Many Indymedia regulars will know that I have been a long term critic of Peter Tatchell, some have accused me of being a homophobe because I critises the beloved leader's claims that are not true, Peter has claimed I am Gay and my criticism is just a jealous hissy fit. Let the facts speak for themselves.
Peter Tatchell has just started work for 18 Doughty Street a right-wing on-line broadcaster set up by four members of the Conservative Party. There is also another organisation being run from the same address called the Young Britons' Foundation. This is being promoted by Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes. Staines has previously worked for David Hart, the man who ran the covert operation against the National Union of Mineworkers 1983-4.,,1842443,00.html The Young Britons Foundation web-site is offering free trips to the USA – visits to Langley perhaps? So what is Peter Tatchell former CND/Labour Party member and current Green Party prospective parliamentary candidate upto?
Poor judgement, big ego or, given his present employers and campaign against Iran, someone else’s agenda?
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