SPACE has leased studio buildings in Hackney since 1971 and Richmond House since 1982. The other leaseholders are MOMART art shippers and Flowers East. The building forms part of Central Hackney’s cultural quarter, along with Hackney’s Learning and Technology Centre including the Hackney Museum , Hackney Empire, Freeform Arts Trust and the Ocean building. We support Hackney's opposition to the proposed development plans which will ruin 16 artists’ livelihoods, with no viable prospect of re-housing.
SPACE provides affordable workspace for over 600 artists and creative businesses, over 400 of these being in Hackney. SPACE represents a sustainable part of the arts economy and brings inward investment to the borough. We are concerned that SPACE and its artists will not be able to find other suitable or affordable accommodation in Hackney. This will be a loss to the creative vitality and employment in the borough, for which it is famous. We encourage Hackney in using planning mechanisms available to it to protect the loss of a cultural building and of workspace which is affordable for the creative sector. With pressures from redevelopment and the Olympics, SPACE are working to ensure the future of culture in the borough and need your support in this.
Please attend the Public Inquiry in person. Your support will make a difference.
Public Inquiry details:
Rm101 Hackney Town Hall
Tuesday 17 and Weds 18 October from 10 am
Planning application nos. 2006/1090 & 2006/1089, 2005/1456 and 2005/1460
Appeal refs.APP/U3560/a/06/1199457 & APP/U5360/e/06/1199458, APP/U5360/A/05/1194978 & APP/U5360/E/05/1194976
For more information e-mail: