London Indymedia

"No More Fallujahs" weekend of mass civil disobedience, 28-29 October

"No More Fallujahs" weekend of civil disobedience, 28-29 October | 05.10.2006 17:58 | SOCPA | London

A weekend of nonviolent resistance to the occupation of Iraq on the 2nd
anniversary of the November 2004 US/UK attack on Fallujah (

* PEACE JOURNEY FROM THE UK'S MILITARY NERVE CENTRE IN NORTHWOOD. Meet 11am, Northwood tube station. Finish 4pm, central London.
* NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION WORKSHOP AND LEGAL BRIEFING. 4.30 – 7.30pm, Diorama 3, 3-7 Euston Centre, London NW1 3JG (tube: Warren Street).

to demand an end to the occupation. ASSEMBLE 12 NOON, PARLIAMENT SQUARE.
The camp will begin with Maya Evans and Milan Rai reading the names of 100
Iraqis who have died as a result of US/UK military action in Iraq - one year
after their arrest for doing this in Oct 2005. N.B: Under the Serious
Organised Crime and Police Act participation in such an “unauthorised”
demonstration is a criminal offence punishable by a fine of up to £1000.


Launch event for the new book by activist Jo Wilding, eyewitness to both the
2003 invasion and the April 2004 US siege of Fallujah (see 7pm, Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Rd, London N1 9DX
(tube: Kings X)

8 OCT, LONDON: NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION WORKSHOP AND LEGAL BRIEFING for the 28/29 Oct "No More Fallujahs" weekend of nonviolent resistance to the occupation (see above). 11am - 4pm, Sunrise Room, Diorama 2, 3-7 Euston Centre, London NW1 3JG (tube: Great Portland Street). Workshop run by
Seeds for Change:

ORGANISED BY THE MASS ACTION GROUP AND SUPPORTED BY: Act Together: Women's Action for Iraq; Birkenhead CND; Birmingham University Against the War
Society; Blackpool and Fylde CND; Bolton CND; Brent Stop the War; Bristol
Stop the War Coalition; CND; CND Cymru; Darlington for Peace and Justice;
Falmouth Peace and Justice Group; Greater Manchester and District CND;
Hastings Against War; Headingley and District CND; Highland Justice Not War;
Huddersfield STW; Hull Stop the War; Iraq Occupation Focus; JNV; Kingston
Peace Council; Labour Against War; Leicester Stop the War; London Catholic
Worker; London Federation of Green Parties; London Region CND; Milton Keynes
Gulf Crisis Group; Musicians Against Nuclear Arms; Norwich Stop the War;
Nottingham Stop the War; Oswestry Coalition for Peace; Oxford for Justice &
Peace; Peace Plan Group; Radical Activist Network; Redbridge Against the
War; Red Pepper; Sevenoaks CND; Sherwood for Global Justice and Peace; Smash EDO; South Tyneside STWC; Stevenage Coalition for Peace; Stop the War; Voices UK;
Wallasey CND; Wandsworth Stop the War; Warwick and Leamington Green Party;
West Midlands CND; Wrekin Stop War; Wrexham Peace and Justice Forum and
Yorkshire CND.

In Nov 2004, the US - with British assistance - launched a massive assault
against the Iraqi city of Fallujah, almost totally destroying it, killing
hundreds of civilians, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee their
homes, and using white phosphorus - a substance that burns down to the
bone - as a weapon.

Since then at least 21 more Iraqi towns and cities have been attacked by US
led forces, Fallujah itself has been turned into a virtual police state, and
evidence of atrocities by US-led forces - such as the recently exposed
massacre in Haditha - continues to mount.

- an immediate end to the US/UK military occupation of Iraq
- massive reparations and debt cancellation so that Iraqis can rebuild their
country free from foreign interference
- prosecution of those responsible for war crimes

The Mass Action Group is an ad hoc collection of activists - most, but not
all, of whom are based in London - who were involved in organising the 2
April "Naming the Dead" mass act of civil disobedience in Parliament Square
(the first mass act of civil disobedience against the occupation of Iraq to
take place in the UK since the 2003 invasion - see

Over the past 6 years members of the Mass Action Group have also helped to
organise the following events: the August 2000 “Die-in for the People of
Iraq”; the 21 October 2002 mass sit-down protest in Whitehall against the
bombing of Afghanistan; the 2 December 2002 “Warzone Whitehall” die-in; the
19 January 2003 mass blockade of Britain’s military nerve centre at
Northwood (where 70 were arrested – the largest such action to take place in
England in the run-up to the invasion); the 15 February 2003 mass sit-down
in Picadilly Circus following the big anti-war march; the 5/6 April 2003
“Reclaim the Bases” weekend of direct action at military bases across the

Accommodation will be available on request on the evenings of 27 and 28 Oct.
Contact 0845 458 2564 or e-mail


In addition to the tents that participants will be bringing themselves, the
organisers are hoping to provide several dozen tents decorated with powerful
anti-war art and texts. To help pay for these a call is being made for
people and groups to sponsor tents (minimum donation £15). Any tents not in
police custody at 12 noon on 30 Oct will be collected and distributed among
the sponsors! Contact or 0845 458 2564 if you or your
local group would like to sponsor a tent.

