London Indymedia

Seek out and close this Aryanfuturist meeting-London...

pirate | 06.01.2007 16:21 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London | World

A fairly regular poster on has put this up about an AryanFuckup meeting in London due sometime in January...

Please seek it out and give them our anti-facist 'regards'....


New Right/ European Identitarian 9th public meeting at a central London venue in January.

Confirmed Speakers:

WULF (Woden's Folk)
The Power of the Runes

Film: Israel In Flagrante: Caught in the Acts of Turnspeak

Live performance: Beowulf, Part One

Admission £7.00. Issue Three of NEW IMPERIUM magazine will also be on sale at the meeting, priced at just £3.00, as well as copies of the new H.E.R.R. CD at the special price of £10.00

“Never, New Rightists claim, has a revolutionary return to their people's roots been more urgent. After half a century under the liberal-democratic regimes imposed by the United States in 1945, Europeans now face extinction as a race and a culture. Against this, their appeal to the most primordial facets of their people's heritage aims at awakening the spirit of resistance and renaissance.” - NEW CULTURE, NEW RIGHT

As usual, for more details contact me direct.

Delenda est Carthago!




Hide the following 7 comments

looks good

06.01.2007 16:54

thanks for posting that, it looks good. the blog is interesting too but hardly facists.


just scratch the surface

06.01.2007 17:30

"the blog is interesting too but hardly facists(sic)"

Today the key to being a successful fascist is not to publicly advertise the fact that you are a fascist. Just because they aren't openly saying that immigrants should be marched off to concentration camps doesn't mean that they don't intend to do so if they ever get the chance, god forbid. Look how popular the BNP have become since they have dispensed with the jackboots and put on a veneer of "respectability".

Tom A

Scatch the Surface?

06.01.2007 19:53

Scatch the surface? In this case you don't have to do much scratching. Which bit of "Arayan Futures" did you miss?

mail e-mail:

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss....

06.01.2007 23:18

Hmmm, Disrupt a FreeSpeech venue using Fascistcistic methodology And your use of the same brownshirt tactics , makes you "different "from Fascists how?"Pot calling Kettle, state Colour over"



Lady Micelle Renouf

12.01.2007 04:51

Michele Renouf (born Mainwaring 1946) is an Australian-born, British-based socialite, who came to the wider attention of the public when she sat at the side of David Irving during his failed legal action against the historian Deborah Lipstadt in 2000. She is known for her open and virulent antisemitism. Born Michele Mainwaring, she became a model, dancer and beauty contestant, winning the title of Miss Newcastle 1968. Her first marriage was to Daniel Griaznoff, a descendant of Russian aristocracy, which, she claims, granted her the title of Countess.In 1991 she entered into her second marriage, to tennis legend Sir Frank Renouf, when he was 72 and she was 44. The marriage collapsed after a few months when Sir Frank was informed about his wife's humble origins. Renouf had told Sir Frank that she was the ex-wife of a Russian nobleman and that her father was dead, only to have Sir Frank learn that, in fact, her father was a truck driver named Arthur and still very much alive. Sir Frank described the union as a "nasty accident". Nevertheless, her marriage to Sir Frank allowed her to assume the title of "Lady Renouf". Renouf has become increasingly known in recent years for her support of prominent antisemites. In 2000 she was a daily presence at David Irving's court case and in 2005 she attended the trial of the extremist Ernst Zündel in Germany. She has described Judaism as a "repugnant and hateful religion". Her attempt to get David Irving invited to the London's Reform Club led to Renouf being expelled from that institution in 2003.
She attended a revisionist "Holocaust conference" in Iran in December, 2006.

So probably not a racist meeting after all.

Debretts Peerage

Lady Renouf is enough

13.01.2007 21:18

It's not a very clear picture so you might want to ask the supposed Lady what she was doing with Nick Griffin and David Duke in 2005. Or What she is organising in the Holocaust Denial Meeting Circuit for 2007 - as apparently the poor dear will be rushed off her feet organising it.

You could also ask about what she said in the speech there

Was it really filled with such antisemitic bilge that she cold be prosecuted when it turns up?
And it will. It is only a matter of time before all her lies get found out. Such as, "daddy was not a taxi driver..." Apparently it was not as tedious as her address to the Iran Holocaust Conference:

Thank you Mr Chairman.

