought its legal rights to peaceful nuclear technology and has complied with the IAEA.

In contrast, the US has invaded two countries, transforming them into blood-soaked rubble, with the survivors enjoying neither legal nor human rights, and provides financial and political support for the Israeli genocide and war crimes against a third people, the Palestinians (not to mention the vicious Israeli bombing of Lebanon last summer). Neither the US nor its "ally" Israel, are members of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, nor do they allow inspections of their massive arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which they wantonly use to commit some of the worst war crimes and crimes against humanity in human history.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with a group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friendship. The rabbis carried a placard which read, "I am Jewish not a Zionist."

A senior rabbi of the group said that they considered the visit to New York of President Ahmadinejad as an exceptional opportunity and would never forget it. He referred to the Iranian president as a person who made a distinction between Jews and Zionists.

"You understand us and make a distinction between the violent behaviour of Zionists and the religious beliefs of Jews," said the senior rabbi who called President Ahmadinejad "a pious man who is seeking to restore peace in the world and has humanitarian plans." Appreciating the rabbis for their gift, President Ahmadinejad said he was happy to visit them.

Read what Ken Livingstone has to say about Tatchell:
“Clearly, Tatchell, whom I strongly defended against homophobia when he was selected as the Labour candidate in Bermondsey, has lost his political bearings and constructed a fantasy world in which the main threat we face, worse than the far right, is Islamic fundamentalist hordes.

It is not surprising that this approach takes him into a de facto alliance with the American neo-cons and Israeli intelligence services who want to present themselves as defending western "civilisation" against more "backward" civilisations in the Middle East and elsewhere.”
Ken Livingstone’s actual words

Peter Tatchell is a bitter Islamophobic journalist. Who although having been a former Labour candidate is now running as a Green Party candidate for the Oxford West constituency.
Obviously nobody should ever consider voting Labour EVER because anyone who votes Labour has the blood of a million dead Muslims on their hands. But I think nobody can vote for the Green party either as long as Tatchell remains their candidate and it goes without saying that nobody should but the Guardian or the New Statesman until Tatchell is relieved of his position. Once he is sacked his ability to ferment Islamophobic and pro war rhetoric will be diminished.

stelios Ioannou


Hide the following 29 comments

Tatchell exposed (matron!)

12.10.2007 17:19

It seems Muslims aren't the only people Mr Tatchell doesn't like. LGBT human rights defenders in Africa have issued a call for people to boycott Tatchell and his organization Outrage! for putting their lives at risk with his provocative and attention-seeking antics.

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Doubts about Tatchell

12.10.2007 18:44

While I believe his comment about the Iraq War about the Stop the War Coalition I thought was fair enough acually - ("While rejecting war, it offers no counter-strategy for overthrowing the "Butcher of Baghdad") - his comments about Iran are seriously dodgy. Serious doubts pervade about Tatchall's activities over time and the timing of them in relation to shifting geopolitical tensions at any one time



12.10.2007 19:05

i just entered 'peter tatchell' into google to see what i could find - and to my amazement, the first listing, his official website, is described as 'Peter Tatchell - for human rights, queer freedom, democracy, global justice, peace and ecological sustainability. - 2k'

This guy is just one big human contradiction! How can he even claim to champion peace and human rights? Maybe he's just stupid. In which case, why is he being given column inches in 'serious' national newspapers?


Anti muslim or anti homophobic?

12.10.2007 19:40

If being against homophobia is anti-Muslim then I think most on the left must be then.


Tatchell - an honourable man

12.10.2007 20:24

These postings are a hatchet-job which totally misrepresent what Peter stands for. Can I suggest that people go to Peter's website to learn what he supports, not listen to what others maliciously claim he supports. see or

Peter has always been resolutely against the war in Iraq and was at the Troops out rally outside Parliament last Monday. If you don't like Tatchell, so be it. Get out there and work for Peace instead of compiling hatchet jobs on a man that is doing it.

Sid Phelps
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Tatchell wasn't the only misguided counter-protester there

12.10.2007 21:59

"The counterprotest was organized by the popular British [pro-Iraq war] blog "Harry's Place‚" under the banner "Oppose the Government of Iran, support the people of Iran." It included a variety of individuals, Jewish and non-Jewish, from all along the political spectrum: Iranian dissident groups and individuals stood with human rights campaigners, socialist groups like the Alliance for Workers' Liberty and anarchist group Class War.

