Who are the Space Hijackers?
The Space Hijackers are a bunch of misfit troublemakers who have been
kicking up a storm since 1999. We have held parties for 3000 people on the
London Underground circle line, we have tricked Nike Town into a half
price sale by printing our own “EVERYTHING INSTORE HALF PRICE TODAY”
T-shirts and tidying up. We have bought a boat and invaded an island in
the Docklands in London to host a pirate party and we have smashed the
Capitalists for six in our midnight Anarchist Vs Capitalist cricket
What’s this all about?
There comes a time in every activist groups development when they realise
that there is something missing in their set up. We have been striving to
cause trouble, save the world and wind up the powers that be for 8 years
now. However we still don't own a tank, or indeed any kind of armoured
personnel carrier.
Please help us right this wrong.
Why do you need a tank?
Every two years the ExCeL exhibition centre in East London plays host to
DSEi, Europe’s largest arms fair. Representatives from all of the major
arms manufacturers pimp their wares to rogue states, impoverished nations
and invading armies with the full support of the UK government. In fact
the police firearms squad tried to raid the fair in 2005 only to be turned
back by the government.
On the last two occasions we have attempted to infiltrate the fair,
embarrass the dealers and cause a ruckus. In 2003, we caught the trains to
the fair with the arms dealers. Suited up and looking business-like we
pulled prosthetic limbs (arms) from our cases and attempted to sell them
to the dealers. In 2005, worried about their obsession with phallic
objects such as rockets we attempted to sell sex toys to the dealers to
make up for their lack of “weapons capabilities”. Generally however we are
escorted out by the police.
This year we have decided to take things up a notch or ten. We want to buy
a tank, we want to drive it into the arms fair! We don’t want to be shoved
around by burly policemen any more. Can’t really say much more at the
moment, but you get the gist.
What about after the Arms Fair?
Assuming they haven’t tested their anti tank missiles on us. We are an
enterprising group, with mischief simply brimming out of our beer fuelled
brains. We have many many many plans for the tank in the future,
especially once we have kitted it out with a full sound system (which has
already been donated!)
How can I help?
You can help by lending us one of your tanks if you have any spare.
You can help by offering us free secure parking for our tank.
You can help by lending us your mechanic skills to turn our gas guzzler
into a bio diesel green tank.
Of course the simplest way of helping is by giving us a small amount of
money towards the tank or by passing this email on to your rich mates and
getting them to donate us a slightly larger amount of money.
visit the link below to donate and forward this to your friends

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