London Indymedia

BBC is giving Livingstone unjustified one-sided Crossrail propagqanda

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole-backers BBC | 26.04.2007 15:25 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London

The BBC is allowing London mayor Ken Livingstone the sort of one-sided platform to lie to people of the UK and lie against the people of London. The BBC London this afternoon [1415 GMT on Thursday 26 April 2007] gave Livingstone yet another one sided platform to lie for the hugely flawed Cross rail hole project.

The BBC is allowing London mayor Ken Livingstone the sort of one-sided platform to lie to people of the UK and lie against the people of London. The BBC London this afternoon [1415 GMT on Thursday 26 April 2007] gave Livingstone yet another one sided platform to lie for the hugely flawed Cross rail hole project. There is never an opportunity for the community to tell the BBC’s audience that Livingstone and his colluders and collaborators on Crossrail are lying through their teeth, that Crossrail is a crackpot idea, not the fantasy and the magic solution to the transport crisis that Livingstone is allowed to peddle as being.

But if the BBVC has failed to tell the truth about Crossrail then the BBC has been failing to tell the truth on all other key matters and issues.

Issues that mater to everyday life. In every part of the UK.

Including London.

The BBC is unique in that highly moral and conscientious people are treated as criminals if they don't pay - or even in any way are slow to pay - the BBC licence fee. Such fascistic tax collection for a propaganda outfit is not consistent with claim of there existing a democratic society in Britain. Yet the BBC enjoys the kind of exclusive licence to abuse of the powers it keeps getting given by successive administrations in the UK central Government of which [licence to abuse...] many of the followers of Adolph Hitler’s Nazi party would have been jealous, envious and proud.

So why isn't there any evidence in any of the political parties about this serious challenge to democracy and human rights by the BBC?

There is no answer except that the agenda setters in and of those political parties which themselves enjoy recognition by the BBC’s own agenda setters are operating a relationship that is mutually inclusive for them and that arrangement leaves out both side’s genuine critics – the public in Britain.

The danger is that the future of society is threatened by this denial of genuine free speech and access to the facts of what is going on.

Take the matter of the big budgets that the central – and regional and local – governments make.

How transparent are the processes?

When they set taxes how accountable are they of the people who end up paying the most and getting the least in return from any tiers of the government?

How many people are being dragged through the courts in the UK at any given time mainly for offences and alleged offences caused by money and financial hardship and lack of ability to pay?

As compared to the total sum owed by all the alleged defaulters and people in any arrears at any given time, how much is being pocketed by big corporations and by the holders of power on elected bodies and those whom they employ in the name of the people?

Any calculation will show that the amounts being pocketed by the smallest of minority who wield the most power over the rest of us is disproportionately higher than all the debts that ordinary people [who constitute the overwhelming majority of the UK population] are liable for.

So is this a phenomenon that is lowering the quality of life for the people saddled with debts at all times?

Is financial worry the case citable for illness and bad standard of life for most people?

The answer is YES.

How much of those liabilities would and should be addressed by making the central regional and local finances and financial resources and capacities available to be used by the people in whose names these bodies and institutions are funded by coercion, the coercion being exercised by the very people who are supposed to be the political and democratic masters over these institutions?

So why are these facts the main features of the BBC’s news, factual and documentaries?

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole-backers BBC
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