Colleagues and our Iranian comrades,
I shall speak with pauses to assist our hard-working translators!
I am deeply grateful for this generous invitation from the IPIS [Institute for Political
and International Studies] to take part in these historic two days we share.
As Dr Mohammadi’s Opening Address reveals, this Conference has given voice to an urgent
international need - felt by so many suppressed academics and people of conscience …
from so far and wide that the IPIS must have been overwhelmed with papers and willing
participants! [UPDATE: Indeed, as the Iranian Foreign Office tells us, overwhelmed by
some 800 papers ! ] These two glorious, truth-expressing days remind me of a famous
scene in Shakespeare’s play, King Henry V, when this medieval nobleman tells his modest
band of comrades that those who where not here to stand firm with us, shall one day soon
come to regret with shame and sorrow, their cowardice…
[ KING HENRY V, Act 4, Scene 3:
“…he which hath no stomach for this fight, Let him depart… That fears his fellowship to
die with us. …This story shall the good man teach his son;…..

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother… And gentlemen in England now a’bed Shall think themselves accursed
they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks That fought with us
upon Saint Crispin’s{/’Saint Mahmoud’s!} day.” ] …for, the instrument of
“Holocaustianity” is set “to play off the nations” [in the words of Theodore Herzl] ,
upon a fabricated collision course. In our era, we have precious few noble statesmen. So, I come to Teheran to congratulate the Iranian people who voted Dr. Ahmadinejad as their President. For, this valiant statesman - ( just like my noble Revisionist colleagues whose right of open debate I proudly champion ) - seek to speak the truth, bravely, no matter if to their personal cost in being demonised, ostracised, or even imprisoned for expressing their rational opinions. Indeed, when President Ahmadinejad called the so-called “Free-World” grotesquely hypocritical for its deceit to impose its so-called “democracy” on the Middle East and Iran, he has been fully vindicated - (proved indisputably correct) - for we, from the
so-called “Free World”, are only free to voice our [culturally Hellenic source-sceptical] views, in peace-loving Iran. Now I must at once apologize to my respectable hosts who do not want to include in their programme, a critique of Judaism. [[ RENOUF noticed and interrupts her text to ad lib as Rabbi Moishe Friedman, head of the Austrian Orthodox Neturei Karta gets up to leave the Conference Hall: ]] I’m sorry for those who feel they have to leave the room in order not to hear de-conditioning! [[ Rabbi Moishe, midst peels of audience hilarity, returns quickly to his seat! ]] Thank you for returning Rabbi. Incidentally, Rabbi Moishe from Austria kindly asked me to help him put into “good English” the speech he delivered to you yesterday, so I am very familiar with his speech and grateful for him to have given me that chance. Well, this session’s programme topic is ‘”Nazism, Zionism and Holocaust”, and, I am sorry to say, these topics will get us no-where, for they are red herrings, as it were,
- distractions - that throw us off the scent of the truly dangerous quarry which
actually prompted the creation of each of them. Therefore, I must stress that I speak independently and only in my own name. No platform should be ‘tainted’ by any association or endorsement. For I believe that the two great prophets, Christ and Mohammed, saw in Judaism a dangerously misanthropic tendency, and that they each held up a mirror to the
fundamentally anti-gentile narcissism in the pious deceit aroused by a Jewish
Godfather’s “Election” of Chosen Children. When I was reading, for two years, for a Masters Degree at the Jesuit College of Heythrop (part of the University of London ), I saw its College Principal preach to Jewish congregations in Reform Synagogues, that the two Biblical Covenants stand side by side. Thus, in spite of New Testament theology, Jesuits now defer to the first Covenant of the Old Testament (or Torah) between only the Chosen Children and their Jewish Godfather. Not only theologically, but psychologically speaking, the Judaic Old Testament proved disastrous for being based on a bad father role-model. For we know as parents that, in life, a father who favours one of his children above all the others will increase that child’s natural self-centredness and, unattractively, increase its motivation to sustain
this selfish, actually loveless, sense of self supremacy … whilst, in the unfavoured
children, a low morale or sibling rivalry will result. Both Mohammed and Christ warned
mankind of this disaffection. In the case of Christ, he warned us of the “brood of vipers” and “deceivers” and begged his Jewish brothers and sisters to disdain the anti-gentile oral teachings which later on became the written Talmud. In the case of Mohammed, he warned of the same deceivers but said that Christians may be trusted. Well, I am sorry to say that Christendom today has been so corrupted by the secular race supremacy religion of Holocaustianity that they are rendered quite untrustworthy by their collusion with Judaism.
Indeed, as Rabbi Friedmann has exposed in his speech yesterday, Holocaustianity has made traitors of Christendom. Christian leaders, drawn by an enthrallingly plausible
holocaust narrative, began foresaking Christ’s warnings, officially since the 1960’s, to
revere Auschwitz - the sacrificial burnt offering site of a so-called Covenantal bargain
for Israel - as “The Holy of Holies”. Thus, theologically, Christian leaders no longer
attest to the New Testament and its Only Son’s anti-vanity Covenant which was meant to
