Baloch nationalists under the leadership of present king , Khan of Kalat Mr.Mir Suleiman Daud Khan ; are in the final stage to file their case for autonomy of Balochistan in International Court of Justice , Hague . Their team of lawyers will soon file the case , press release said . And a seperate fund called "Balochistan Legal Fund"-BLF will be established to meet the legal expenses , according to press release issued by Dr.Wahid Baloch , President of Baloch Society fo North America (

Soon after British left undivided India , the state of Kalat was independent for few months , later in 1948 acceded to Pakistan under duress . Since then the baluch people have fought five bloody insurgencies in an effort to secure their rights promised by British government in various treaties and also Pakistani founder Mr.Mohammad Ali Jinha . The current ongoing upraise received a serious blow last year when a senior nationalist leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti 79 was assassinated by Pakistani forces , as he took to mountains of Balochistan and wages a guerilla war against Pakistan when his demands for more rights and revenue that comes from Oil and Gas of the province were rejected . Shortly after the assissanation of Mr.Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti , the present Khan of Kalat Mr.Mir Suleiman Daud Khan called an all-baluch tribal jirga , a historic even after 136 years . The Jirga concluded to take the case for autonomy ( and their treaties) to the International Court of Justice in The Hague . Last year Khan of Kalat left Pakistan on this mission and is currently in London mobilizing support for his case .
Dr.Wahid Baloch (BSO-NA)
Mr.Mir Suleiman Daud Khan appealed to baloch people to take active participation as the case "is not the case of a single person but of an entire nation" . He said “ The Baloch Nation must come forward to participate actively for their own case as this is not the case of a single person but of an entire nation and it must be won with help and support and active participation of all Balochs share holders.”
The funds will be collected from Baloch Diaspora and Friends of Baloch from allover the world , all baloch people are encouraged to participate and donate , said the press release . The details of the fund and instructions on how and where to donate will announced soon ,said Dr.Wahid Baloch .
IntelliBriefs reported few weeks back that Baloch leadership is planning to organize a world conference to unite baloch people . This latest press release of BSO-NA says World Baloch Conference will be held next year in Europe to discuss plans for the uniting all Baloch Diaspora on a single platform . However the press release didn’t mentioned exact location and when .
World Baloch Conference (WBF) will be held next year in Europe to discuss the uniting of all Baloch Diaspora into a single platform. "The time and place will be decided and announced after consulting other Baloch friends from Sweden, Gulf States, Moscow and Canada in order to ensure their participation and contribution" said the press release
Sources say President of BSO-NA Dr.Wahid Baloch will be actively participating in coming months to make the WBC conference success . It is believed that he will be overseeing all activities related to this from fund raising and campaigning along with leaders in UK . He received blessings from King Mr.Mir Suleiman Daud Khan to go ahead ,sources told IntelliBriefs . It needs to be seen whether some Baloch leaders who are keeping a distance from Mr.Mir Suleiman Daud Khan will be responding positively to his efforts and also to the conference . This conference will accelerate the pace of baloch movement at international level and soon pave way for establishment of separate diplomatic network similar to Kurds . Baloch seems to emulate the strategy adopted by Kurds and make a huge presence internationally . In this effort Baloch leadership is encouraging active participation of Baloch Diaspora and seeking their opinion . Analysts say global and regional powers will keep an eye on this significant event as it progress ,considering the strategic significance of Balochistan .
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