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SOCPA - new verdict lends weight to political conspiracy theory

rikki | 23.05.2007 14:18 | SOCPA | Repression | London

yesterday at horseferry road, district judge snow found steve jago and barbara tucker both guilty of obstructing a police officer in the course of their duty. the offence is alleged to have been carried out at charing cross police station (which is outside the socpa designated area). but he passed a community service order sentence excluding them both from the designated area for one year. can this be seen as anything other than a political act?

on 5th august last year, barbara tucker was arrested for 'obstructing the highway'. the alleged offence took place in whitehall outside downing street at a time that the road was blocked to traffic due to the large national demo against the israeli attack on lebanon. the march had passed by, and there were a few people milling around the temporarily pedestrianised area. (

she was taken to kentish town police station and held in handcuffs for several hours. i saw the terrible marks on her arms shortly afterwards and heard her distraught claim that she had been virtually tortured - all this for an 'obstruction of the highway'.

she was bailed to charing cross police station on the 4th september and she appeared with her friend steve jago. her lawyers had told her the police intended to re-bail her and it would be a quick in and out at the desk, so they didn't attend. it seems the police had other plans. they wanted her to come through to the custody suite, and, worried for her safety, she agreed to go only if jago could accompany her. at first the police refused, but then appeared to relent and invited them both into the corridor out of the public foyer. it soon became apparent this was a trap, and jago tried to film what was happening, while barbara tried to run out and phone her lawyers.

what happened next beggars belief. although there is no allegation of any violence towards police, jago ended up with bruises, scratches and a gaping wound behind his ear. barbara, also attacked, was refused her lawyer, held overnight at the police station and taken to court the next morning, where the prosecution tried to have her remanded to holloway. it was serco warders at the court who, realising that barbara had not been able to call a lawyer, did so for her, and with the help of a barrister, she was immediately released. (

the shaky 'obstruction of the highway' case has never come to court, and has in fact been made 'sine die' (latin for 'without a date'), but this week, barbara and steve appeared in front of district judge snow at horseferry road under the 'obstructing police officer' charge stemming from the events in that corridor on the 4th. in a disagreement over whether to show certain cctv footage or not, both steve and barbara decided to part company with their lawyers and so appeared unrepresented. they asked for an adjournment to prepare their cases (given these new circumstances) but were refused.

officers came in to tell the court their stories of what had happened in the corridor that day - this is the only part of the police station not covered by cctv, so it is really a matter of who you believe. when i saw judge snow's aggressive questioning of barbara and steve on the witness stand, i had no doubt who he had decided to believe.

barbara was trying to explain the context of why she had been reluctant (indeed, terrified) to go alone into the non-public area of the police station, but snow kept cutting her short, refusing to hear anything other than the facts of the day of the 4th september. he repeated this sentiment over and over, that he was only there to reach a decision about that day. barbara broke down in tears several times at this bullying.

snow would not accept any evidence relating to steve and barbara's long campaign of protest within the socpa designated area, or their contention that they have been victims of an equally long campaign of harrasment, intimidation, malicious and unlawful arrests and violence at the hands of police. in narrow legal terms, this stance might appear defendable, but the subsequent sentencing rather gives the game away. for 'obstructing a police officer in the course of their duty' at charing cross police station (which is outside the designated zone), judge snow has imposed a 'community service exclusion order' which bans them from the designated zone for one year starting at noon today the 23rd may.

this date may resonate with keen socpa watchers. exactly one year ago, on the 23rd may 2006, police launched a £28,000 night time raid with 78 officers, to remove most of brian haw's display from parliament square. in january this year the case that brian had broken socpa conditions was thrown out by district judge purdy, thus making that night raid an unlawful theft.

steve and barbara will both appeal the verdict and the sentence, and it seems hard to see how the sentence in particular can be left to stand as it has no connection with the offence and only relates to entirely separate alleged socpa infringements, none of which have been fully tested in court yet. indeed, the only socpa trial of barbara so far was thrown out by the judge as 'void ab initio' (empty from the start).

judge snow's record with barbara is not very good. he tried to ban her from the designated zone (do you see a pattern here?) with bail conditions back in january. these were challenged and immediately lifted by judge nicholas evans who found them unlawful. snow also screwed up his original ban as it illegally prevented barbara from coming to her own trials at horseferry road (which is in the zone).

