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KosmikK via sam | 07.11.2006 02:15 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | World

Court hears British Al Qaeda planned international attacks?

Full of strange inconsistencies
Full of strange inconsistencies

Prosecutors in a London court have given details of what they say was a plot by a British Muslim to carry out attacks in the United States and Britain, which could have killed thousands of people?


Full of strange inconsistencies this sounds like a Show Trial to me: is this man mentally fit enough to be tried?

Dhiren Barot has been accused of all manner of extravagant plots but they're all on paper, there are no known fellow 'conspirators', he has no funds to carry-out any of the alleged projects and there is no evidence that any atrocities were being physically prepared!

Yet the man pleads guilty in a high-security court and judgement is to be made in circumstances of even higher security.

Is this nothing more than another in a long line of disturbing political trials where a mentally vulnerable man is being victimised by the British state and its thought police?

Man admits terror plot to blow up Wall St amid 'dirty bomb' revelation

The details of this trial, some of which I've mentioned above, are very disturbing. Barot's behaviour suggests a mentally unstable person. I wonder if his mental state was ever considered before he was sent to trial?

Is this man -a convert- looking to be martyred as a hero?

How can anyone be declared guilty of a conspiracy to murder for just writing some stuff on paper and making some videos? It sounds like Barot was on a Walter Mitty-like fantasy trip.

If writing just a few notes about some crazy plans makes one guilty of conspiracy then Agatha Christie would be one of the world's greatest serial-killer terrorists never brought to justice!

This is nonsense!

Yet he is now under the threat of a life sentence!


Dhiren Barot is [allegedly] the most senior Al Qaeda figure to face British justice.

He has already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to murder.

It is alleged that in the US, Barot had carried out extensive surveillance of key financial targets, but concerned about heightened security in the US after the 2001 terrorist attacks, Barot [allegedly] switched his attention back home to Britain.

According to information recovered from a computer in "Pakistan"?, Barot was [allegedly] planning to target London using three limousines packed with gas cylinders, explosives and shrapnel.

He was also [llegedly] planning an attack on London's transport system using poison gas.

The British judiciary has deteriorated into nothing more than a corrupt, political tool. Both the judiciary and the police are repeating on the mainland all the injustices they committed in Ireland.

It is surely the sign of a decayed Empire in its death throes.

Read Alex Jone's take on the story: Media Hypes Nutcase Scribblings as "Terror Plot Admission",

KosmikK via sam


trial evaporations?

07.11.2006 07:57

Explain your comment further which trials evaporated? You mean Richard Reid who was caught red handed trying to blow up a airliner? Zacharias al Mousari who admitted in open court being a 9/11 planner? Which ones? Islamic terrorism is a sad reality of the modern age, any objective view of the evidence supports this in spite of the propaganda employed by both sides. Please explain how Richard Reid was innocent?



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Political Motives

07.11.2006 03:14

Interesting that they've had this guy for two years, but only trotted him out as the mid-term elections grew close in the US. Will this be another exposure of the emptiness of the Bliar Regime, like the rest of the "terror" trials which evaporated in court?

Al Qaeda = PNAC, CIA, Mossad (MI6?)

Al Qaida hoax

07.11.2006 09:56

Is that the Richard Reid who had a bomb in his shoe? Is this is a good plot for Man from Uncle or a flight of fantasy? Can you imagine walking around with C4 in your shoe? Would you feel safe up until the moment of denotation? And how do you detonate the bomb? The whole idea is a hoax.

Come on think about it. In which countries do Al Qaida have their most advanced networks? Saudi Arabia - US ally. Pakistan - US ally. Philippines - US ally. Do you see a patten here? At this very moment, we are told Al Qaida chiefs are plotting to nuke the US and dirty bomb London. From where? Pakistan. And what exactly is the world doing about Bin Laden and Al Qaida in Pakistan. We haven't a clue. We are told that members of Pakistan intelligence have loyalty to Al Qaida. How many intelligence agents have been arrested for being double agents. Don't know.

The fact that what is being done to combat 'international terrorism in Pakistan' is not at the front of people's minds in the US and UK just tells us how duped we are.
By Steve Kingstone
BBC correspondent in Washington

The only man charged in connection with the 11 September attacks has asked to testify before the US Congress.

Zacarias Moussaoui claims that he, and the suspected hijackers, were under surveillance by the FBI before September, and that the US intelligence agencies allowed the attacks to happen.

This was the latest in a series of handwritten motions from Mr Moussaoui to the judge overseeing his case.

In it, he says he has "relevant information and proof" relating to the conduct of the FBI before September.

He has asked for the chance to share his thoughts with US lawmakers, who are holding hearings into intelligence failings leading up to the attacks.

Afghanistan excuse
Specifically, Mr Moussaoui says the authorities were watching at least one of the suspected hijackers last summer.

The FBI chose not to make any arrests, he said, because they wanted the 11 September attacks to go ahead, giving America an excuse, he argues, to destroy Afghanistan.

The US Government flatly denies the accusation, and is seeking the death penalty for Mr Moussaoui.

Arrested last August, he faces six conspiracy charges in connection with the attacks.

Having dismissed his court-appointed lawyers, Mr Moussaoui is now representing himself.

His latest motion also accuses the judge of wanting him executed: "You're playing games with my life" Mr Moussaoui said.

It is extremely unlikely that the defendant will get his moment in the congressional spotlight.

He faces trial later in the year.


Ok then he must be innocent!