"We wanted to see if we could pull together people from across the political spectrum, from communists to liberals, who support democracy and human rights in Iran and oppose the current murderous regime," Dave T., the [pro-Iraq war] proprietor of "Harry's Place" and organizer of the counter-demo, told The Jerusalem Post.

From the Jerusalem Post report of the Al-Quds counter-demo:

Point of information

He is still right though

13.10.2007 12:39

Tatchell tells the truth about some Muslim countries.

Just because some dont like hearing it does not make it innacurate.

For most of the Muslim world homophobia is rife


Sectarian Nonsense!

13.10.2007 17:00

I can only echo the sensible comments of Oxford Sid above that people should visit the Comment Is Free Article by Tatchell and judge for themselves. They will see that a huge number of the commentators below his article are positive, and very few hold the jaundiced view of "Stelios" above. Indeed I would go as far as to suggest, that if this is not a piece of sectarian nonsense from some inexperienced and hysterical "We are all Hizbollah" drone, then it sounds very much like a piece of spook shit stirring. Saying Tatchell is "anti-Palestine" is a gross smear - Tatchell helped found the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. Tatchell was at the demo to show solidarity with Palestinians and the Iranian people (not their reactionary governments and not the medievalist bullies who threatened him with violence). It is no coincidence, perhaps, that this attack on Tatchell comes at the same time as sectarian attacks are launched from shady quarters on the even-handed and pro-Iranian workers (not pro-Iranian Regime) Hands Off The People of Iran Campaign, (HOPI) which is supported by a wide range of Left groups and parties who do not follow the slavishly pro-theocracy/pro-reactionary line of less critical groups who shall remain nameless.

The attacks on the Green Party and calls for Tatchell to lose his widely respected columns in the Guardian and New Statesman reveal the real agenda of the so-called "Stelios".

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what about the African LGBTI stories?

13.10.2007 18:57

Anyone with half a brain who actually reads Tatchell's words rather than those attributed to him can see his stance on Palestine and Iran is pretty valid.

Of more concern, though is the story told by the link in the above comment:

If these allegations are true then they certainly don't paint a great picture of Tatchell and co.

Can anyone shed any light on this? What is Outrage/Tatchell's side of the story?


Che Guevara Quote

14.10.2007 09:22

“If you tremble indignation at EVERY INJUSTICE then you are a comrade of mine.”

Tatchell might have been misguided, in that he didn't consult with the Africans, but, he did see the injustices, he should have consulted with them. His heart was in the right place.


If he's not a spook he's doing a good impression of one

14.10.2007 16:47

I went to Pride a few months ago and saw a lot of Muslims, gay and straight, who took part. In stark contrast, the only Christians I saw there that day were 'Christian Voice' who were there to protest and shout insults at those taking part - alongside the NF.

And who has been responsible for gay-bashings and gay murders in recent years? Muslims? No Peter, white men.

So why is Tatchell so hell-bent on pretending that the problem is 'Islam' when the gay community and the Muslim community are both targets of bigotry and hate by the same reactionary forces?

Perhaps he's losing the plot the older he gets.

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14.10.2007 18:47

I'm not disputing that his heart is in the right place. However, the allegation went further than merely passively failing to consult local activists; it was that OutRage repeatedly actively *ignored* requests from local activists to stop issuing press releases that were endangering local activists, in one case going so far as to issue another straight after receiving the request to stop.

If that's true it smacks of irresponsible ego-driven campaigning.

Obviously anyone (running for MP) who thinks they have the right to make decisions for tens of thousands of people must have something of an over-inflated ego; it's practically part of the job description :-)

I'd still rather Tatchell be elected in Oxford East (not Oxford West as the poster mistakenly said) than any of the usual politicians. But let's not pretend electing radicals to positions of power will fix the system itself.

Anyway, as I said before, I'd still like to hear the other side of the story.



14.10.2007 18:56

I'm not disputing that his heart is in the right place. However, the allegation went further than merely passively failing to consult local activists; it was that OutRage repeatedly actively *ignored* requests from local activists to stop issuing press releases that were endangering local activists, in one case going so far as to issue another straight after receiving the request to stop.

