Accordingly, the Forum urges all people of goodness to contribute by donations and volunteering to succeed in this campaign and help to bring a smile to the faces of Iraqi orphans.
The donor and volunteer Sahar Ali said:
"I have often searched in my soul and my surroundings wondering why life is so empty. I have always wondered whilst living my life to the fullest, what it was that was missing. My answer was often found in the sad unfolding events happening to my fragmented country, Iraq!
"I feel helpless each time I switch on the TV and see the bloodshed. I feel angry, outraged, then turn off the TV and try to forget it. But the images are hard to forget, the children running, crying, and sitting close to the bodies of their loved ones. Those horrific images are hard to forget.
"One day I decided to turn the sadness, frustration and anger to action. I decided to offer a helping hand to those crying children. To the thousands of orphans that are being created every day.
"Since I work in a school, I decided to start selling lunch once a week to the children in school. First, I thought only a few kids would buy and to my surprise more than half of the school signed up. It was very hard to do the first time but I decided not to give up. And with Allah's grace and mercy over an eight months period, I raised enough money to sponsor 20 orphans for a whole year.
"When my beloved uncle, Kamil, came to visit us in the U.S., I found out that we shared the same passion and we both worked for the same cause. I was very excited that I still have $500 remaining from the orphans' lunch program. Thus, I decided to donate it to his noble organization (Iraqi Charities Forum). To my surprise, this money became the foundation for a much bigger project, which will bring a smile to the orphans for Eid.
"Let us make this Eid a memorable one for the orphans, let us make it an Eid that they would never forget. I am hopeful that with the participation of others this campaign will flourish."
The following details show the specifics of the campaign:
£20 will supply one Iraqi orphan with a gift package that will include:
• Clothes (e.g. suit, dress, headscarf)
• A pair of shoes & socks
• Toys
• Sweets
What is the aim of this campaign?
To present at least 2,000 Iraqi orphans each with a gift package for Eid Al Fitr (13/10/2007)
Who are we?
The 'Iraqi Charities Forum' is a charity registered in the UK under the number 1115625 and as a non-profit company with Company House under the number 5354695. For more information visit our website at
0% admin
0% admin charge means no money donated to this project will be spent on any administration costs. Only the cost of transferring the money to Iraq will be deducted from the donations
How will the money be distributed?
We will allocate the donations to a number of trusted Iraqi charities who will in turn be in charge of distributing the Eid gifts to orphans registered with them.
What are the transparency guarantees?
The Iraqi Charities Forum takes full responsibility for any funds it receives. We at ICF want to assure you that we will do whatever we can to make sure that every penny donated will reach the Iraqi orphans on Eid. All the details of the campaign will be accessible on the ICF website (e.g. details of donations, names of orphans benefiting, pictures and videos of the event etc.)
What can you do now?
1) A donation of £100 can provide presents for a family consisting of five orphans.
2) Encourage friends and family to donate so that more orphans can be given gifts on Eid.
3) E-mail the link of this page to everyone in your email list and ask them to do the same.
4) Request leaflets from us for distribution
Methods of Donation
1) By Credit Card - see our website
2) By cheque: please make cheques payable to "Iraqi Charities Forum"
3) By cash through our bank:
Iraqi Charities Forum
Barclays Bank
Account No: 50937932
Sort Code: 20-96-55
4) Or you can personally visit our office to donate:
Iraqi Charities Forum
Unit 2C, 2nd Floor
289 Cricklewood Broadway
London NW2 6NX
Contact details:
Telephone No: +44 (0) 20 8452 5244
Fax No: +44 (0) 20 8452 5388