Volunteers to take responsibility for these tents on the day are also
needed. Please contact or 0845 458 2564

Contact (0845 458 2564) if your local
peace/anti-war/church/union etc… group would like to be listed as a
supporter of the weekend. Current supporters include Brent Stop the War,
Iraq Occupation Focus, JNV and Voices.

If you can help with anti-war art to decorate the tents in the camp on 29
Oct, please contact Voices!

A publicity leaflet for the weekend is already available. Copies for stalls,
mailings and other events can be ordered FREE from (0845 458 2564) or can be downloaded as a PDF
file here: Also, if you can help distribute these
at festivals and similar events over the summer please get in touch

"No More Fallujahs" weekend of civil disobedience, 28-29 October
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Hide the following 9 comments

"no more Fallujahs" - another Blair helping PsyOp slogan

05.10.2006 22:13

Its "time to go" all over again, where Blair's own people created a slogan to allow a protest assumed to be anti-Blair by most of the participants to be presented to the wider population as pro-Blair (the psychological consequence of the wider population told by the organisers of the protest that "time to go" was pro-soldier, because it requested the saving of 'superior' UK lives bu removing 'our boys' from danger in Afghanistan and Iraq).

The article above ADMITS that Blair's genocide of Fallujah has been followed by similar and worse cimes against humanity. What then would a casual reader take from a slogan that, to all intents and purposes, SUGGESTS IN THE STRONGEST WAY POSSIBLE, that there have not been any atrocities like Fallujah since Fallujah.

So how does this play in the mind of our Mr/Mrs Joe Average. Falluhah was bad, but that was back then, near the beginning, when everything was unfortunately crazy, and 'mistakes' were made. But hey, these protestors are willingly admitting that Blair hasn't made any similar 'mistakes' since.

Now some reading this will say "but the protestors will KNOW what it means". Yes, this is true, but true even if they DON'T protest. The protest, surely, has to be about more than the opinions of those already agreed that Blair is a genocidal monster. The protest, surely, HAS TO BE ABOUT ACHIEVING SOMETHING.

Here we get to the crux of the matter. Blair's agents, running the show, state CATEGORICALLY to the participants that such demos are about having a good time and salving a guilty conscience. Results are for people like Blair and his New Reich, never for concerned members of the 'sheep' population.

When Blair is compared to Hitler, all hell breaks loose, with every one of his embedded agents doing their best to persuade the movement to withdraw that tactic. When factors emerge from Blair's so-called private life allowing a fuller picture of the sociopathic nature of this mass child murdering monster, Blair's goons once again go crazy screaming that none of us have a right to know about the suicides and attempted suicides and abuse found within Adolf Hitler, I mean Tony Blair's family and relationship histories. I mean, its not as if the nazis that protected signs of depravity in Blair's and Hitler's 'private' life were doing so to allow their masters continuing success in their political career, is it (see the story of that Blair supporting bastard paedophile Foley in the news at the moment- he was protected like Blair by monsters telling you that you had no right to know about his private life)?

It is a matter of recorded FACT that Blair, like Hitler, is into all kinds of disguised occult activity with his family. Take for instance the so-called 're-birthing' that Fred and Rose West, er I mean Tony and Cherie Blair are known to use for themselves, and inflict on their children. I few moments googling, and you will find instances of child abuse AND CHILD MURDER commonly carried out in the states during these rituals (the murder occurs when the child is smothered to death in a supposed simulation of the exit from the womb). The Blair's went to an extreme effort to suppress the inside story of their home life, a story that would have allowed any expert in psychology to identify hundreds of red flags warning about the true nature of the Blair's. Fred and Rose West were able to continue to abuse and murder for decades because the suicide attempts and other cries for help from their kids was likewise covered up at the time.


Blair's people are at every significant meeting. Those pushing hard core slogans are shot down, and if they persist, removed using standard psychological warfare techniques. People coming up with weak Blair friendly crap are praised. Rules are established. Blair MUST NOT be named in front line slogans. Action must be pro 'our boys' because that is what the public demands. Worrying about offending supporters of the Israeli tribe is more important than exposing the vile crimes against humanity carried out by Israel daily. Blair's holocaust of Lebanon (every aspect of the long planned Israeli operation was authorised and assisted by Blair) must not be focused on.