If that's true it smacks of irresponsible ego-driven campaigning.

Obviously anyone (running for MP) who thinks they have the right to make decisions for tens of thousands of people must have something of an over-inflated ego; it's practically part of the job description :-)

I'd still rather Tatchell be elected in Oxford East (not Oxford West as the poster mistakenly said) than any of the usual politicians. But let's not pretend electing radicals to positions of power will fix the system itself.

Anyway, as I said before, I'd still like to hear the other side of the story.


Where are the Moderators?

14.10.2007 20:20

Is this a free-for-all or are there moderators in the background somewhere? I see an awful lot of unsubstantiated assertions above and worse. Take it down now!



The usual 9/11 cult suspects..

14.10.2007 22:35

Whatever disagreements I may (or may not) have with Peter Tatchell, he is one of the bravest, most determined, and articulate anti-establishment figures around today. He has earnt, the hard way, the right to criticise homophobic regimes, wherever they exist.

On the other hand, the originator of this thread Stelios, is an inveterate poster of anti-semitic garbage on the 9/ forum. Probably not even his real name anyway.

The idea that the deluded fools who comprise the 9/11 cult should accuse anybody of being 'spooks' when they were taken in utterly by the False Flag Messiah David Shayler (Mi5) and still give credence to his former partner Annie Machon (MI5) is so absurd as to be almost amusing.

If anybody wants to see just what outer fringe of Barking Central Stelios & his chums come from, visit the web-site, and the associated 9/11 cult blog run by Paul Stott, and the Notes From the Borderland web-site. An article detailing Shayler/Machon infiltration of the sad cult is on-line at

Now its time for the cultists to head for the bunkers--a huge ZOG aitship firing beams is entering UK airspace, to abduct cultists to take them to Bohemiam Grove for a cannibal breakfast.

Larry O'Hara
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One man disrupts an entire rally?

15.10.2007 00:30

Whatever you think of Tatchell, he has nerve. He might not always be right, but I wish some other people had his courage.

go pete

Larry loves those fucking shekels

15.10.2007 01:14

Larry likes to boast about how militant he is, yet is controlled by Mossad.

He's probably earned more from MI5 than the fat Shaylor and his dog Machon.

Lairy O'Hairy

almost funny...

15.10.2007 03:34

the above 2 line post has four inaccuracies--impressive. Now troll off, you anonymous coward.

Larry O'Hara
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The allegations

15.10.2007 07:11

The allegations in the linked article seem pretty well substantiated to me.

Tatchell's 'job' appears to be one of sowing dissension among the left as well as trying to discredit progressive forces. Unfortunately he's very good at both.


From the horse's mouth....

15.10.2007 07:34

Here is a copy of the response by Peter Tatchell and OutRage! to the smears against them by certain sectarian LGBT activists and repeated in the Monthly Review. Judge for yourself. I am pretty disgusted that people can stoop to false allegatiuons in order to score political points against Tatchell and OutRage!

African campaign disagreements

OutRage! responds to false, sectarian smears

London – 20 February 2007

On 30 January 2007, a group of African activists issued a news release headed:

“African LGBTI Human Rights Defenders Warn Public Against Participation in Campaigns Concerning LGBTI Issues in Africa Led by Peter Tatchell and Outrage!”

Here is the response of OutRage! and Peter Tatchell.

Kizza Musinguzi, African Affairs spokesperson for OutRage! and a Ugandan gay rights activist, said:

"These are untrue, sectarian allegations. They are made mostly by people who have never had any contact with Peter Tatchell or OutRage! Since we have not run any campaigns concerning their countries, how can they accuse us of treating them badly?

“They have been fed lies about us by more conservative gay activists in Africa and the US who hate OutRage!’s radicalism and are jealous of our effective campaigns.

“Those who signed the anti-OutRage! statement did so on the basis of allegations that are entirely false. Some signatories signed in good faith, but they were hoodwinked by people who are out to destroy OutRage!

"OutRage! has always acted in response to appeals for help from Nigerian and Ugandan LGBTI groups. We supported their struggles. Most African groups recognise this. Only a small minority signed the letter denouncing us. We continue to work with all the Nigerian gay groups and two of the Ugandan gay groups. We enjoy their confidence and support. If we had done anything wrong, they would not still be working with us. Even some of the people who signed the letter criticising us are now working with us again. They realise the allegations against us were unfair.

