on top of that EDO Corp has announced that EDO MBM Rugged Systems, one trading unit working out of the Brighton premises, will close after the company suffered 3rd Quarter losses, job losses are yet to be announced (see previous newswire article)
Make this Wednesday's Demo a big one
This Wednesday and every Wednesday 4-6 - Noise Demo at EDO MBM , Home Farm Road, Brighton
Friday 10th - Freedom to protest Public Meeting
Public Meeting demands ‘No to Police Harassment of Demonstrations’
The Right to Protest is NOT a Police Privilege
Following the 19th August demonstration against the Lebanon demonstration,
which came under severe harassment and attack by Sussex Police, with intrusive
videoing and filming of children and protestors alike, a number of organisations
are coming together to hold a public meeting to demand ‘No to Police Harassment
of Demonstrations and Protestors’.
The Public Meeting, at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 10th November at the Friends
Meeting House, Ship Street will have a number of speakers including Cllrs.
Francis Tonks and Simon Williams of the Green Party, Tony Greenstein of
Palestine Solidarity/Alliance for Green Socialism, Glenn Williams of Sussex
Action for Peace, Abu Bakr of the Save Omar Deghayes Campaign James Elsdon-Baker
from No2ID Campaign and a speaker from the Smash EDO campaign.
The primary theme of the meeting will be the defence of democratic rights at a
time when terrorism is being used as the excuse to undermine the most basic and
taken for granted human rights. Internment, Control Orders, Habeus Corpus – long
standing rights of freedom and liberty are being undermined in the ‘war against
terror’. The meeting is being held under Benjamin Franklin’s watchword – ‘Those
who trade liberty for security deserve neither’. Two hundred years later it is
still appropriate.
For Immediate Release
For further information contact: Tony Greenstein 01273-540717/07843350343
Public Meeting
Defend the Right to Demonstrate
Protest is a Right - not a Police Privilege
Friday 10th November 7.30-9.30 p.m.
Friends Meeting House,
Ship Street,
Speakers include:
Paddy O’Keefe (Respect) - Chairperson
Cllr. Francis Tonks
Cllr. Simon Williams (Green Party)
Glenn Williams - Sussex Action for Peace
Tony Greenstein (Palestine Solidarity /Alliance 4 Green Socialism)
James Elsdon-Baker - No2ID Campaign
Abu Bakr - Save Omar Deghayes Campaign
Smash EDO-MBM speaker
23rd November Phone Blockade
Ring the arms dealers to ask them any questions you might have on the arms trade - 01273 810500 tell EDO MBM what you think about profiting from murder.
If the switchboard isn't working call 810 501, 810 502, 810 510, 810 511 etc or send a fax on 810 600
141 to withhold your number (or preferably call from a payphone)