London Indymedia

Catholic Workers Blockade Northwood HQ on "Feast of Innocents"

Catholic Worker | 28.12.2006 17:09 | Anti-militarism | London

Following a day of reflection on the "Feast of the Holy Innocents" and the wars presently raging on Afghanistan and Iraq, a dozen Catholic Workers and friends made their way to Northwood Headquarters on the outskirts of London.

Catholic Worker Crew-London, Oxford, Dublin & Farm
Catholic Worker Crew-London, Oxford, Dublin & Farm

Scott Dragged from Base
Scott Dragged from Base

Blockading the Entrance to Northwood HQ
Blockading the Entrance to Northwood HQ

Dragged fron the Entrance to Northwood HQ
Dragged fron the Entrance to Northwood HQ

...and stay put! (not likely)
...and stay put! (not likely)

Scott Albrecht from the Catholic Worker farm community, Sr. Susan Clarkson from the Oxford Catholic Worker, Stephen Barnes and Fr. Martin Newell from the London/Hackney Catholic Worker blockaded the entrance to Northwood. Six others initially joined them on the driveway in a liturgy celebrating the "Feast of the Holy Innocents". The Catholic feast day which falls on December 28th. recalls the slaughter of children by King Herod in response to the birth of Christ.

Scott Albrecht was pushed to the ground by an armed soldier on entrance to the base and dragged from the base. Stephen Barnes and Sr. Susan Clarkson had pepper spray aimed at them, but it was not used. As more police officers arrived, the blockaders were contnually dragged from the entrance, regrouping and returning. During this period, the support group moved to the opposite side of the road reading out the names of the dead holding a banner that read, "Stop the Slaughter of Afghani and Iraqi Children"! The stand off and vigil went for two hours in which traffic in and out of the base was disrupted and tension was nonviolently brought to the entrance of this significant headquarters in the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sr. Susan Clarkson stated, "President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have reduced the children of Afghanistan and Iraq to the lowly status of collateral damage. Most Iraqis killed since our invasion have been noncombatants, women and children. The nature of modern warfare, from "Shock and Awe" bombardment to unexploded cluster bombs that litter the landscape indefinitely, makes the slaughter of children inevitable.

We blockade the gates of Northwood, the nerve centre of all British forces deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, in defense of the children of Afghanistan and Iraq. We are inspired by those members of the military refusing to deploy and military families who are saying no to the deaths of their chilkdren and the killing of the Afghani and Iraqi children. We are inspired by all those involved in nonviolent resistance to this war."

Northwood Base is located on the northern outskirts of London servicing British and NATO forces. The Catholic Worker movement, founded by Dorothy Day in 1933, is an international network of over 150 communities involved in direct service to the homeless and nonviolent anti-war resistance.

For more information 077 26997 638

Catholic Worker


LINK-Reports & Photos from "Holy Innocents" in Washington DC at Pentagon, White

01.01.2007 14:37

A series of nonviolent anti-war actions were undertaken in Washingotn DC at the Pentagon, White Houe and D.O.E. over the "Feast of the Holy Innocents". Access photos & reports on link below........

- Homepage:


Hide the following 5 comments

more on this

28.12.2006 23:06

fame HERE is unwarranted and unheeded, for some - war brings grief and sadness not glory or your name in lights.


Good on ya' for all that at the very least

Fingle Niten

Response to Fingle

31.12.2006 17:46

Fingle I haven't got time or energy to explore the depths of anal self consciousness from which your comment spring.....these are Catholic Workers, this is a blockade of Northwood, this is not neon or fame, thus it is an appropriate title for the post.

If we are to rebuild an anti-war movement on the basis of solidarity, nonviolent direct action - actions such as this one by the Catholic Worker will be part of it. The Catholic Worker is primarily a north american phenomenon involved in direct anti-war resistance since the 1930's. Its members were interend in WW2, burnt draft cards during the Vietnam war and have supplied many of the participants in the plowshares nonviolent disarmament actions.

December 28th "The Feast of the Holy Innocents" has been a popular anniversary/feast day for Catholic Worker communities to initiate nonviolent direct actions against the war machine.
You do't need a cast of thousands to d some significant and direct against the war machine see You do need a movement that celebrates diversity to offer solidarity to tothers from other traditions putting themselves on the line.

