London Indymedia

Bash The Rich March on November 3rd - 'TOFFS OUT!'

(A) | 10.10.2007 16:12 | London


March on David 'Lord Snooty' Camerons house in Notting Hill on Saturday 3rd November.
Detouring to the swanky homes of the Notting Hill set George Osbourne, Tom Parker Bowles....etc

Class War back on the agenda (Bullingdon Club attire optional)

Meet 2pm Portobello Road

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Hide the following 48 comments

What is this event about?

10.10.2007 17:42

'Oi Rich Bastard'? Wow, you'll really bring together the working class with that title. Perhaps next time you plan event, don't drink Special Brew. I'm betting 6 people or less will turn up to this waste of time.

Robert Rick

The online book

10.10.2007 18:48

on your site is very good



10.10.2007 19:22

Posties are on strike, the NHS is being ripped apart, british troops occupy iraq and afghanistan and class war in its endless genius organise a march for anarhco punks, its not that productive for our movement is it?

Chris Strafford
mail e-mail:

this is a joke

10.10.2007 19:38

be there on time or you wont be able to get your favourite seat in the pig pen


internet warriors....

10.10.2007 21:53

....are a joke. "oh your not doing any favours for our movement!" - and sitting at your computer being some fuckin asshole is? Listen, nowt has happened in this country fer a long fucking time. Swiss anti fascists destroy a fascist meeting and close down the streets while over here we ponce around trafalgar square with the likes of tony benn and george fuckin galloway. Its time to make a statement, tell the rich to fuck off, make life uncomfortable for the etonian toffs who sit so proudly in parliament.
3rd of november - i'll be there.


Robert Rick

10.10.2007 21:58

The poster is supposed to be humourous, if you possessed a sense of humour you would understand that, but clearly you don't.
In my opinion i think this march is a sound idea. Anarchism isn't just about vegan food y'know....


Just do it

10.10.2007 23:56

And hope you get numbers. See you there. Get ready for the TSG.

Just do it

Class war

11.10.2007 08:34

Class War always was by and for piss-heads, serious alcoholics and others prone to violence.
Massive damage done to the movement for change / justice / equality by these non-thinking clowns.
They always were a bunch of deluded bitter bone-clones.
No good for anything but screaming and shouting at their own piss-poor drunken parties.

Sally P
mail e-mail:

Another puritan pseud

11.10.2007 10:08

Fuck off Sally P and you other purtitan middle class scumbags - We've put up with you liberal tossers for much too long giving each other your pretend jobs and pretend resistance from your fat and poxy NGO poverty pimps and bandwaggons du jour ( homelessness,environment etc.) - yours is the real violence so stick your stuckup nose up your arse.

By the way.Do you realise this country cannot feed itself! Reclaim our land and off with their heads.

Peasants against Liberaltossers

Politicians, Toffs, Corp Execs, Rich Bastards, Royals, Middle Class Liberals....

11.10.2007 10:54




11.10.2007 11:55

sallypeeing herself is worried

Gnarled nuckels


11.10.2007 12:01

> "anarhco"
is spelt anarcho.

Good luck with the march!

who am i ?

11.10.2007 12:36

I've got a job (30k) working for charities / NGO's - am veggie, middle-class type i suppose (you British and your classes.!!), I live in a co-op, I cycle, don't own a house and can't afford one either - so am I ok ? Do I get a slap, a tickle, a Bash.?? It's so hard to know these days..!!


ah the Peasants

11.10.2007 12:46

Peasants against Liberaltossers - what is it you do all day..??

I reackon you're NOT workign the land or some such activity which makes you 'working class' - the whole debate going on here is boring and typical - you're simply being pawns in the whole 'divide and rule' game perpetrated foever by those with power.

Fuck the police? Yes I agree, but you seem to be doing their job for them. Split, divide, spread hate and negativity, all this lets them sit back on their safe powerful thrones and relax whilst everyone else fights and slags each other off.. Historically this has always gone on, and you with your little club are playing right into that history. Pointless.

The sentiments aren't pointless - but the route and methods you're using really are - pretentious nonsense about the middle classes, liberals etc.. what are you, a fascist.? I hop and doubt it so why make yourself out as different - you're only making yourself alienated and more alone, but you're probably used to that - too scared to be otherwise..

Any route which can't manage to accept others is flawed and reeks of cowardice. Sad but true.

By the way - are you a peasant with a mobile phone :-)


Assumptions as per usual!

11.10.2007 13:04

Unlike Ian Bone, my working-class family could not afford to send me to University.

I have experienced opression - repression - depression - suppression all my life.

And I am above-average effective in doing something about it locally and globally.

Which is more than can be said for Class-war!


Lords and Lady bountfiuls

11.10.2007 13:08

Mmmm…..30k. Presumably you are highly skilled to earn that much. Hopefully you are not another bourgeois fundraiser/administrator with nothing to offer except your ability to communicate with others who work in the middle class job creation club that charities and NGOs represent. Cleaners, waiters, and the unemployed know who those people are and despise them. By the way that’s not just in Britain.

