Coroner tells Straw to act now on restraint in child prisons
19th July 2007
The coroner who presided over the inquest into the death of a 15-year-old who died after being restrained in a child jail has warned the justice secretary, Jack Straw, that it would be "wholly unforgivable" if the lessons were delayed by a general review of the use of restraint announced yesterday. More >

Death in custody: Standing together in Burnley to win justice for Nadeem Khan
17th July 2007
A recent death in police custody has united Asian, black and white people from Burnley, Lancashire, in a common fight to get some answers, writes Esme Choonara. More >

Prison protesters clash with police outside jail
13th July 2007
Tempers frayed as police and prisons campaigners grappled outside Holloway women’s prison on Monday. The demonstration took place outside the jail, in Parkhurst Road, following the death of Marie Cox, 34, last month from self-inflicted injuries. More >

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News from Abroad:
New Orleans police accused of brutality
13th June 2007
The American Civil Liberties Union sued the city of New Orleans, its police chief and the police department Wednesday on behalf of a New Orleans man who said he was brutalized by a group of officers. More >

List Shows Chicago Police Misconduct
18th Jukly 2007
Hundreds of Chicago police officers have had 10 or more complaints filed against them, and at least four members of an elite police unit have racked up more than 50 each in the past five years, according to a published report. More >

Events & Publications
Two years on - too long to wait for justice
(Second anniversary of the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes) Further details >

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