The APEC summits of 2007 heralded nothing new to the Indigenous population of Australia. Millions of dollars stolen from Aboriginal Land resources and spent on fanfare (igniting a 300% spike in income for Sydney's Sex industry) so war criminals can sure up the theft of uranium from Sacred land and no recognition of Traditional Sovereignty.
Although largely unnoticed during APEC, the voice of Aboriginal Australian resistance was sung out across country by indigenous and non-indigenous activists. A Tent embassy was set up in Victoria park at Sydney University, in Melbourne peace fires were lit out side prominent Government buildings, in South Australia the walk for peace marched on, in the out back the struggle to keep Uranium driven Army and Police Troops off Aboriginal land continues, on the Burrup peninsula activists attempt to save ancient rock art from corporate hands, in Tasmania and Victoria blockades were entrenched to protect ancient rain forests from tumbling, throughout the country health workers tire trying to keep up with the increasing disparity in life expectancy between Indigenous and non Indigenous people and so on and so on.
APEC went home when the last champagne was drunk, while the business of the Australian Government to prolong 237 years of Genocide went on as usual.
We have survived.