“Nigerian and Ugandan gay groups are divided, with different groups pursuing different agendas and tactics. It is partly a divide between well-funded groups and volunteer grassroots activists, and between reformists and radicals. OutRage! supports them all, but works most closely with the grassroots radicals. The more reformist groups resent this. They don’t like the fact that we work with the radicals, who they see as rivals. They want exclusive control of the gay rights movement in their country. Many do little or no work with African progressive parties and human rights groups, whereas OutRage! and its African allies advocate cooperation between gay rights groups and left parties, trade unions and civil society movements.

“Some of this dispute is also about money. There is competition for funding. Certain organisations see others as competitors. They want to be seen to be doing all the important work, so they can get the lion’s share of the funding.

“According to the mostly conservative African groups who condemned us, the proposed new Nigerian anti-gay legislation was dead and there was no need to campaign against it. This lulled everyone into a false sense of security. Acting on warnings from our Nigerian activist allies that the legislation was likely to be revived, OutRage! urged a global campaign against the new law. Some of the conservative groups saw us as challenging their power and authority. That is why they denounced us and tricked others into signing their statement, based on lurid untrue allegations. In fact, OutRage! and our Nigerian allies were proven correct. The legislation was revived and the international LGBTI movement was caught napping," said Mr Musinguzi.

His views are echoed by Peter Tatchell:

"I have supported every African liberation movement struggle for nearly 40 years – in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Eritrea, Darfur and the Western Sahara," said Mr Tatchell.

“For two decades, I have worked in solidarity with African gay groups. Indeed, I initiated the first international campaign to support the newly emergent African LGBTI movements in the early 1980s, fund-raising for their cause. Until now, no African LGBTI groups have complained or criticised my work. All have appreciated the support given to their campaigns.

"Contrary to the allegations made against us, our news releases do not contain untrue information, we do not exaggerate homophobic repression, our campaigns have not caused damage and we have never put anyone's life in danger. These smears are being spread by reformist political opponents in Africa and the US who are trying to discredit OutRage! to advance their own agendas.

I challenge anyone to show where OutRage! news releases are inaccurate, exaggerated or reckless – or European chauvinist. Such claims are politically-motivated smears.

“Our critics are nearly all paid professional NGO officials. Some are funded by the west. Some are full-time lobbyists who oppose grassroots activism and direct action protests. They say all campaigning should be left to them. Their denunciations look like a bid to maintain their exclusive control over the LGBTI human rights movement in Africa. A number of the signatories resent the fact that OutRage! works with and supports African grassroots groups that they see as rivals.

"A week before these activists denounced us, we halted our Nigerian campaign. We have not campaigned on Uganda for five months. So why did they denounce us?

"This vendetta has nothing to do with gay rights. Certain groups seem more interested in fighting other activists than in fighting homophobia. Their petty jealousies and political sectarianism is undermining the campaign for gay equality in Africa,” said Mr Tatchell.

Peter Tatchell writes: The subsequent Monthly Review article is a complete hatchet job by far left sectarians. Not one of its allegations is true, including the absurd claim that we kept issuing news releases after being asked not too. The vast majority of African LGBT groups continue to work closely with OutRage!

Sid Phelps
mail e-mail:

Thanks for that post Sid

15.10.2007 08:48

Personally I believe that Tatchell has stood up for what he believes in, despite him proving unpopular with some on the "left". He has some solid things to say, he seems consistent in that he does stand up for "leftist" causes, and he isn't afraid to speak out.

He might have his flaws, we all have them don't we, but I feel that he has always done his best to stay consistent in his principles.



15.10.2007 09:44

To say Tatchell is a 'spook' is taking paranoia a little far.



15.10.2007 11:32

While he may or may not be spooky, one thing is incontrovertible: he's a complete self-serving wanker with absolutely no regard for the opinions or the well-being of others.


Not true

15.10.2007 13:47

While he may or may not be spooky, one thing is incontrovertible: he's a complete self-serving wanker with absolutely no regard for the opinions or the well-being of others.