Your computer has many heatsinks within, each designed to dissipate heat energy safely. Your anger at Blair is an energy that Blair MUST dissipate safely. Blair's intelligence service controlled protests, like this "no more fallujahs" are the 'heatsinks' that he uses. Your anger becomes so much uselessly vented hot air. Thus, far from the protests threatening Blair, they become the living proof that Blair is safe, just as the 'heat' of your heatsinks prove that they are keeping your computer safe. NOT HANDLING THIS POLITICAL ENERGY WOULD BE VERY DANGEROUS TO BLAIR.

Are you going to allow Blair's bastards to dissipate you?

When you stood behind Blair's carefully crafted slogan "time to go" you answered YES. If you stand behind Blair's carefully crafted slogan "No More Fallujahs" you will be answering YES once again.

Fallujah 'liberated' a new level of atrocity in Blair's arsenal. Since then Blair has used this power over and over, and with the holocaust in Lebanon, liberated levels of atrocity massively in excess of Fallujah. DO NOT LET THE LIE THAT THINGS STOPPED AT FALLUJAH PROPAGATE. Identify those people that scream in outrage at the message contained within this comment, and others like it, and understand that you have identified Blair's agents.

BLAIR'S NEXT PLANNED ATROCITY IS THE GENOCIDE OF IRAN, AND THIS OPERATION WILL MURDER MILLIONS IN THE FIRST PHASE. With any protest DO NOT think about the fine words that only the insiders hear. Instead focus on the message received by those outside the protest, and ask what actions the protest can be used to practically achieve. Understand how a protest can be weakened, or undermined, or how it can be manipulated to give a completely different message to the general population, as with the "time to go" fiasco.

Look for people who take command and control positions, and use these positions to dictate clearly useless policies. Look for people who use the "heroin principle"- that is those that say the protest should be fun to experience, and damn the outcome.

Blair can dedicate tens of millions to subverting this protest alone, AND HAS. All you have is your maker given mind, but this is a much more potent weapon than most of you want to realise. When you first use it, you will feel sick to your gut as you understand how easily you have been manipulated. The second thought is that you are going to have to fight to drive Blair's people from their positions of control in the protest movements. The third thought should be the pleasure of realising that you are a creature of mind, and that the fight against the monster Blair is really a mind war.


psyops indeed

05.10.2006 22:34

anyone else noticed how the supposed 'twilight' postings have recently been ATTACKING the more active, radical and powerful protests (see also

IF it is indeed 'twilight' that is posting, then perhaps he has LOST HIS WAY. or perhaps it's not 'twilight' at all, but someone posing in his style, trying to turn the radicals against eachother, a very BLAIREAN PSYOP.

my, what tangled webs!

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Blair obssession...

06.10.2006 08:56

"Twilight" seems to be obssessed with Blair in a way that would seriously weaken the anti-war movement if it was a more general attitude. The US and UK are in Iraq and elsewhere, committing atrocities, to further their economic and foreign policy goals (principaly control over fast dwindling carbon fuel reserves). Blair will hand over control to someone else in the nearish future, who will continue with the same policies, as will whoever wins the next election, because doing so is in the UK's "national" interest, as defined by the ruling elite and the needs of capitalism. Its got fuck all to do with the moral qualities of individuals (aka its's all happening cos Blair is evil) That belief leads to the cycle of faith in new, moral leaders who promise to do things differently, followed by inevitable disappointment when they of course don't...


ROBOTS?!?!?! on the web

06.10.2006 12:17

it occurs to me that TWILIGHT may well be a so-called "robotic computer programme"

WATT dieu FFINK?!?!?!>>>>>>>

caitlin grove
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11.10.2006 23:33

maybe twilight is the epitomy of the an ideal, the extremist protester - there's a worrying thought



19.10.2006 21:54

to protest against war after it started is no solution...
the fight must start before... give to people who are about to list on army the information needed to use their brain...
there are no war without armys, without soldiers...
there's no point to blame bush or others and then vote for them,,,
a new bush with another name will come after this one...

joakim paz
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Parsing Slogans: Fallujah & Adolf

29.10.2006 17:43

Very Briefly:

The slogan "no more [place name --currently "Fallujah", previously "El Salvador, Soweto, Vietnam" etc.], while pretending to defend the victims of imperial atrocities, actually adds insult to injury. This consideration drew my attention to the original featured article about the encampment and then to the follow-ups by the pseudonymous "twilight" and its (neuter be the nameless, for obvious reasons) several critics.

