(12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA)
more infos
It is not to late to let us know you are coming!
10 am
Coffee and Tea to wake up a bit !!!!
11 am 1st SESSION
-Introduction of the gathering for new comers (if there are any)
-Report back from the various group of the work done locally in our cities
and about the project going on in Chiapas. Discussion about decision and ideas
made during the previous gathering, what worked/what didn't, why?, how can
we improved.
-Function of the network, does it help our local work?
-UK web site (update and progress, practical demonstration)
-News letter
? pm LUNCH
2 pm 2nd SESSION
-“Autonomy is a universal right” (quote)
Encounter of the Zapatista communities with the people of the world,
report back from people who has been in Chiapas in December and
-Video made by CIEPAC about the plan puebla panama showing the way
neoliberal policies are implemented in central america. Where this kind of
plan are coming from, who is behind them, who gain who lose This video will.
help to put into the context the struggle and the repression in
ATENCO and OAXACA and the fight of indigenous people for the right of
autonomy, land, river, and forest.MOTHER EARTH
-General discussion of our perception of this events from this side of the
>The new and faster colonisation of latin america:
Free Trade Agreement, PPP, the importance of energy for the capitalist
system (oil, gas, dams, monoculture, OGM crops, roads,airpots, bio
diversity, tourist industry).
>Resistance, organization, horizontality; Indigenous struggle, Atenco, Oaxaca, the "Other Campaign" in mexico.
>Repression, not only police and army, big corporstion and governments used
of paramilitaries group, the rise of OPDICC agains the Zapatista
communities in chiapas.
>Responsability, how can we better organize to be more effective to respond
and to support struggle in the south, what we can learn from this struggle
to straighten, or build, or be part of a social movement in UK and Europe.
A series of video about Atenco, Oaxaca, and dams project in mexico
10 am
coffee and tea, some biscuits or bread and jam
11 am
Report back from the nightmare or dreams we had while sleeping.
Discussion about how can we move things forward in our local struggle (coordinated
plan for the coming months)
? pm LUNCH
2 pm
- UK zapa info tour (who, why, what to achieve with it) and developed
ideas related with the tour; map of resistance in uk, karavan, the
international side of the sixth declaration of the lacandon jungle
-Oaxaca people coming to europe (background information, and info tour)
-Discussion and proposal for coordinated action
Brief feed back about how we felt during the gathering, positive and negative things
Set date and place for the next one.
Hug and kisses and back home to report back to our group! :)