Police bottle it
For over an hour no traffic passed in or out of the complex as the police gave up trying to clear a path through the assembled protestors.
But no one is illegal. In making them illegal governments deny their existence and make them invisible. This invisibility is enforced by a capitalist system that seeks to criminalise and marginalise many of those seeking to survive within it, while at the same time depending on their labour and suffering to ensure its survival and keep us all in a state of fear and obedience.
With hunger-strikes, acts of self-harm and protest people are fighting their invisibility. The recent resistance inside the detention centres joins with the thousands of other people worldwide who demonstrate, riot, light fires and destroy compounds in protest against and in defiance of their incarceration. It shows that people, regardless of their desperation, will always struggle for their human dignity.
The problem with detention centres is not how badly they are run but that they exist in the first place. Private companies make huge profits from the incarceration and removal of hundreds of people every week. Migrant workers and those inside the centers are often exploited by the same companies. Kalyx, the business that operates Harmondsworth, is part of a catering company called Sodhexo, whose massive profits are based on the low wages of their mainly migrant workforce. Similarly the company which operates Colnbrook, Serco, is a large private security company who use cheap migrant labour to maximize their profits.
It's time to say Enough! We support migrant's struggles to work, live and stay in the UK.
On 10th February, we intend to join their struggle and take action in solidarity with our sisters and brothers inside the detention centres. Join us!
We demand:
Close all Immigration Removal Centres
Stop Deportations
No Immigration Controls
For more information, contact, London No Borders:
Rebecca Fisher

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