supercede the dangerous election of one “Chosen” people above all others. For pointing out in my university essays that this false and treacherous hypenating of Judaism with Christianity is like wearing a T-shirt saying: “Jesus loves you… but I’m his favourite !”…and thus this undermines completely, the humility message from Christ, and indeed from Mohammed - I was asked to “study elsewhere”! Now, I know from the anti-Zionist, Neturei Karta Orthodox rabbis that there is a difference of approach, between Judaism and Zionism, from the interviews their brethren in London kindly gave me for my film documentary entitled “Israel In Flagrante: Caught in the Acts of Twistspeak”. However, it is my considered view - based on the parallel teachings of Christ and Mohammed - as well as from the Soncino edition of the Jewish law books called the Talmud (by which Judaists interpret the Bible) - that Talmudic laws authorize Jews to deceive non-Jews in their over-riding Jewish race supremacy interests… just as per the not less secular motto of the Mossad which is: “By Way of Deception”. Judaism and its followers do have a right to exist. They do! And a safe place on the planet must be found where Jews can follow their beliefs but without interferring with other cultures and without their WMDs which, as per the tenets of the Talmud, they do not care to reveal to us. This is typical of the teachings of Talmudic legal twistspeak, by which the focus of attention is turned away from their secretive behaviour to charge other nations - Iraq for instance - and now, Iran, for so much as maybe planning any
right to create defensive WMD. Given Israel’s borderless state intentions to claim for
itself, a “Promised Land” from The Nile to The Euphrates, surely its neighbours would be
justified? The world now knows that we were lied to when we (the “coalition” of the duped) went into yet another inter-gentile war (this time on an innocent Iraq) for no side’s benefit
save the usual third party’s. For, the true cause and effect facts are as follows: Organised World Jewry, in its all visibility as the Zionist entity of Israel, does have WMD…(curiously, since the 1940s); Iran and Iraq do not. Israel has driven Palestinians “into the sea”; Iran has not. Our Western criminal laws are based on acts, not misquoted rhetoric! We must speak the truth - the whole truth, bravely - as Christ and Mohammed did and urge their followers
to do the same! Yes I, too, like the Neturai Karta, believe in a peaceful dismantling of the Israeli entity in Palestine. And, of course, one should add, the proper reparations from Israel
for its criminal pirating of Palestine - a pirating, planned then announced in 1897 by
Theodore Herzl, to “disappear” the Palestinians when, incidentally, Adolf Hitler was
aged 8 years old ! Let’s get the cause and the effect straight: Zionism predates Nazism by half a century; likewise, Judaism’s anti-gentilism predates so-called anti-semitism (that is, anti-Jewishness, for you do not have to be genetically Jewish to be Jew-ish! ). But, unlike the Neturei Karta rabbis, I do not believe the answer is to re-disperse among the nations the Jewish people who are anti-gentile by their own misfortunate Biblical definition and mission.
This dispersement is unworkable, as their history has shown. For the one question we
never hear asked in public discourse is this: Why has Jewish group behaviour throughout the ages - (and even well before the arrival of Christianity, according to ancient Roman texts) - met everywhere, eventually, with angry pogroms, the best publicised being the expulsion policies of the1930s and 40s across Europe? This question is not asked because it is considered “anti-semitic” even to draw attention to the fact that World “Judea” had openly declared its economic war on Germany in 1933 and so, naturally, that “Trojan Horse”, as leading Zionist Chaim Wiezmann called organised World Jewry, were put into concentration camps. Other normal wartime actions against enemy agents, according to truthful jewish observers like Benjamin Freedman, were taken. I do not want to see any race or species of flora and fauna on our planet, eliminated. Equally, I do not want my own race eliminated through the mass migration policies, curiously undertaken as a global strategy since the establishment of Holocaustianity. The differences in our races - (and their cultures created authentically out of their placement on the planet where each is a part of its particular flora and fauna environs), is the glory of our planet. We are being persuaded, by political mispackaging, to diminish the true nature of our races and cultures in this disastrous mass multi-cultural, multi-racial experiment - which curiously, is to be inplemented everywhere except Israel…and at our general self destruction. There is no hate in what I am saying - as will be smeared over me, of course, in the usual bid to discredit any critique of Jewish group behaviour. In truth and practice, I speak no negative hatred; I speak up positively for the planet and its peoples, as created. In conclusion, let me repeat, this session is about “Nazism, Zionism and Holocaust”. In my view, these are red herrings - diversions. The real issue behind them all is the conflict between Judaism’s basic, anti- gentile supremacism, and the revisionisms of it - as I see it held up for us, to reflect upon the dangers - by the two wise prophets, Mohammed and Christ. As role-models they teach us to speak the whole truth, bravely. No race, no species need be killed. Truth alone renders harmful liars impotent. But if we fail to address the whole truth, and instead collude, like cowards, with useless half-truths (like being only anti-Zionist), Judaism’s chameleon tenacity to dupe the nations into bowing to its supremacy, will mean we keep performing inter-gentile
wars by proxy for its sake, alone - like those of WW1 and WW2 and on Iraq … (and next on
Iran, we’re told). That is, wars for no benefit, ultimately, to either side’s eager pro-Zionist coat-tailing, gentile party: only to their usual third party “Trojan” beneficiaries. Now, because of the big lie about Iraq - a big lie which has brought blood and shame upon all who were in the thrall of pro-Zionist foreign policies - the world is ready for realising that the instrument of “Holocaustianity” is set to “play off the nations”, big time culturally, upon a fabricated collision course. “This story shall the good man teach his son…” about the perils of jewish “Election”. I thank you for your patience with my point of view.