Mrs Mop


11.10.2007 13:29

is actually spelt oppression.

still checkin'


11.10.2007 14:06

well done cj, if we knew that all we had to do to build our movement was to tell the rich to fuck off we wouldnt have to actually go about having postal strikes and anti privatisation demos we could just get pissed and walk round london and wherever the rich live and tell them to fuck off. Its amazing that such a simple idea could save us so much time and effort in actual struggle.

If you was at the banned anti war demo you would also know that the fences were taken down and there were spontaneous sit down protests, bit more than having a nice stroll with benn and galloway aye?

Its not middle class or liberal to be against such stupidity, go and have fun on your little punks day out whilst the class struggle is going on in our sorting offices, hospitals, railways, schools, etc etc.

Chris Strafford
mail e-mail:

Spelling Vs Priorities

11.10.2007 14:46

Well done the spelling police for showing me how I spelt opression wrongly!

I must be edukashunly sub-normal ............ my my.

If you were ever so slightly bigger minded you might actually achieve something you radical you!

Never mind, have yourself a Special-brew on me.



11.10.2007 14:55

a few protestors knocked over a fence and had a little sit down in the road....the ruling classes must be quaking in their boots!!!



11.10.2007 15:17

Ian Bone crashes the platform holding up a poster ...............the ruling classes must be quaking in their boots!!!


Kill em all

11.10.2007 15:55

with compassion.And add tabloid journalists to the bashing list


Gives a whole new

11.10.2007 16:00

meaning to goin clubbing.


Fred and his clubbing mates,

11.10.2007 16:39

You may or may not have noticed Fred, but your rich 'enemies' have got nukes .......... would you care to enlighten us as to how you intend to dis-arm them?

Or perhaps if you shout 'fuck off' loudly they will surrender?


Dead mans fingers

11.10.2007 17:17

don't press buttons Sal


Why not?

11.10.2007 17:45

WHY NOT fred?


Go on SallyP

11.10.2007 17:51

Press the buttons.

- Homepage:

progress already

11.10.2007 19:12

the bash the rich march is being well effective before its started!

liberal lefty moderates and their apologists here on imc seem to be running scared trying to cause a bitch fight claiming that 'their movement' (LOL!!!!!!!!) has been hijacked by anarcho punks (!!!!), whilst others claim that sitting down in the road for a few minutes may just kick the revolution off to topple the upper class wankers who believe they have dominion over our lives and deaths.

Give cameron and other etonian asswipes in the area a big FUCK OFF & DIE from me!


Basher & Nasher


11.10.2007 19:31

this prolier-than-thou 'debate' is infinitely more embarassing than any demo could be...

bottom line- turn up if you want, stay at home if you want. end of.

the bosses and the state do plenty enough ruining our lives, let's not help em out too much, eh...!


Come on Sal

11.10.2007 19:40

Join me



11.10.2007 23:33

was there at the demo. had finished work and thought i would see a few friends. made me pretty resolute in thinking that i will never go on a STWC march again. pure bullshit.
but what is this bash the rich day going to acheive other than get people arested? surely if you were serious in your sentiment, then something more akin to getting a few of your friends together and doing an unadvertised attack on some rich and their possesions - like some of the £1/4million cars you see driving around parts of chelsea - would be in order.
it seems that this event will just be an excuse for FIT to get more information on people and nothing concrete is going to happen....?
mabe some proper response from people other than one liners....


Unity is strength!

12.10.2007 11:17

Reading all this made me think of the old Trade Union (remember those?) saying, "unity is strength". Too much time fighting each other and wasting time and energy which should be used for fighting the real enemy in Britain and elsewhere in the world.

Fight the rich, ruling class and their whores in government and business etc. By any means necessary!

Thatcher got the unions, make sure they don't succeed in dividing us. Concentrate on getting rid of them!

Rosa Revenge

well said that Rosa

12.10.2007 12:40

See them fighting for power (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!),
But they know not the hour (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!),;
So they bribing with their guns, spare-parts and money,
Trying to belittle our
Integrity now.
They say what we know
Is just what they teach us;
And we're so ignorant
'Cause every time they can reach us (shoobe, doo-wa)
Through political strategy (shoo-be, doo-wa);
They keep us hungry (shoobe, doo-wa),
And when you gonna get some food (shoobe, doo-wa),
Your brother got to be your enemy, we-e-ell!

from Ambushed in the night
Robert Nesta Marley



12.10.2007 20:40

You're going to protest agains Cameron because he went to Eton?

Get over yourselves. You don't like rich people in government, well join a party, or failing for that be an independant candidate. Try actually using the political system.

You aren't working class if you don't work. Most of the anarchists I've met have been middle class kids who just want to be 'rebellious'.

Face it, it isn't the 1800s, the working classes don't live in slums, just about anyone can become an MP, the whole of society (over 18) has the vote. Why does anarchism need to flog the dead donkey of socialism?

You want a big house or a big car? Work for it. It's a little thing called business, guess what, it means people like richard branson can go from rags to riches, creating jobs for thousands of people whilst they do so, and creating the economic success that we have today.

James Hilton

James Hilton

12.10.2007 22:41

You are an ignorant middle class prick.

