Unless I am mistaken, on that day, after the no Falluga's weekend, I was exhibiting art and standing with a painted old english wooden door at one of the sources of my inspiration - Downing Street.
Brian and Barbara are in court today for contempt of court???
Barbara who says "Stop killing the kids" and Brian who says "It ain't rocket science" are being held in contempt of court for pointing out exactly what to DJ Evans?
Today should prove to be most enlightening.
Statement of Charity Sweet
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes
freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 19
Your Honour:
It is my opinion that:
1. I was not delivered a summons to my correct address for the hearing of
March 26, 2007, nor have I been properly summonsed for today's hearing of
March 29, 2007.
2. I cannot make a plea today until I have received legal advice.
3. I cannot make a plea today until I have received advanced disclosure from
the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) and the Metropolitan police. I
understand that I should be provided with:
a) PNC report
b) Evidence and actions books
c) Witness statements
d) KRISS report
f) Custody records (if any)
g) Interview tapes (if any)
h) Schedule of un-used materials
4. I personally have many questions regarding the legalities and/or
illegalities pertaining to the continuation of these proceedings with
regards to the compatibility of SOCPA and the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and breeches of European Convention Rights.
Justice Briefing for House of Lords debate – July 2005
"When briefing the House of Lords on the Bill we expressed grave concerns
about the clauses that became sections 132-137 of the Act, because we
believed that they imposed 'severe restrictions on peaceful protest'. In
relation to the clause that became section 138, under which this Order is
made, we said:
We are extremely concerned by the extent of the designated area. We believe
that if these provisions are retained the area should be designated by
Parliament, rather than by granting a discretion to the Home Secretary. We
believe that the maximum radius proposed is greatly excessive; a protest one
kilometre from Parliament would not be heard or seen from Parliament Square.
The area proposed would encompass Trafalgar Square, a traditional and
important focal point for protests. It would also cover parts of Millbank,
Whitehall, parts of St. James's park and stretch across the Thames onto the
south bank. Much of the area does not contain parliamentary or government
buildings. We believe that there is no legitimate reason for extending the
area in this way.
4. We have similar concerns about the area proposed under the Order. Freedom
of expression and assembly, protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the
European Convention respectively, will be seriously restricted in the
'designated area'. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has repeatedly
emphasised that freedom of expression constitutes an essential foundation of
democratic society and one of the basic conditions for its progress and for
each individual's self-fulfilment1.
5. Interferences with the rights to expression and assembly must be
proportionate and in pursuit of a legitimate aim, such as the prevention of
disorder or crime. They must also be 'prescribed by law', which includes the
requirement that the measures should be accompanied by adequate and
effective safeguards to protect against arbitrary interferences with
Convention rights. The Commission has also said that freedom of assembly is
a fundamental right in a democracy and…is one of the foundations of such a
6. While the effect of the Act is not altogether to prevent protest in the
'designated area', sections 132-137 impose severe restrictions upon it.
Protest there, even by a single, stationary and silent demonstrator, is an
imprisonable offence unless six days' notice (or, if this is not
practicable, a minimum of 24 hours' notice), including notice of the
duration of the protest, is given to the police. Spontaneous protest is
forbidden, even if it is entirely peaceful and carried out in response to
the swift pace of political events."
5. I am humbly requesting that I be treated fairly and justly by the courts
of this land.
6. Your Honour, with all due respect... is this Westminstergate?
The Nuremburg Law
"War is essentially an evil thing; its consequences are not confined to the
belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of
aggression therefore, is not only an international crime, it is the supreme
international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains
within itself the accumulated evil of the whole"
"The very essence of the Charter is that individuals have international
duties which transcend national obligations of obedience imposed by the
state." - Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal
"I pass protesters every day at Downing Street, and, believe me, you name
it, they protest against it. I may not like what they call me but I thank
God that they can. That's called freedom." - Tony Blair, April 2002
FREE SPEECH: noun. the right to express your opinions publicly; the right to
express opinions of any kind without incurring penalty
FREEDOM: noun. exemption or release from slavery or imprisonment
BULLYING: verb to use strength or power to hurt or frighten a weaker
person... threaten, intimidate, coerce, domineer, tyrannize
BULLY: noun a person who tries to hurt or frighten people who are weaker
POWER: noun 1. strength or energy 2. the ability to do something
7. Your honour, I am requesting a bench warrant be issued for Mr. Tony Blair
for his past and ongoing crimes in accordance with Nuremburg Law - genocide
is a war crime.
Charity Sweet