Probing more deeply, positive grammar is to be preferred to negative by any individual or movement aiming at the conquest of power rather than meekly resigning itself to eternal status as a mere carping minority of the self-righteous. Evidently it bears repeating that in order to rally others for the cause in question, one must say what one pro-poses as well as what one o-pposes. Really I rather like the tone of "Revenge For Fallujah?" although, in the general mix of the demo, the R word should be balanced with a prominently featured "Justice". Also, does the use of hooks (question marks) rather than the vulgar bangs in fact serve qualitatively to increase the rhetorical power of the statement by promoting the goal of transferring the desired conclusion from the mind of the author to that of the reader? Recursive, eh what?

So I would gently recommend for consideration an expression like "Remember Fallujah:
Hang the War Criminals?" (With names such as those of Blair, Bush & Clinton listed soon below.) The H word = poetic license for slogan writers and other lyricists, although even literally construed 'twould be more than justified by present practice of the indicated bloody villains. As emerging champions of the law-enforcing human race, we would do well IMHO to master the technique of the exemplary treatment of prisoners as taught and practiced by the late great victorious revolutionary leader Chairman Chinaman, although his rep may be now under a cloud of slander puffed up by the Sulzbergerz kultural kabal. Keep a stiff upper lip, there now, blokes!

Has the hour come round at last to dare to stop abusing Hitler and the Nazis as the quintessence of human evil? Does such mindless repetition actually serve the interest of the parties which have criminally destroyed the nation of Iraq? Hint: In the peacetime years of 1933-39, what was the ratio of killing as between Stalin's regime and Hitler's? Perhaps something on the order of 10,000 to 1 ? Does the reader grasp the objective meaning of this morbid fraction? Does one see a very slightly disguised continuity of perpetrators from the enforced (by Jewish NKVD chief Genrikh Yagoda) Ukrainian Famine of 1930-33 and the aforementioned systematic genocide against the Iraqis, 1990 to the present day (Paul Wolfowitz, editor-in-chief)? Were the Anglo-American bombings of Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki real holocausts in the traditional meaning of that now Trademarked and grievously misappropriated word?

Finally, I recommend prominent display of color photos of murdered children of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine alongside those of the guilty parties already I.D'ed above --vixpix vis-a-vis perportraits. An excellent example of the formerly grisly & most important art form may be found at
Hesham Tillawi's CURRENT ISSUES website (scroll down ~ 80%; also caution, the site's a bit sticky), among other places.

My regards to the UK Indymedia censor. Your office makes for low ceilings.

Hal Womack
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As I sense it

31.10.2006 05:20

As I sense it, government has always been based upon a lie. I write these words from my heart of hearts.

That lie is that we people are not 'smart' enough to look after ourselves ....... or each other.

Yet we lived for hundreds of thousands of years as happy, well-fed, healthy communities without recourse to mass violence. Without recourse to child abuse and rape and sexualised violence. Without recourse to fear.

Yet they said we were 'savages'. And they murdered us, because we could never commit ourselves to the levels of sustained violence they were/are willing to inflict nor would we bow to their yoke, indeed we offered them the hand of friendship ..... a hand they both scorned and bit. And so we learned to fear.

A community that is effective is self-policing, (forgive the term, it is not meant in the sense that policing means today in the UK and elsewhere ....)

Insofar that everyone pays enough attention to what is happening and is capable of holding good in-depth conversations, without having to 'debate'; conversations that include as much information as the group possesses - and that includes feelings, as well as observations, all of which are experiential knowledge, and furthermore the group tends to avoid beliefs ...... because as we know, don't we beliefs can be very misleading.... that beliefs can be based upon lies.....

So to observe : Tony Blair, and the vast majority of the UK Parliament, has knowingly launched at least two wars of aggression, in which millions of people have died as a direct result, and many, many more have been maimed and traumatised.

Men, women and children. That horror is a genuine issue. For the survivors, the brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, uncles and grandparents of the dead, the maimed and the traumatised. They are witnesses. How could it be otherwise?

The fact that Tony Blair lied, that anyone lied in the process is a minor issue.

The fact that so many people bought the lie is a major issue.

It's worth repeating.

The fact that so many people bought the lie is a major issue.

And it is this issue that we, the taxpaying citizens of the UK must face, sooner or later.

None of it could have happened if we had not bought the lie, if we had blockaded the bases, the parliament, gone on strike, endlessly, until the warmongers fell.

We could end this war tomorrow, if we so chose, together as a collective. We could do much to repair the damage inflicted if we committed ourselves to the task.