07.11.2006 11:57

So according to you those entire eye witnesses on the plane were lying, now it makes sense! Would I feel safe with explosives in a shoe? No but then if I intended to blow up a plane with me on it I wouldn't give a toss! Furthermore at his sentencing (in open court) he admitted his involvement and ranted about being a 'disciple' of Osama bin Laden! You seriously need to get a grip mate what you are saying is nonsense and complete fantasy. People on that flight had to forcibly restrain this guy and prevent him from detonating his shoe bomb with a lighter, were those people making the whole thing up? Not only that but Reid admitted to being Al Qaeda in court! Be objective and judge facts sensibly you will come to the same conclusion as I.


So why undergo training?

07.11.2006 13:27

If this bloke is another patsy, as you are claiming, then why did he travel to the Phillipines in 1999 to undergo training in small arms, mortars, and explosives handling, among other things?

It's not a typical holiday.

Norville B

OK then, he must believe nonsense and complete fantasy

07.11.2006 14:56

“Ok then he must be innocent!
07.11.2006 11:57
So according to you those entire eye witnesses on the plane were lying, now it makes sense!… You seriously need to get a grip mate what you are saying is nonsense and complete fantasy… Be objective and judge facts sensibly you will come to the same conclusion as I…Arthur”

I certainly hope not. Lets look at the Reid incident.

The following paragraphs in quotes are taken from:
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism,

‘ A French passenger on the plane, Thierry Dugeon, told reporters that he had noticed the man (Reid) in the airport when boarding and that there was nothing that made him stand out. Dugeon said after the man was subdued, passengers searched him, found the British passport, and questioned him about whether he spoke French, English or Arabic. Dugeon said Reid told the passengers he was Jamaican, but they didn't believe him….

- So, that was a witness. Suicide bomber with bomb in his shoe, pretty conclusive, eh?

Clearly they quoted the wrong witness because there were crew and passengers who are able to recognise a suicide bomber with a bomb in his shoe and therefore when Reid lit up a match and started doing odd things with it they immediately pounced. Or perhaps the plane was full of anti-terrorism agents. Or is that nonsense and complete fantasy?

‘…Once Reid was taken off the plane, a bomb squad boarded the plane and X-rayed his shoes. Massport spokeswoman Laura White said the X-ray did show signs that the shoe contained some sort of foreign material. "They X-rayed the shoe and found that in the heel, there were holes drilled, and there looked to be a detonator wire, and the substances consistent with [the explosive] C-4," she said…’

- So, now we have a detonation cord, apparently, hanging from his shoe and no one in the airport, security people and otherwise, noticed this. This can’t be nonsense and complete fantasy.

‘…If the material in Reid's shoe was indeed C-4, then even a small quantity could have damaged the aircraft badly enough to destroy it in flight. However, although large amounts of C-4 can explode in a chair reaction if heated, small amounts are unlikely to be detonated without a blasting cap. It is not clear whether the quantity small enough to fit into the heel of a shoe could have been set off by a simple fuse…’

- So, now the detonation cord hanging from his shoe could not have detonated his small amount of C4, which might have damaged the aircraft that might have destroyed it. So, what was the plan? To blow his foot off? Hah, haa, that would teach those American imperialists!!! Or is that nonsense and complete fantasy?

But I would discount that plan because I prefer reality to fantasy. I’m sure Man from Uncle would have used the shoe bomb scenario. And I’d have enjoyed it. But I wouldn’t have believe it.

But allow me to return to PAKISTAN:
BHARAT RAKSHAK MONITOR - Volume 5(2) September-October 2002
PAKISTANI Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A

‘…As seen above, accused “Shoe Bomber” Richard C. Reid was traced to the “Fuqra” in PAKISTAN; associates arrested in France have been PAKISTANIS. On the alleged “Dirty Bomb Plot”, [CNN020828] reports: “Jose Padilla, researched how to build a "dirty bomb" at an al Qaeda facility in PAKISTAN and planned to use radioactive material stolen in the United States to construct the "uranium-enhanced" device”. [CNN020616] reports the arrest of a PAKISTANI national in the US, associated with the same plot…’

Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan. US ally, US ally, US ally, US ally.

So, I’m an international terrorist who wants to nuke the US. Where do I have my HQ? I know, one of the US’ most important allies. Because I believe in nonsense and complete fantasy.


Evaporating terror plots

07.11.2006 15:50

Most the terror scares do evaporate in time, see:

BRITAIN: The mysterious case of the disappearing 'terror’ plots

It's the same in the US, Canada and elsewhere.

Of course some of the people involved believe they are working for real terror cells: the mentally ill / idiot / psyco patsies, see some of Kurt Nimmo's articles that mention Zacarias Moussaoui and Richard Reid:

See also:

The Moussaoui verdict deals blow to Bush administration’s 9/11 coverup


Gimme a break

07.11.2006 19:18

Barot got 40 years, for musing!

He did not have the means to enact these far-fetched attacks across continents.

He is not an al Qaida mastermind, he has an overactive imagination.

He may have made some grainy movies, but who did he actually kill to warrant a life sentence?

The way you people welcome this Police State and make excuses for it, frightens me.



08.11.2006 03:13

"Explain your comment further which trials evaporated?"

Every single one which featured heavily on the front pages, yet when they were tossed out due to a complete lack of evidence, most often by judges who scorned the prosecutors and the Government, barely warranted a mention in the press.

Reid, certainly. Lock him up.

Massouai? Not so much.

No amount of "confessions" under duress or phony "bin Laden tapes" can disguise the complete inability of the Bush/PNAC Regime, in over five years, to build a compelling case to support its Conspiracy Theory about that day. Same goes for 7/7/21.

"Islamic terrorism is a sad reality of the modern age"

Not really, and your one example doesn't make this Conspiracy Theory true. It's a tiny speck in a desert compared to the threat posed by the Aggression of the US/UK/Israel, and the Resistance which it creates.

Al Qaeda = PNAC, CIA, Mossad (MI6?)

Interesting analysis

10.11.2006 02:59

Kill the Paki scum



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