The Holocaust Denial Conference

Lady Renouf is enough

13.01.2007 21:20

It's not a very clear picture so you might want to ask the supposed Lady what she was doing with Nick Griffin and David Duke in 2005. Or What she is organising in the Holocaust Denial Meeting Circuit for 2007 - as apparently the poor dear will be rushed off her feet organising it.

You could also ask about what she said in the speech there

Was it really filled with such antisemitic bilge that she cold be prosecuted when it turns up?
And it will. It is only a matter of time before all her lies get found out. Such as, "daddy was not a taxi driver..." Apparently it was not as tedious as her address to the Iran Holocaust Conference:

Thank you Mr Chairman.

Colleagues and our Iranian comrades,
I shall speak with pauses to assist our hard-working translators!
I am deeply grateful for this generous invitation from the IPIS [Institute for Political
and International Studies] to take part in these historic two days we share.
As Dr Mohammadi’s Opening Address reveals, this Conference has given voice to an urgent
international need - felt by so many suppressed academics and people of conscience …
from so far and wide that the IPIS must have been overwhelmed with papers and willing
participants! [UPDATE: Indeed, as the Iranian Foreign Office tells us, overwhelmed by
some 800 papers ! ] These two glorious, truth-expressing days remind me of a famous
scene in Shakespeare’s play, King Henry V, when this medieval nobleman tells his modest
band of comrades that those who where not here to stand firm with us, shall one day soon
come to regret with shame and sorrow, their cowardice…
[ KING HENRY V, Act 4, Scene 3:
“…he which hath no stomach for this fight, Let him depart… That fears his fellowship to
die with us. …This story shall the good man teach his son;…..