But no. It is not happening.

And so, global warming, and taxation is the big 'news' issue of the day. Is it?

Do you think the survivors in Iraq are worrying about global warming? Or would they like to see an end to the violence imported to their land by our 'democracy' and 'freedom' loving states?

Would we like to ask their opinion? I would.

Do any of us know the nobility of people, ordinary people who are attempting to raise children, to have birthday parties, weddings, to birth new children, to farm and grow and - the word chokes in my throat - 'prosper' in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine?

There are other places, we know their names ...

Do you really think we have it hard here in the UK?

Do you not realise that if we were prepared to do what it takes to stop this war, we would have friends all over Iraq, all over Afghanistan, friends who would instantly forgive us our weakness in the past, who would happily move on and we could perhaps look each other in the eye, honourably.

And that that is of value, it is more important than anything else I for one hold dear. What about you?

We must stand for what is true, or lose all in the process. We have lost much already.

Twilight, twiglet and others who play the political games, who debate - and all of us who recoil in horror at what is happening - it is time to come to our senses, our clear knowledge that war, all war is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Forget the 'justifications' for the past wars, do not sully the pain of those suffering now, today, every moment, with such drivel.

We must act.

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Refining War & Laying Down Kozmic Law

31.10.2006 09:23

Refining War & Laying Down Kozmic Law

"corneilius" echoes a well-known, although distinctly minority, POV when he tells us that "all war is wrong". Will we take a moment to examine this important bit of somewhat sloppy thinking?

Checking on ordinary English usage, we find 76.8K Gits (Google hits) for the phrase "war of the sexes" and 1.28 million for "battle" OTS. Taking a deep breath and assuming that we humans will in fact finally straighten out our act, get ourselves together and save our home planet, then we can project that our rainbow racial destiny, in the most severe terms = spreading pain and death eternally throughout infinity. In other words, we are going to populate the universe with the divine light of human happiness, of which P & D are only the necessary shadows. We will, however, IMHO have definitely to do away with our ancient habits of murder, especially as most grossly manifested in the wars of nations, religions and social classes.

Some years ago already I have made this point in verse:


Peace be among the breeds, creeds and classes
While all night long war the lads with the lasses !


(National) war was the main activity of at least the ruling factions of the male half of the human species from the beginning of civilization until, until --well, supposedly only until 1945, when the War Crimes Tribunals of Nuremburg and Tokyo forbid aggressive war in the strongest terms. Regrettably, the U.S.-backed French naval bombardment of Haiphong on 23 November 1946 (which killed some 6,000 Vietnamese civilians --note the impending 60th anniversary of what we may call the Original Sin) showed that those who had uttered the above solemn judgment actually had their fingers crossed behind their backs. With massacre of the peaceful Arab village of Deir Yassin in the Spring of 1948, the Jews got into the newly outlawed atrocity biz in a big way and they've been hard at it ever since.

So although the Koreans & the Vietnamese in past and the Iraqis today have appeared to be fighting wars of national liberation against the U.S. empire, from the POV of modern world legal theory they are actually executing the opening stage of a global revolutionary police action (GRePA) which must eventually conclude in the arrest, trial, conviction and punishment of all those surviving perpetrators still _compos mentis_ who have conspired to wage aggressive war since 1945. GRePA = the true answer to GWOT, which's Pentagonese for the "Global War On Terror", a total & typical fraud. Pause to blame Henry the K and the now comatose Aerial Shaboom for the 9/11 made for TV infomercial.

Hence the sense of the slogan ABCOJ, meaning the the ABC Of Justice =
Arresting Bushes, Blair & Clintons --and the rest of their Graball (from "Gross Kabal").

Natural Law (that theory which in 1776 generated the U.S. Declaration of Independence) + the Nuremburg Doctrine = Kozmic Law, that equitable & universal system of thought which serves justice only. One can perhaps imagine the formation of a Kozmic Law League to realize this purpose, whose members might style themselves "Klawmen". If so, 'twould also perhaps be apt to have a first female chief on the order of Jennifer Harbury or Rigoberta Menchu, for example, the better both to keep the trogs in line and to enlist our sisters' support.

In the meantime, the Graball and their lickspittles continue to slay children by the thousands and to menacing the very existence of the whole Seven Billion. Fearing the diffusion of the righteous 'tude expressed in this note, the Bush-Olmert Gang are now threatening to throw dynamite in the fireplace, hoping to escape in the confusion. Thus their shameless threats against Teheran.

Best wishes from San Francisco de Alta California to Lord Bertie's spiritual heirs!

Hal Womack 3-dan
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