At Trafalgar Sq. the atmosphere was incredibly powerful as so many women stepped up to say "no more" to rape and all other forms of violence against women regardless of class, age, ethnicity or circumstance. While women were waited for numbers to gather in the Square, there was a hugely positve feeling of expectation in the crowd. Women talked freely of their histories, experiences and hopes for the future. Many women activists shared tales of solidarity asking each other questions of interest in femist topics and women from the 70s movements openly expressing their pleasure at seeing so many yong women willing to take up the struggle for womens' rights and celebrating female strength.
The march set off with a huge variety of banners from different groups proclaiming 'Recalim the Night' through to 'Womens' rights are Universal'. Police 'escorted' the march up to Charring Cross intervening once as a large group of men exited a pub, hurling insults and comments ("lesbians", "get your tits out") and punching fists in the air.. ho hum..!! Many women pointedly ignored these men, while others shouted back. Many onlookers were shocked at the reaction of these men and made positive comments to the women in retort.
Walking up Tottenham Court Road the march became a space for shared chants and some lively discussions. On arriving at the infamous Spearmint Rhino lap dancing club, women passed the building in a chrous of boos.
Shortly after, the next corner led the march to the University of London union where a rally with a variety of speakers and bands were to talk and play. Many men joined the rally to listen to the talks by the organisers and guest speakers.
The night was rounded off with music, talk, dancing and optimism.
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