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother… And gentlemen in England now a’bed Shall think themselves accursed
they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks That fought with us
upon Saint Crispin’s{/’Saint Mahmoud’s!} day.” ] …for, the instrument of
“Holocaustianity” is set “to play off the nations” [in the words of Theodore Herzl] ,
upon a fabricated collision course. In our era, we have precious few noble statesmen. So, I come to Teheran to congratulate the Iranian people who voted Dr. Ahmadinejad as their President. For, this valiant statesman - ( just like my noble Revisionist colleagues whose right of open debate I proudly champion ) - seek to speak the truth, bravely, no matter if to their personal cost in being demonised, ostracised, or even imprisoned for expressing their rational opinions. Indeed, when President Ahmadinejad called the so-called “Free-World” grotesquely hypocritical for its deceit to impose its so-called “democracy” on the Middle East and Iran, he has been fully vindicated - (proved indisputably correct) - for we, from the
so-called “Free World”, are only free to voice our [culturally Hellenic source-sceptical] views, in peace-loving Iran. Now I must at once apologize to my respectable hosts who do not want to include in their programme, a critique of Judaism. [[ RENOUF noticed and interrupts her text to ad lib as Rabbi Moishe Friedman, head of the Austrian Orthodox Neturei Karta gets up to leave the Conference Hall: ]] I’m sorry for those who feel they have to leave the room in order not to hear de-conditioning! [[ Rabbi Moishe, midst peels of audience hilarity, returns quickly to his seat! ]] Thank you for returning Rabbi. Incidentally, Rabbi Moishe from Austria kindly asked me to help him put into “good English” the speech he delivered to you yesterday, so I am very familiar with his speech and grateful for him to have given me that chance. Well, this session’s programme topic is ‘”Nazism, Zionism and Holocaust”, and, I am sorry to say, these topics will get us no-where, for they are red herrings, as it were,
- distractions - that throw us off the scent of the truly dangerous quarry which
actually prompted the creation of each of them. Therefore, I must stress that I speak independently and only in my own name. No platform should be ‘tainted’ by any association or endorsement. For I believe that the two great prophets, Christ and Mohammed, saw in Judaism a dangerously misanthropic tendency, and that they each held up a mirror to the
fundamentally anti-gentile narcissism in the pious deceit aroused by a Jewish
Godfather’s “Election” of Chosen Children. When I was reading, for two years, for a Masters Degree at the Jesuit College of Heythrop (part of the University of London ), I saw its College Principal preach to Jewish congregations in Reform Synagogues, that the two Biblical Covenants stand side by side. Thus, in spite of New Testament theology, Jesuits now defer to the first Covenant of the Old Testament (or Torah) between only the Chosen Children and their Jewish Godfather. Not only theologically, but psychologically speaking, the Judaic Old Testament proved disastrous for being based on a bad father role-model. For we know as parents that, in life, a father who favours one of his children above all the others will increase that child’s natural self-centredness and, unattractively, increase its motivation to sustain
this selfish, actually loveless, sense of self supremacy … whilst, in the unfavoured
children, a low morale or sibling rivalry will result. Both Mohammed and Christ warned
mankind of this disaffection. In the case of Christ, he warned us of the “brood of vipers” and “deceivers” and begged his Jewish brothers and sisters to disdain the anti-gentile oral teachings which later on became the written Talmud. In the case of Mohammed, he warned of the same deceivers but said that Christians may be trusted. Well, I am sorry to say that Christendom today has been so corrupted by the secular race supremacy religion of Holocaustianity that they are rendered quite untrustworthy by their collusion with Judaism.
Indeed, as Rabbi Friedmann has exposed in his speech yesterday, Holocaustianity has made traitors of Christendom. Christian leaders, drawn by an enthrallingly plausible
holocaust narrative, began foresaking Christ’s warnings, officially since the 1960’s, to
revere Auschwitz - the sacrificial burnt offering site of a so-called Covenantal bargain
for Israel - as “The Holy of Holies”. Thus, theologically, Christian leaders no longer
attest to the New Testament and its Only Son’s anti-vanity Covenant which was meant to
supercede the dangerous election of one “Chosen” people above all others. For pointing out in my university essays that this false and treacherous hypenating of Judaism with Christianity is like wearing a T-shirt saying: “Jesus loves you… but I’m his favourite !”…and thus this undermines completely, the humility message from Christ, and indeed from Mohammed - I was asked to “study elsewhere”! Now, I know from the anti-Zionist, Neturei Karta Orthodox rabbis that there is a difference of approach, between Judaism and Zionism, from the interviews their brethren in London kindly gave me for my film documentary entitled “Israel In Flagrante: Caught in the Acts of Twistspeak”. However, it is my considered view - based on the parallel teachings of Christ and Mohammed - as well as from the Soncino edition of the Jewish law books called the Talmud (by which Judaists interpret the Bible) - that Talmudic laws authorize Jews to deceive non-Jews in their over-riding Jewish race supremacy interests… just as per the not less secular motto of the Mossad which is: “By Way of Deception”. Judaism and its followers do have a right to exist. They do! And a safe place on the planet must be found where Jews can follow their beliefs but without interferring with other cultures and without their WMDs which, as per the tenets of the Talmud, they do not care to reveal to us. This is typical of the teachings of Talmudic legal twistspeak, by which the focus of attention is turned away from their secretive behaviour to charge other nations - Iraq for instance - and now, Iran, for so much as maybe planning any
