Lydd Airport Action Group
Press Release: Monday, March 19th, 2007
LAAG Announces On-Line Petition
Lydd Airport Action Group has upgraded its website to include an on-line petition which has provision for comments and is heartened by the level of take up in the first day.
The petition was formally launched on the morning of Sunday, March 18th and by the evening over 90 people had signed the petition. The most common themes mentioned in the comments of petitioners were: the adverse impact on the special environment of Romney Marsh, concerns about the proximity of the Dungeness nuclear power stations and the irrationality of creating a new regional airport in Kent when Manston an established, underutilised regional airport is already available.
This on-line petition is an excellent medium by which people both on and beyond Romney Marsh can express their opposition to the large scale development of Lydd Airport. The website allows people to directly access the planning application (Y06/1647/SH & Y06/1648/SH) before they express their views.
Louise Barton
Lydd Airport Action Group
The Hook, Madeira Road
Littlestone, Kent, TN28 8QX
01797 361 548
Further, local 'referendums' in Lydd and other small comunities affected by
the threatened plans are to take place over the next few weeks.
See website.
(The other group fighting these plans.
NB: South East Regional Assembly (SEERA) vote over 2 to 1 against further runway expansions in the South East just 10 days ago. The SEEDA (dev Agency) has also apparently not given owners much hope either...)