Paul Grignon's animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. (
This highly informative and easy to understand film covers just about everything that isn't taught in school regarding the corrupt banking system. It explains how these institutions get away with robbing the unsuspecting public by creating monetary policies designed to enslave society, while keeping the system in a perpetual state of rising debt.
Meanwhile, with the US economy teetering on the brink of collapse (still) we may also be showing Danny Schechter's new film 'In Debt We Trust' which looks out the fragile house of cards that is the modern day US dollar.
To top it all, we'll also be showing a film about a mysterious bank that suddenly appears on the Belgian market, a bank proud to invest in the arms industry, oil and gas, nuclear power, agrochemicals and companies violating their workers' rights. After weeks of outrage by the media and authorities it is revealed that the 'bank' is a hoax, an elaborate piece of activist theater designed to expose the routinely unethical investments made by all commercial banks.
Films start 8pm, 15 rampart street, London E1 2LA
entry free or a dollar, whichever you think is worth the most