London Indymedia

United Kingdom now a self-evident sick society

Mike | 17.11.2006 20:59 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | London

As I type this in a web cafe as people leave the cafe I am being verbally intimidated with people stating 'star' in a really nasty way. The fact that such verbal intimidation is epedemic and such practice started in London is proof that the United Kingdom is a world leader in social sickness.

The US army employ people called psyops and are increasing employment in this negative field of psychology which involves messing up the minds of the enemy.
Where ever you go in London today people are verbally abusing each other in a nasty way but unlike many people who work proffessionally they do not realise they are messing up people's minds. They also may not realise that the person who they are abusing may be suffering cancer, HIV or any other number of life threatening illnesses. There is often no real reason for such abuse and most psychiatrists would call it a form of psychopathy. The psyops that join the US army are in many ways psychopaths of a different kind. This form of abuse is one of the main reasons I am mentally ill now and when I read of possible future problems of London flooding for example I often now do not care. If people treat each other so badly in a society what is the point in caring about such a society.
Or in another words-the b*stards are winning?

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Re:United Kingdom now a self-evident sick society

18.11.2006 03:24

Well, there certainly seem to be a certain number of people who have no respect for others feelings even if they can get a laugh at someone elses expense. It's probably something to do with the culture we live in. I don't know what you mean by 'stating 'star' in a really nasty way' because there is no way for me to know what the situation was. However I think the most noble course of action in these circumstances is to ignore it and continue doing what one needs to do in order to live ones life.
Don't let the b*stards get you down! And remember that it is their 'bad' and not your 'bad'!

Brian B

Monkeys wanking in a cage.

18.11.2006 12:25

I know exactly what you mean. I lived in London for 18 years. I now live in a woodland community and the change in my perspective makes me rapidly wonder if the problem is simply that the human animal is in the wrong environment now.

Humans like all apes evolved to live in a forest environment. They are very social animals that rely on social cohesion and a certain amount of reliability in the essentials of life to remain healthy and happy/content.

London is a seemingly unending battery farm or strangers, with a lot of employment uncertainty and ever inflating living costs. That sound like a healthy habitat?

On a broader level, social cohesion has rapidly been pulled from under our feet by the advance of the WTO agenda. In my living memory, people used to be born, go to school and leave and go into a trade/profession that would, if they wished, last them a lifetime. Now even the middle classes are finding that difficult. Our lives are ever more controlled by people with no real mandate of personal interest in our wellbeing.

Globalisation has first robbed the working classes of stability, cohesion and dignity by swapping skilled work for call centre positions with temporary contracts and less than a living wage and is creeping steadily towards a critical mass of total loss of social cohesion.

Just because we are significantly mentally/emotionally dysfunctional doesn't mean to say that those who choose to cope with the current situation are the yardstick of mental health. It also doesn't mean that our personal wellbeing cannot be improved by a more appropriate environment- but keep an open mind regarding much much any damage may be repaired and whether or not medication is helpful.

All the best!

Anne Other-Nutter


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