Currently the library is used for meetings of up to about twenty and if often pretty cramped. The new enlarged room will be able to host meetings of perhaps 60 to 80 people without the gloom and poor ventilation of the hall. The hacklab will be closed in it's current form although internet facilities will remain.
While these are only stud partition walls, it is a pretty big job and help would be very very nice. Tools required are saws, claw hammers and crowbars. Also needed are dustpan and brushes, and lots of bags for plaster board rubble. We'll also need a van to dispose of the waste. We'll be keeping hold of the wood for the climate and no borders camps.
Please let us know if you'd like to help.
The weekly cinema present's Michael Moores SICKO
It's pretty good by all accounts and we'll also be showing a clip from CNN where they try to interview Moore about his new film and he takes the opportunity to point out that CNN are lying lackies to the war
administration on live TV.
Starts 8pm as usual.
No Borders Camp Planning Meeting
from midday at the Rampart Social Centre,
15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA
There's a new screen printing workshop being set up to train campaign
groups to produce campaign t'shirts etc and provide ongoing resources for that purpose. More info next week. Please let us know if you are
And... there seems to be a surge in interest in radio stuff recently.
We'll be organising a meeting soon but in the meantime we are connecting people up who are interested in collaborative radio and audio projects.
Again, let us know if this interests you.
that's it!