right to create defensive WMD. Given Israel’s borderless state intentions to claim for
itself, a “Promised Land” from The Nile to The Euphrates, surely its neighbours would be
justified? The world now knows that we were lied to when we (the “coalition” of the duped) went into yet another inter-gentile war (this time on an innocent Iraq) for no side’s benefit
save the usual third party’s. For, the true cause and effect facts are as follows: Organised World Jewry, in its all visibility as the Zionist entity of Israel, does have WMD…(curiously, since the 1940s); Iran and Iraq do not. Israel has driven Palestinians “into the sea”; Iran has not. Our Western criminal laws are based on acts, not misquoted rhetoric! We must speak the truth - the whole truth, bravely - as Christ and Mohammed did and urge their followers
to do the same! Yes I, too, like the Neturai Karta, believe in a peaceful dismantling of the Israeli entity in Palestine. And, of course, one should add, the proper reparations from Israel
for its criminal pirating of Palestine - a pirating, planned then announced in 1897 by
Theodore Herzl, to “disappear” the Palestinians when, incidentally, Adolf Hitler was
aged 8 years old ! Let’s get the cause and the effect straight: Zionism predates Nazism by half a century; likewise, Judaism’s anti-gentilism predates so-called anti-semitism (that is, anti-Jewishness, for you do not have to be genetically Jewish to be Jew-ish! ). But, unlike the Neturei Karta rabbis, I do not believe the answer is to re-disperse among the nations the Jewish people who are anti-gentile by their own misfortunate Biblical definition and mission.
This dispersement is unworkable, as their history has shown. For the one question we
never hear asked in public discourse is this: Why has Jewish group behaviour throughout the ages - (and even well before the arrival of Christianity, according to ancient Roman texts) - met everywhere, eventually, with angry pogroms, the best publicised being the expulsion policies of the1930s and 40s across Europe? This question is not asked because it is considered “anti-semitic” even to draw attention to the fact that World “Judea” had openly declared its economic war on Germany in 1933 and so, naturally, that “Trojan Horse”, as leading Zionist Chaim Wiezmann called organised World Jewry, were put into concentration camps. Other normal wartime actions against enemy agents, according to truthful jewish observers like Benjamin Freedman, were taken. I do not want to see any race or species of flora and fauna on our planet, eliminated. Equally, I do not want my own race eliminated through the mass migration policies, curiously undertaken as a global strategy since the establishment of Holocaustianity. The differences in our races - (and their cultures created authentically out of their placement on the planet where each is a part of its particular flora and fauna environs), is the glory of our planet. We are being persuaded, by political mispackaging, to diminish the true nature of our races and cultures in this disastrous mass multi-cultural, multi-racial experiment - which curiously, is to be inplemented everywhere except Israel…and at our general self destruction. There is no hate in what I am saying - as will be smeared over me, of course, in the usual bid to discredit any critique of Jewish group behaviour. In truth and practice, I speak no negative hatred; I speak up positively for the planet and its peoples, as created. In conclusion, let me repeat, this session is about “Nazism, Zionism and Holocaust”. In my view, these are red herrings - diversions. The real issue behind them all is the conflict between Judaism’s basic, anti- gentile supremacism, and the revisionisms of it - as I see it held up for us, to reflect upon the dangers - by the two wise prophets, Mohammed and Christ. As role-models they teach us to speak the whole truth, bravely. No race, no species need be killed. Truth alone renders harmful liars impotent. But if we fail to address the whole truth, and instead collude, like cowards, with useless half-truths (like being only anti-Zionist), Judaism’s chameleon tenacity to dupe the nations into bowing to its supremacy, will mean we keep performing inter-gentile
wars by proxy for its sake, alone - like those of WW1 and WW2 and on Iraq … (and next on
Iran, we’re told). That is, wars for no benefit, ultimately, to either side’s eager pro-Zionist coat-tailing, gentile party: only to their usual third party “Trojan” beneficiaries. Now, because of the big lie about Iraq - a big lie which has brought blood and shame upon all who were in the thrall of pro-Zionist foreign policies - the world is ready for realising that the instrument of “Holocaustianity” is set to “play off the nations”, big time culturally, upon a fabricated collision course. “This story shall the good man teach his son…” about the perils of jewish “Election”. I thank you for your patience with my point of view.

The Holocaust Denial Conference


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