Campaigner for Plane Stupid, Leo Murray, explained:
“In years to come, Blair will be remembered for systematically approving climate-wrecking projects like airport expansion. But it might not have happened if it weren’t for the fact that the revolving door between Labour and BAA just hasn’t stopped spinning.” (3) (4)
He added:
“We can’t believe that if BAA had read the science, they’d still be pushing ahead with their climate-crazy plans for airport expansion. With Blair preparing to leave office, UN climate scientists gathering in Bangkok, and the hottest April on record, it’s time BAA used their enormous influence to tell Blair to ditch expansion plans or leave with a legacy of failing on climate change.”
This Friday’s IPCC report on mitigation of climate emissions, a draft copy of which has been obtained by Plane Stupid, confirms, “Land use planning and transport demand management can make a significant contribution.”
Plane Stupid are one of the groups behind the advertisements in today’s national newspapers headlined, “Vote for climate change.” (5)
Notes for Editors:
(1) The BAA/Labour revolving door:
- In advance of the government’s 2003 aviation white paper which paved the way for their expansion programme, BAA was the main supporter of lobby group, “Freedom to fly.” This group is thought to be the brain child of Steve Hardwick, Director of Public Affairs at BAA who took time out to work on the Labour election campaigns of 1997 and 2001.
- “Freedom to fly” was directed by John Prescott’s former personal political advisor from 1999-2001, Joe Irvin. When, after a year, Joe Irvin resigned, he was replaced by Dan Hodges. Hodges is the son of Glenda Jackson MP, who happens to have been Labour’s first aviation minister.
- Joe Irvin has this week been appointed as one of Gordon Brown’s top advisors (4)
- BAA’s “Freedom to Fly” was chaired by Labour peer, Brenda Dean.
- The government appointed AviaSolutions to assess the responses to its consultation on expansion. AviaSolutions is run by former high-flyers from BAA, Seamus Healey, Paul Eden and his wife, Liz. Also on the company’s board was Lyne Meredith, who previously worked as BAA’s director of planning and environment.
- BAA hosts from its West London offices, “Future Heathrow,” an industry lobby group chaired by Labour peer, Lord Soley. Launched personally by then-transport secretary, Alistair Darling, it was established to ensure that the third runway and sixth terminal is built.
(2) Plane Stupid is Britain’s first national direct action group against the unsustainable aviation growth.
(3) For more details and sources on the revolving door between BAA and Labour:


(5) For more on the ads, including the press release, see
For interviews/info:
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