That means 40,000 seats will be going to corporate guests and others who support neither club, seriously undermining the occasion and depriving loyal supporters of a big day out.
Calling for the boycott of stadium outlets, the leaflet distributed at Sunday's Chelsea's game urged fans: "Don't stuff yourselves, stuff the FA!"
Although headed 'An appeal to Chelsea supporters', the leaflet says the appeal is also being supported by Manchester United fans.
It states:
"The Wembley Boycott is a campaign aimed at raising awareness of the level of disgust felt by Chelsea supporters over the following aspects of the 2007 'showcase' Wembley FA Cup Final:
* The pathetic 25,000 ticket allocation to supporters of the two participating teams;
* The minuscule allocation of just 4,000 tickets priced at £35 for both sets of supporters;
* The extortionate cost of the other allocated tickets, priced £60, £80 and £95;
* The fact that the arrangements for the Club Wembley area will deny those seated there the right to fully participate in supporting their team;
* The outrageous price of the programme, the merchandise and the refreshments.
Whilst some supporters will, should they have been fortunate enough to receive a ticket, be likely to purchase a matchday programme - itself overpriced - we urge all attending to boycott the other official Wembley merchandise and, in particular, the official Wembley refreshment outlets.
It appears to us that the FA is making the ordinary football supporter pay in hard cash for what was the farce that took place over the budgeting, planning and completion of the new Wembley Stadium. It is clear that those responsible for recuperating the massive overspend in the Wembley budget are hoping to claw back as much as they can from those attending football matches at the stadium.
At least 21,000 supporters from both sides will have been forced to pay a minimum of £60 for their tickets. Don't let those running the FA and Wembley take a penny more from you!