Hopefully others can draw from whatever wellsprings of tradition or ritual they relate to - to muster nonviolent resistance ot the war machine. When they do, you can count on Catholic Workers being in proactively solidarity with them!

mail e-mail: Dublin Catholic Worker
- Homepage:

Reflecting & Acting on the "Feast of the Holy Innocents"

31.12.2006 17:52

For the Christian exploring radical salvation history and seeking to be faithful in a time of escalating and expanding imperial war on the Middle East, the co-option of the Christmas season by the state is always a problem. How do we remain faithful in a context where our radical traditions and stories are being co-opted to feed rampant consumerism that drives the ever expanding market and diminishes finite ecology?
How do we claim our identity as radical disciples in this season where our traditions are box, diced, decontextualised, packaged and co-opted to service empire and death?

The co-option of the season is carried out by the decapitation of the story. The joy and hope of the Advent season cannot be seperated from the cost of discipleship and the collateral damage created by clients in service to the imperial state - expressed with Herods "Slaughter of the Innocents".

In the early '80's in Australia, our Catholic Worker community would vigil amongst the shoppers with appeals to boycot the sale of war toys. In '87 we were arrested en masse as a nativity scene blocakding U.S. sailors disembarking from a nuclear warship deploying to the Persian Gulf. The U.S. navy is still in the Persian Gulf (presently escalating its firepower presence) and we are still on the streets! The holding cell at the Brisbane watchhouse made quite a manger scene as we were dressed as angels, shepherds and magi. A Christmas drunk would only enter the cell when the cops had afixed an inflated latex glove to his head so he could pretend to be a chook in our manger!

Of the four Christmas seasons I spent in the United States, U.S. troops were deployed (Panama, Iraq, Somalia) for three of them. To watch the White House co-opt Christmas, depoliticise it and downsize it to sentimentality in support its latest war effort is truly sickening. How do we avoid getting sick? The only anti venom we have is to gather in community, share soldarity and continue the nonviolent resistance to the high crimes of empire. "The Feast of the Holy Innocents" (Dec 28th.) has become a significant time for our movement to gather, to celebrate, to reflect, to act. We reflect on the scriptual stories of salvation history and the latest seismic shifts in empire and we act nonviolently, directly and prophetically.

There is much to be gleaned from the Herod's slaughter of the innocents in terms of understanding Bush/Blair/Ahern/Howard's ongoing slaughter in Iraq and elsewhere.

The Matthew's (Ch 2) gospel story has its echo in the Book of Exodus (Ch. 1). Pharoah attempts to launch a preemptive strike on any scent of liberation and stirrings of solidarity. The story tells of the slaughter of children continued in the latest imperial adventure in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc. The story also tells of solidarity expressed by the marginalised and nonviolent resistance to power by midwives and magi.

The Exodus and Gospel narratives tell us what we already know,

1) ...that the powerful only know power. Whether they claim to be american neocon, british new labour or old irish nationalist everyone is expendable for their maintenance of power. Ahern provides the refueling at Shannon, Blair the fig leaf of the "special relationship" and Bush the military firepower to slay 600,000 Iraqis (mostly women and children) to impose the imperial order on a part of the world rich in resources.

2) Pharoah and Herod, Bush and Ahern, seek out accomplices to get the job done on the sly, on the quiet, covertly. The midwives are instructed "kill the kids" (Ex 1.16), the magi are ordered by Herod to do the search, he will do the destroy (Matt 2:8)

Herod disguises his murderous intent stating he "wishes to pay homage". Bush wished to rid Iraq of WMD, replace (a former accomplice) Saddam, bring all things good to the Iraqi people, to pay homage. In '03 Bush failed to recruit the U.N. as an accomplice as his Daddy had done in '91, he recruited Blair who was proud to embrace the mission and Ahern among others who denied he was part of it - while providing Shannon Airport as the most significant stopover for the invading military. Bush, Blair and Ahern tried to recruit us to maintain a housebroken silence as these high crimes are commited, as the innocent are slaughtered. Once again this Christmas season, Bush and Blair will repackage the slaughter in diplomatic pieties. Ahern will claim he knows nothing, a cultivated ignorance he hopes we will all embrace.

