Through Guarituba flow Piraquara and Iraí rivers. They are responsible for 60% of the water that supplies Curitiba and metropolitan region .
A good example:
In the metropolitan region of Curitiba, where there are about 216.000 families housing in precarious conditions, federal, state and municipal governments work together in the effort to rescue and to preserve sources of water supply and to return dignity to the excluded populations. Below (Click the link, please!) you can watch a video recorded in Guarituba where live about 50.000 people. The video text is available beyond link, for your better understanding.
We do only lament that in the capital and headquarters of the metropolitan region , Curitiba, 80,000 families suffer for the precarious habitation and cannot count on this type of support of the municipal executive.

The text of the video:
The launching of the PAG (Program of Acceleration of Growth), at Paraná, will happen at 9:30 a.m. in the Guarituba (quarter), in Piraquara (city of the metropolitan region of Curitiba.)
The quarter will receive 98 million Reals ( near 50 million Dollars ) of federal, state and municipal governments and will be remodelled.
The counterparts of the City mention the asphalt pavement to its ways of collective transport, in approach values of 3,8 million, the counterpart of the government of the State will be around 18 million and of the Federal Government will be near R$ 73, 4 million, increased of the sanitation workmanships that will be financed by SANEPAR*.
Guarituba is the biggest quarter of Piraquara and also the biggest area of irregular occupation of the south of the country.
Here live about 50.000 people.
The place was chosen to receive resources from the PAG because it is an area of water sources and of ambient protection.
Through Guarituba flow Piraquara and Iraí rivers. They are responsible for 60% of the water that supplies Curitiba and metropolitan region .
The irregular occupation compromises the quality of the water because the houses do not have sewer net.
Nobody enters, but also nobody leaves, we'll work with the families that are here, to make the families that are here, but to very prevent the occupation of this area because it is fragile, an ambient area that need to be conserved.
The areas of valley and forest will be transformed into the "Park of Waters", the inhabited areas will receive sanitation, electric energy and pavement, always taking in account the preservation of the water springs.
The expectation of the city hall of Piraquara is of that everything is concluded until May of the next year.
This is the canal that takes part of waters of the river Iraí up to two units of treatment of Sanepar (*Parana State's public company, of waters). By law, constructions in the edges of canals thus are forbidden, that's why the project determines the withdrawal of 800 families that live here.
The living ones go to be taken for another region of the Guarituba, where the Cohapar (Paraná State's public company of popular habitation).
Cristiane has three children and she is happy because she will not need to leave the quarter where she likes to live. She already makes plans for the new house: I intend to buy all new, again, to move and each one will have his own room there…
Are you livened up? Yes I am…
Emilio de Lima.