ken's new security force in the square
the tiny hole - only sign of any real work
the fence is handy for banners

the workers rebuilt the fence using two sets of clamps where previously they had used one, and five 'chubb' security guards were left on site within the fenced area on behalf of the GLA. they have been there all day and look set to be a permanent fixture for the foreseeable future.
one of the new guards told me this afternoon that there was no work being done on the grass, but maintenance work is being carried out on some of the paving in preparation for a statue of lloyd george. indeed there is a small pile of rubble and a small fenced off hole in the walkway to verify this. the same guard was at a loss to explain why such a large area was cordoned off, but told me that his job was to ensure that the fences remain intact and that nobody should gain access.
'paul cavanagh' from the london squares management team has claimed that the fences were installed while work was carried out on the grass and flower beds, as well as some other work on the paving in preparation for a statue of lloyd george. at the time of his email, there was no planning permission for a statue, but it was rushed through within days.
i have repeatedly asked paul cavanagh to clarify what exactly the work is on the grass, but he has refused to reply. not exactly good behaviour from a public servant. it really seems the GLA has tied itself up in unsustainable knots over all this, and has now resorted to using security guards to police what may well be an illegal fence, while their officials refuse to answer questions.
barbara tucker witnessed the GLA operation this morning. she has been living and peacefully protesting at parliament square for eighteen months now. her view is that the GLA had over a year in which to go to court over any supposed breach of bye-laws, and instead they used brute force and caused damage to her property when they raided the square and erected the fence last month (

in a surreal twist this morning, barbara tried to perform a citizen's arrest on the woman from the GLA, but police caused a distraction and the GLA woman literally ran away, aided and abetted by the police. normally, police are all to happy to arrest barbara at the drop of a hat, but on this occasion they let her be once the GLA had effected their escape. it certainly looks as though the authorities are doing whatever they can to avoid this subject being reviewed in court in any way.
there may be a tie-in with the supposed police ban on the 'stop the war coalition' march next monday. with parliament square closed to the public, there is an excuse that there is not adequate room for a large protest.
in a decent democratic society it would be a priority to make room. but out decrepit and corrupt rulers get away with brute force and untested law to avoid the ugly truths the protesters would confront them with.
one positive aspect - the fence at the front provides an excellent canvas for more and more anti-war posters, and brian's display is effectively growing right across the front of the square opposite parliament and nearing the proportions of his original display which was unlawfully seized by police during the night on the 23rd may 2006. so thanks ken for that!
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