In both Exodus and Gospel narratives, God's messenger enters the drama at the time of the highest risk. In a reed basket on the Nile, in a feed trough in a Bethlehem stable, as threatening as the truth to those in power. Disarmed and dangerous as the overwhelming presence of power faces off with the providential power of presence. The imperial state only knows the dominance of escalated violence. The war spreads to Lebanon, it threatens to embrace Iran.

As it is our time now, the then accomplices take centre stage. They perceive the royal mandates to kill as tests of allegiance. To follow God or Ceaser, to go along to get along in the context of imperial normalcy or to nonvilolently resist claiming some other reality where children are not reduced to collateral damage.

The "midwives feared God and did not do as the King of Egypt ordered them and let the boys live" (Exodus 1:17). The "magi from the east understood God's word, they disobeyed Herod by secretly fleeing the country" (Matt 2:12)

What are we now being injuncted or ordered to do by Bush/Blair/ Ahern/ Howard so the killing of children in Iraq can proceed without disruption, so empire can be maintained and expanded?

How do we shake off the slumber and sedation of consumerism to gather and to resist - to fulfil the prophecy of one threatened by the imperial sword....

"His mercy is from age to age
to those who fear him.
He has shown might with his arm,
dispersedthe arrogant of mind and heart.
He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones
but lifted up the lowly.
The hungry he has filled with good things;
the rich he has sent away empty..." (Luke Ch1)

In the days following Christmas, various Catholic Worker communities and friends will gather near various military hell holes in North America and Europe. We will pray, reflect, rejoice in community and nonviolently resist at sites on the assembly line of death. An assembly line that has produced 600,000 Iraqi and 3,000 American corpses untold maimed and traumatised in this latest venture. In the paradigm of the power of the weakness of God in a manger we will expose the weakness of power on the throne.

Ciaron O'Reilly
- Homepage:

Report from "Holy Innocents" at Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

01.01.2007 14:22

The 28th Annual Feast of the Holy Innocents Retreat and Witness at
Offutt AFB took place as planned. Eleven people participated in the
two and a half day retreat. The scriptures were studied, past
resistance efforts at Offutt reviewed, the new god awful mission of
STRATCom explored, prayers made, Eucharist celebrated, old and new
friendships fostered, community built and the spirit of Christmas

By the time we got to Offutt's main entrance for the witness at noon
on Dec 28th we were 25 strong. This year as was
the case last year, the Offutt security people closed down the two
lane main entrance road and allowed us to take our procession up the
1/3 mile drive to the closed gates. This year, all security personnel
were hidden from sight. A number of security people were out of sight
in the guard house directly attached to the closed gate.

Once we reached the closed main gate we read our prepared statement
(see below for text) and sang a Christmas Carrol. Fr. Jim Murphy
concluded our witness with a passionate plea to any of the personnel
who were listening, to quit their military jobs and come join our
efforts as peace makers. Fr. Jim recalled a similar plea of Archbishop
Oscar Romero made to El Salvadorian military personnel back in 1980.

There were no line crossers this year.

As we returned to our cars to go home, many of us were struck by the
apparent lack of any visible contact with Offutt personnel at the
gate. There was one lone Omaha World Herald reporter.

Our efforts this year to proclaim the Christmas message at STRATCom
seem to be following more closely the Gospel of Luke's version of the
birth of Jesus. In Luke's story of Christmas, the baby Jesus is born
in the most marginal and humble of places, far away from any place of
importance or notice, in a barn on the outskirts of Bethlehem, an
insignificant village in occupied Palestine.

In Luke's Gospel, God sent his angels to deliver the proclamation of
his Son's birth to a bunch of shepherds. And it was to these shepherds
that the task of announcing Jesus' birth to the world is given. Given
who shepherds were and where they came from, their Christmas message
probably received no more a hearing from "the powers that be'' than
ours did at Offutt's gate this year.

mail e-mail: Des Moines Catholic Worker

so says me..........

02.01.2007 15:49

The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over.
' that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit'.



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