Cities that do not have public policy of popular habitation do push devoid populations for non buiding areas as fertile valleys of the rivers. The result is periodic flooding, with all the ominous and known consequences for local inhabitants, other populations and for the environment.
The mosquito of "Dengue", for example, would not represent the danger that it does for populations of all social extracts, if the periphery and the rivers of Brazilian cities were sanitated.
Problems of draining, as the ones that face poor populations at Colombo, at other cities of metropolitan region and at the proper capital, derive basically from this congenital mistake and from the indifference of some mayors whom do not order to clean the draining canals.
As well as it defends, in Brazil and the world, the Subway and the urban trains, less pollutant and much less dangerous than the buses, Save the Amazon

The examples of Guarituba (12,000 families)

At Curitiba, where housing for low-income families was not constructed nor in 2006, nor in 2007, it is tried now, through CPI restored in the Chamber of Councilmen, to criminalize social movement, trying to hardly punish those that demand dignified housing for their families.
It is always very good indeed to remember that the right to dignified housing is assured by Brazilian constitution.
You councilmen would have to occupy yourselves placing mounts of money in the municipal budget to guarantee the construction of popular housings, in place to dedicate yourselves to so heartless and indefensible initiative.
Thus, the popular movement, co-ordinated for the Only Front for the Social Advances, added to the PMDB of the

About 65.000 signatures are necessary to the guiding of the project to the Chamber, that is not too much, considering the population mass of Paraná State's capital, the amount of families without home and the disposal of the militant ones that already had started in this last Saturday to collect them in the "Cursed Mouth", central and very traditional place of popular manifestation and of citizenship.