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NATO, must be Disbanded for Contributing to the Scourge of War, and For Defying

Joan Russow | 20.07.2007 03:53 | Anti-militarism | London

Although not all NATO states have been engaged in the following impugned actions, through their membership in NATO they have been complicit.. Under Article V of the NATO Constitution, an attack on one is an attack on all. So an impunity caused by one state, is an impunity caused by all. The condoning, by some members of NATO, of an attack on nuclear installations in a sovereign state implicates all NATO members.

NATO, must be Disbanded for Contributing to the Scourge of War, and For Defying Per-emptory Norms

* NATO has condoned the possession of nuclear weapons by “friendly states’, but has been willing to entertain and condone strikes on the nuclear facilities of “NATO designed rogue states” and risk the release of radiation.

*NATO, through its engaging in numerous military interventions and occupations such as Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, has contributed to and condoned, rather than prevented the scourge of war in defiance of the principle objective of the Charter of the United Nations

• NATO has a “first use of nuclear weapons policy” has failed to act on its undertaking under the General Assembly resolution entitled the Condemnation of Nuclear War A/RES/38/75, 1983 “to condemn the formulation, propounding, dissemination and propaganda of political and military doctrines and concepts intended to provide 'legitimacy' for the first use of nuclear weapons and in general to justify the 'admissibility' of unleashing nuclear war (2 Condemnation of Nuclear War General Assembly Resolution A/RES/38/75, 1983

• NATO has been using depleted uranium [the effect of which in part is similar to that of a nuclear weapon]has failed to act on its undertaking to deem “that the use of nuclear weapons would be a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and a crime against humanity, ( resolutions 1653 (XVI) of 24 November 1961, 33/71 B of 14 December 1978, 34/83 G of 11 December 1979, 35/152 D of 12 December 1980 and 36/92 I of 9 December 1981,

• NATO through using Depleted Uranium, has disregarded the decision of the International Court of Justice that the use or the threat to use nuclear weapons is contrary to International humanitarian law (World Court Project, 1996)

*NATO has violated the Geneva protocols on prohibited weapons

• NATO has undermined the United Nations through contributing to the failure (i) to discharge obligations under International Conventions, Treaties, and Covenants, (ii) to act through Commitments made under conference action plans and (iii) to fulfill expectations created through General Assembly Resolutions

*NATO has condoned the misinterpretation of Article 51- self defence- in the Charter of the United Nations in its support for the invasion of a sovereign state, and has used the pretext of “human security” and “humanitarian intervention” and “preemptive/preventive” aggression to justify the invasion and occupation of other states;

*NATO has continually ignored Chapter VI- Peaceful Resolution of Disputes, of the Charter of the United Nations, and the provision in Chapter VI to take disputes to the International Court of Justice;

• NATO has failed to act on the commitment made under the Platform of Action of the UN Conference of Women To [Encourage diplomacy, [preventive diplomacy,] negotiation and peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations in particular Article 2, paragraphs 3 and 4] (Art. 147 b., Advance draft, Platform of Action, UN Conference on Women, May 15);

• NATO has failed to discharge its obligations under the Convention , entitled (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Geneva, 1949) to protect “persons taking no active part in the hostilities;

* NATO has violated the Convention Against Torture;

• NATO has failed to discharge its obligations under the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights to “Prohibit any propaganda of war” Article 20 and to “prohibit any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence (Article 20 -2);

• NATO has failed to fulfill the undertaking under the General Assembly resolution entitled the Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of humanity, 1975) to prevent scientific and technological achievements entailing dangers for the civil and political rights of the individual or of the group and for human dignity;

• NATO has failed to discharge its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child to ensure respect for the rules of international humanitarian law relevant to the child in armed conflict (Art 18, Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989);

• NATO campaign has failed to fulfill the expectation under the General Assembly Resolution, entitled “Effects of Atomic Radiation” to prevent harmful effects on present and future generations, resulting from the levels of radiation to which man humans are exposed;

• NATO has failed to discharge its obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity to prevent the loss or reduction of biodiversity in a region rich in biodiversity, and has contributed to irreversible environmental devastation;

• NATO Campaign in the former has failed to act on a commitment to eliminate the production of weapons of mass destruction at the United Nations Conference on Humans and the Environment (UNCHE, 1972) [ through its continued support for the mining and distribution of uranium both for civil nuclear reactors and for nuclear weapons];

• NATO has failed to act on its undertaking under numerous UN General Assembly Resolutions such as the General Assembly resolution in 1981, to reduce the military budget and to reallocate the funds thus saved to economic and social development, particularly for the benefit of developing countries;

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Joan Russow
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Poor logic

20.07.2007 09:21

"An attack on one is an attack on all. So an impunity caused by one state, is an impunity caused by all". What poor logic - it's a completely false analogy.

Jo Slow

NATO must be disbanded

20.07.2007 12:56

Even if you accept the thesis put forward, tell me - how exactly would you go about 'disbanding' NATO? Even apart from the fact that it is an alliance of democratic countries, who can make their own miinds up as to whether they want to belong.



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