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal"



13.10.2007 05:36

robbed his employer over the wekend with a deposit he held and an insider deal that paid off on the following monday,want proof see the sunday times mag 1975 ish.round about the same time john lennon fucked him on owning the sound of john and yoko,all he got was a tape off lennon of yoko 's pregnancy with a heart beat.fucked well and truly,,,ask the cunt and watch him squirm.


We MEAN it man!

13.10.2007 12:29

I think Hilton is way off the mark.Someone should send him some reading matter to enlighten him, methinks he has spent too much time reading the Financial Times. How about reading Schnews for a change? You would get a grounding from that at least.

The whole point is WE DON'T WANT A BIG HOUSE AND A BIG CAR! We reject those symbols of gross consumer capitalism.

I suggest Hilton tries to educate himself as to what anarchism involves. There is no room for consumerist tat in our world.

He should go along on the 3rd November and experience some class action. Is he up to it though?

Rosa Revenge

Thought for the day......Roll up those trouser legs!

13.10.2007 12:36

Can I run this idea of mine on this site please?

To "upset" the ruling class and establishment in Britain, look to the Masonic Lodges.

Most of the Royals, the businessmen, Civil Service and Local government officials (male), criminals of note (eg Kenny Noye), Police and numerous spivs are Freemasons.

British systems are corrupted by them. They run a national network of child abuse.

So, get those handshakes worked out and visit the Lodges. Give them a surprise. Addresses are easy to find on the Internet.


is any one going,or just cat fighting on the internet?

15.10.2007 08:52

after working a 45 hour week,i pay my bills and have £60 pounds to spend on my family,i hate the rich,i am not without an education,its just you can not get a job above minimum wage unless you are a rolled up trouser,in with the boys,arse licker!my wife and myself will be going on the march(paying for a babysitter as we are coming from wales),so all you middle class wankers who are just gobbing off,keep your laptops on your knees(the radiation will stop anymore of your kind,or just mutate into more genetic freaks,probably with ginger hair called tarquin or isabell) xxx


Dress code....

15.10.2007 11:27

Don't worry, we are going and you will recognise us by our attire. So as the old bill get confused, we'll be in top hat, tails and evening dress. Top ho what!

Rosa Revenge


15.10.2007 13:44

i'll be there, in fact theres a fair few of us northerners coming down. 'ave it!

bash street kid

Middle Class Liberal Lefties Are Cunts

20.10.2007 23:21

Every member of the left should be behind showing the rich what we think of them. This isn't some stupid police approved march that's going to acheive fuck all. This is going to be a big fucking thing, even if numbers are low which I seriously doubt they will be. I'm not even an anarchist and I'll be there. I'm a Liberterian Socialist/ Autonomous Marxist and I'm right behind Class War on this. I suppose you'll be cringing about us clashing with the aristocracy?

See you there CJ!!!

- Homepage:

Nice One

27.10.2007 13:54

I think its a great idea. Bitching and moaning just turns a lot of people off. Thing is that people want to have a laugh and that doesn't mean they're idiots. It just means that if we all get stuck up about things and argue amongst ourselves there is less chance of anything being sorted out. All resistance is more useful than sitting on your arse. i don't live near london but class war has been useful in the sense that his helped me to know I'm not on my own if feeling like the world is being run by arseholes who shit on everyone to line their pockets. Life is too short to be a grumpy face all the time. Lets at least inject some humour and fun onto the movement. Clowns on stilts can fuck off, I aint interested. Good one guys. Someone smash up Camerons bike for me. Hes a tosser!

mail e-mail: [email address removed at request of the sender]


29.10.2007 10:22

Don't you think its a pretty poor example of Class War's priorities that they're doing this instead of going on the Save the NHS demo the same day? Who gives a fuck about telling a bunch of Old Etonians to "fuck off" when our healthcare system is being torn apart, jobs scrapped etc? I know the Eton bunch won't. I think it shows how detached from the working class this Class War is.

Call me a middle-class prick if you want but if I'm gonna go on a demo that day, it'll be on one to save my job.

health worker


30.10.2007 14:32

The class war demo was organised a long time before the NHS march. WHy not go on both, I will be.

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01.11.2007 16:38

I imagine this will be as successful as the 'Sack Parliament' action! Haha, who know, maybe I'll come down just to laugh my arse off as a bunch of sad 1980s punk throwbacks try and relive the Poll Tax riots (except it won't even be that interesting, they'll just end up drinking special brew behind police lines as always). What a sad shower this'll be.

big red

Behold, your future executioners.

01.11.2007 23:40

I take it that you're against marching against the aristocracy and the gentrification of working class areas. You'd probably rather go and watch George Galloway go and big up a Muslim dictator.

- Homepage:

don't be daft

02.11.2007 15:55

oh yeah, marching against the aristocracy, another of Class War's recent fuck ups. Cheers for reminding me of that one mate. And as if the monarchy are the most important issue for working class people these days. Not that our health service might go the way of America's. Galloway can hang for all I care, I want to be with other working class people fighting for their jobs, not a bunch of try-hard punks rehashing tired old tactics from 15 years ago.

big red


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