......the regular open evening of free music and movies, has begun at the MauMau bar on London’s oh so trendy Portobello Road.
Many thanks to everyone who came down to the first event on Monday 23rd October and made it the great night it was. Apologies if you came after nine pm however, as we had to close early due to a (nearly a year old) ‘license issue’ which the police had suddenly raised with the MauMau’s owner. Luckily we could move the screening to a private venue nearby.
We will be at the MauMau bar for one more week, please come down before 9 pm on 30th October as we will have to move once again to a nearby venue to screen the illicit political films. (It might be that bringing people together, bridging communities, issues, styles and movements with a ‘walk in off the street’ attitude is not something the police are happy about.). There will be tunes and live music from The Rub, so do come along with your one-in-love vibe.
After Monday 30th October 2006 we will move to another open access venue in the area, so keep your mind, eyes and ears open, and check www.indymedia.org.uk for news.