Elsewhere „Shatraug“ confesses to Blood-and-Soil-Ideology: „Our souls and blood is from this northern soil and the nature around here is certainly affecting the psyche.“ (

In one interview part about the Finnish Blackmetal-Scene, „Shatraug“ commends the local neo nazi band „Satanic Warmaster“, whose head of band is „Nazgul“, the already mentioned ex-vocalist of „Horna“

In 2003, before „Nazgul“ left the band, „Shatraug“ openly confessed to the Nationalsocialist ideology: „Yes, i support him (the National Socialism, note) and i can say the same of Warmaster (Nazgul). In my opinion the National Socialism means to be proud of the own heritage and the own country, to believe in the brothers in arms and to those values which exclude any foreign influence or religion“ (citated in the german book „Dornbusch/Killguss 2005 – Unheilige Allianzen – Black Metal zwischen Satanismus, Heidentum und Neonazismus, page 254).
In common with „VilwolfHeim“, who is/was active in the neo nazi bands „Sombre Chemin“ and „Heidenwelt“, „Shatraug“ plays in the Band „Blutschrei“. The song titles of the Band fit in the neo nazi ideology: „Voice of Blood“, „White Agony“.
In a „wordrap“ in an interview with the internet magazine „Final War“ „Shatraug“ replies to a question about politics in Black Metal simply with „88“, a code which is often used by neo nazis and which stands for twice the eighth letter of alphabet. „HH“ stands for „Heil Hitler“. In the email address of the band one can also find the code (

Concerning to this a fan has made a guest book entry on the homepage of „Horna“:
„At first I must say, I like your music (Sargeist&Horna). But there is one thing i can´t understand, why is the e-mail adress of Shatraug: fornicator88… is there any connection between “88″ which could mean “HH” (Heil Hitler)? To me as a German it seems unbelievable that people believe in such a disguting crab. I´ve also read a interview with Shatraug were he said he have to do with NSBM, if this is true I must say that Shatraug doesn´t have a clue what he is talking about. We got so much problems with this fucking Parasites of Nazis. I think black metal should be unpolitical (like its origin!!!) Be satanist thats ok, thats true but nazis are fucking parasites. Please think about it and answer my by writin in this guestbook.”
The reply of „Horna”: „You don’t have to like what we are, it only proves where we stand and where you fall. YOU are the one who has no grip of reality. You like turkish scum infesting your neighborhood? You like rap and hip hop? Maybe you also do drugs and molest children? Maybe you want to wear funny hats and go to synagogues with other circumcized mice? THAT is what we are against. Don’t have to be “nazi” to be proud of our origin, blood and culture.”
Several releases of the band or of the side project „Sargeist“ have been produced by extreme right labels like „Sombre Records“, W.T.C. Productions“ or „Blut und Eisen Productions“.
With his label „Grievantee Productions“, „Shatraug“ sells releases of bands like „Aryan Art“, „Aryan Blood“, „Endlösung“, „Holocaustus“ and many other neo nazi bands.

At the sound studio of „Shatraug“ the neo nazi band „Kristallnacht“ was signed.

„Corvus“, the current vocalist of „Horna“, is also active in the band „KORGONTHURUS” which is signed at the neo nazi label „Blood & Soil“ Productions“. For a release of the band „Desolation Triumphalis“, which consists of neo nazi bands like „Kristallnacht“, „Chemin de Haine“, „Seigneur Voland“ et cetera, „Shatraug“ composed the song „The eternal revolution“.
In 2006 a release in common with the band „Legion of Doom“ was produced by the label „Zyklon-B-Productions“. In the same year a further release was produced with the National-Socialist-Black-Metal band “Sacrificia Mortuorum”. The latter stated in an Interview the the „Vampire Magazin“ that one is very proud to be allowed to produce with „Horna“. After the debut-release „Shatraug“ of „Horna“ had contacted the band, a good friendship has developed from this, which resulted in the commonly produced release.
The neo nazi label „Schwarze MaSSenvernichtung“ produces buttons for „Horna“
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