Considering the sacrifices (physical well being, comfort, finances) that Peter Tatchell has made over the years and continues to make, considering his acute awareness of opinions other than his own and the fact the whole reason for his activism is his concern for the well being of others, you comicopera have nothing intelligent to say! When you have a tiny fraction of his personal courage and well tuned judgement you can feel free to criticise him, maybe.


Moving along

15.10.2007 17:03

> the gist of this Tatchell's unwelcome and provocative attendance managed to disrupt the event

What a lame event it is that can't contend with a single demonstrator who the organisers (or is it just you?) don't approve of!

You know what, if you call a rally, people are going to come. If you don't want them to come then don't call a rally. This isn't rocket science. Twat.

SWPee the auto-trot

Smear campaign against Peter Tatchell

26.10.2007 12:06

We understand that a significant number of people have been emailed a series of unfounded and defamatory allegations against the human rights campaigner and Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford East, Peter Tatchell.

They include entirely false allegations that Peter Tatchell is anti-Muslim, supported the Iraq war, opposes the rights of the Palestinian people and advocates a military strike on Iran.

These wild, untrue allegations against Peter were emailed last week by Karl Khan / Stelios Ioannou. They are being made by a person who is a member of the Respect Party. They are part of a sectarian campaign to gain political advantage by smearing Peter Tatchell and the Green Party.

The charge of Islamophobia is particularly reprehensible, since half the prisoners and asylum seekers that Peter is helping – gay and straight – are Muslim. Peter has campaigned against fundamentalists in all religions, never against people of faith in general. He has supported, at considerable risk to his own safety, many Muslims who have been victims of violent attack by fundamentalists, both in Britain and aboard.

The suggestion that Peter is anti-Palestinian is equally absurd. He was a founding member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in 1982. He has campaigned for nearly 40 years against Israel’s illegal occupation and for an independent Palestinian state.

He has consistently opposed the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and US preparations for war on Iran.

If you are in any doubt, we would advise you to go to Peter Tatchell's website:

Please read Tatchell in his own words. Thousands of his articles, speeches and news releases are archived there. None support the Iraq war or an attack on Iran. None back George Bush or the neo cons. None are racist or Islamophobic. None support Zionism or imperialism, as Karl Khan / Stelios Ioannou claims.

You can also read the archive of Tatchell's Guardian articles here:

Again, none of these articles support any of the outrageous defamatory allegations made by Karl / Stelios.

You can also read a biography of Tatchell here, which shows that Tatchell is the exact opposite of Karl / Stelios's misrepresentations:

Read this and judge for yourself. You will see that Karl / Stelios is resorting to dirty political tricks to gain political advantage and to discredit a person who has worked for human liberation – for all people everywhere – for 40 years.

Finally, please view Peter’s weekly TV interview show, Talking with Tatchell. You can view the archived programmes on demand.

Here is a link to his recent programme, exposing western plans to grab Iraq’s oil:

On the right-hand side of the screen you can scroll up and down to view on demand the entire archive of Peter’s TV programmes.

Best wishes and solidarity!

Friends of Peter Tatchell

Amelia G

Karl Khan / Stelios - bizarre, ill-founded claims

26.10.2007 12:34

If Peter Tatchell is pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian, as Karl Khan / Stelios claims, why are the Zionists denouncing Tatchell?

See the attack on Tatchell and others in The Jerusalem Post, made by the pro-Israel hawk, Alan Dershowitz':

According to Dershowitz:

"Peter Tatchell who is a member of the gay rights group called Out Rage! and of the extreme left-wing of the green party. He too is virulently anti-Israel and favors boycotts of the "the oppressive Israel state."

Karl Khan / Stelios is obviously talking nonsense with his increasingly bizarre, ill-founded claims that Tatchell is anti-Palestinian.



26.10.2007 13:05

Since when did Alan "torture is a good thing" Dershowitz ever get anything right?

This is at least the 3rd pro-Palestine rally that Tatchell has provoked, definitely time to read something into it.

Finkelstein's Folly

The other side

06.11.2007 02:43

You've read Tatchell account and the JPost account of the Al-Quds Day demo, now read the other side:

1. Full account including all speeches in mp3 (Galloway, etc) and 40 minute video

2. A report on the counter-demo organized by Tatchell, the neo-cons at Harry's Place, Workers Liberty, zionists, etc:

Its a real eye opener.



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