‘you know before the war in my country, I was not even thinking about coming here. I was happy. I was with my family, everything was OK. Why should I want to go? But things happen.'
When: Thursday November 30 2006 @ 6pm for 6:15 (finish 7:30)
Starring: Samantha Lawson, Anna Hope and Scott Brooksbank. Music by Vijay Kishore.
Cost: FREE - No bookings required. Further info

FREE - No bookings required. Get there early to secure a seat.
Founded by award-winning playwright Sonja Linden, iceandfire is dedicated to honouring the real life stories of individuals who have been displaced as a result of conflict. iceandfire offers personal and powerful insights into the experience of refugees and asylum seekers by channelling their stories into the production of high-quality theatre, and through regular education and outreach programmes.
Actors for Refugees is an informal network of performers dedicated to drawing public attention to the harsh realities faced by individuals who come to the UK to seek refuge. The actors and musicians involved aim to use their performance skills and public profile to influence community attitudes toward refugees and asylum seekers and to encourage a humanitarian response to their situation.
Would you like Asylum Monologues to come to you?
Asylum Monologues draws much of it power from its simple and direct staging. It is easy to produce and can be performed anywhere around the country at anytime. If you would like to bring Asylum Monologues to your area, simply contact Christine Bacon, Actors for Refugees co-ordinator, to find out more.
Contact: Christine Bacon + 44 (0) 207 377 5299 or 0791 351 3567 or email

Calling Actors and Musicians
We are always looking for volunteer performers for our growing national network. There are plenty of ways to contribute, from a single performance to producing a show. If you would like to get involved, just give Christine a call or send an email.