Despite the rain, lovely people, music, poetry, dancing & a lovely vibe. I got there late so the pictures don't reflect the numbers who attended. Leah has been helping me in Southgate with the local Green Pea [art for ecology, community and constitutional change from below] project our small but committed group are working on [she also helped me plant our very first seeds, which are now appearing as delicious little gem lettuces and baby cauliflowers] and also we are now working on our political manifesto ~ "art as politics, politics as art"..
And on a related, but different matter, some of you will be interested to know that Daniel Kieran got married yesterday to his beloved Rachel at Chelsea Old Town Hall.
Congratulations to the lovely couple ~ may yr days contuniue to be blessed together, even when it gets a bit tricky.. you can email Dan at

Check out Dan's book [now out] "I fought the law" during which reading i laughed out loud on at least 3 occasions, at one point uncontrollably so, while on the northern line earlier this week, to the bemusement of many other passengers. The book is all about the rubbish laws this govt has been engaged in creating on our behalf, and it centrepieces s.132 SOCPA..
Mentions of a number of picnickers, plus such classic moments as the the Teddy Blair's picnic, St George's new holy Order of the Cross Dressers abound..
And while I'm on the subject, as there has recently been talk of restarting the Sunday picnics, [unauthorised of course darling] but from now on just on the last Sunday of each month it behoves me to mention this to you. Anyone else up for it ?
To join up/say hi try

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Cheers, &
Ciao Ciao 4 Now
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