this time he has tried to cover himself with a couple of exceptions. first, he allows them to attend horseferry for cases in which they have a direct interest, and secondly, to avoid falling foul of the human rights act, he allows them to participate in a demonstration for which they have received authorisation.

brian haw is allowed twenty people in his authorised demo, and so thankfully these two will theoretically still be able to campaign against genocide by participating in his demonstration. but, parliament square does not have public toilets or washing facilities which are essential for a 24/7 protest, so it remains to be seen how this exclusion may be enforced if either want an ablution break in the vicinity of the zone.

one last problem with barbara's exclusion. it can't be lawful!

barbara lives at parliament square, and this address has been recognised by the crown court on a previous occasion. this means judge snow is effectively excluding barbara from her own residence.

i am looking forward to the appeal which will surely once again show dj snow as certainly an incompetent, and quite possibly a corrupt judge. but i am also saddened that so much time and public money is wasted on this ridiculous campaign to stifle the voice of dissent near parliament.

a full timeline of the history of socpa can be seen at
and look-out on indymedia for announcements and trailers of "SOCPA - THE MOVIE" coming to a cinema near you in June
you can book a seat for the world premiere on the 17th at
go to the renoir - special events section - "DOCDAYS: Brian Haw and the Erasure of Democracy"

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Thankyou Rikki

23.05.2007 16:23

Is this Judge Snow?
Is this Judge Snow?

for your important coverage of this issue.

I respect your dogged dedication to this.

kind regards,


some fun amongst the gloom

23.05.2007 21:43

i forgot to mention two particular moments in the trial that brightened up an otherwise dismal couple of days.

when steve jago took the witness stand he took the affirmation. judge snow looked up to see him holding a book in the air in a biblical fashion while reading the affirmation. snow asked jago what it was. the answer - george orwell's nineteen eighty four.

the judge made him re-affirm without the book, telling jago he didn't want people turning this hearing into a circus. (i guess because he was perfectly capable of doing that himself).

the other moment occured when steve was cross-examining barbara on the witness stand. he asked her whether she thought the stabs he had received to the neck were due to home office approved 'distraction techniques' and whether they were proportionate. judge snow stopped this question saying that he didn't think barbara was an expert on approved police restraint techniques. she drily insisted that after fifteen months of harrasment and brutality she had actually become an expert!



23.05.2007 22:48

this shit is going on brighton they are giving fixed penalty notices to protesters against the arms trade..and when theyve not been paid...8 months after the event..there calling it to court at massive expense to the taxpayer..but not just that..the police are allso adding bizare trumped up charges against the same persons..with the defense asking it to go before the district judge..who has been politically chosen to deal with all related anti arms protests in his "devils kitchen/area" that a case of fixing corrupt judges to act politically or what!! but the truth is spreading fast and will continue to do so..from oxford to brighton and up to london their corrupt lies will continue to expose themselves..well done you,s ..keep strong...solidarity


Indeed everywhere.

24.05.2007 06:21

The police seem to be accountable to no one. The PM and Government are either powerless to stop these injustices or else are complicit in them. Government makes the rules and the police are allowed to misuse and abuse them. There also seems to be a degree of collusion between the police and some elements within the judicial system and corporations. An obvious reason for the widespread toleration of police misdeeds is that they perform and essential function, not only of tackling crime but more importantly of stamping out dissent, without which our sham democracy would almost certainly fall apart in a wave of unrest. Which begs the question, what does restrain the police from even greater excesses?

Rikki's account would not be out of place in rogue State. Given their ever wider ranging powers, why don't the police kill and injure even more people with impunity? Is it adverse media publicity that deters them, peer pressure, conscience, reprimands, excessive paperwork, or something else? I imagine it can't be fun working for a racist, bigoted, bullying organisation like the police and they certainly have a most difficult job to do. So why do they do it? Is it the power trip that attracts them, the ability to get one over on almost anyone, or are they merely ill-qualified for any other similarly paid job? One thing is for sure, if something isn't done about our police quite quickly we can kiss goodbye to what little now remains of our civil liberties and human rights.

Oops! I've just realised, this comment might make me guilty of incitement, or a host of other crimes too obscure and dastardly to contemplate, so I had had better stop digging right now.


Animal Farm:

24.05.2007 12:56

I just watched the modern filmed release of that title. It was good :)

The dogs are trained to serve the pigs, in the film.

Paul T
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