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Windsor unrest: Blair must speak and so must David Cameron

AADHIKARonline | 05.10.2006 13:48 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London | World

Today's London Times website is carrying this itemabout Windsor,,2-2390168,00.html
Time for Tony Blair to speak urgently explaining his legacy.

©Muhammad Haque daily Political Commentary

1345 Hrs GMT
Thursday 5 October 2006

And Tory 'leader' David Cameron must collect his oversized and over-ignorant Boris Johnson and join Blair in explaining what they each said in their individual utterances so widely reported during their given Party jamborees held in the past 10 days.

It seems that none of these individuals would accept responsibility for causing dissension in society.

And the mainstream media will not point out either the close and direct link between the corrupting, immoral and racist utterances that 'politicians' make.

Is that what Blair is leaving as his 'legacy'? A society which is incited to engage in a race and ethnicity related warfare and violence?

Is that the 'way of life' that Blair was impoisi9ng on Afghanistan and Iraq?

Is this what his line-up of cronies, time-serving careerists and exhibitionists and assorted racists and authoritarians were commending and boasting about when they were decrying the allegedly lower standards of society that the likes of Saddam Hussein had created in their countries?

On the veyr day that Blair is mainly in any news because of his reportedly having 'cleared' the IRA of any violence; there is heightened news of three days of ongoing race and religious hatred and violence in a place like Windsor!

Then there is an extremely remarkably hasty investigation announced by the other Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, into an alleged operational matter to do with a two hour posting of a 'Muslim' police man!

The time is overdue for Blair and Blair to take leading positions while they both are occupying the positions they are, and to say that they do regret their relevant roles in the past in misleading the public about everything concerned in this context and especially for their roles in creating any sense of unease or insecurity or fear between peoples as based on either nationality, ethnicity, religion or the presumed affiliations to anything else that might have been perceived to be 'justifiable' ground for violating other propels rights.

It is not too much to ask, is it!

After all, Blair, Tiny is still in Number 10 Downing Street and Blair, Ian, is still the Commissioner of the Metropolitan police. Each of them has extremely fast and wide access to the means and media of mass communication.

They owe it to their own consciences to play their parts in calling on people to calm down and reflect on things that have been happening in the name of the protection of society over the past few years that each Blair has had any role to play ion creating any version or view about society, about the world and about humanity...

If either Blair fails now, their legacies will not be worth mentioning when it may be too late.

The public deserves both Blairs to speak out against intolerance, against disrespect, and against the latest upsurge in parts of this country of crude behaviour, of sustained racist violence, of calculated and deeply traumatising violations of human rights.

They both [Tony Blair and Ian Blair] occupy the positions in the UK state that they do to set examples. The moment is due now for them to set examples by speaking humanity and plead with those who have been incited by past conduct and speeches, to calm down.

And the worryingly oozing and unbelievably ill-advised and ignorant David Cameron should rush out into the nearest media booth and confess that he too has been abusing his [albeit less commanding] position in the UK state and that he and Boris Johnson should not have incited the hatred against people as based on the people’s area of residence or apparent origins or affiliations.

The Tory Duo should apologise for their Tory Party Jamboree outrages as well.

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Look at the BBC giving non-stop plug to Jack Straw's racist incitement

06.10.2006 14:09

Straw and the BBC, especially Radio Five Live - and you scarcely need any card-carrying member of any formally declared racist organization to stir up the most wanton hatred imaginable.

Straw could not have been operating on his own.

This is perhaps Blair's way of saying 'thank you' to the world


And you'll condemn the murderers of Kriss Donald?

06.10.2006 19:33

And of course you'll condemn the Muslim men who committed the racist murder of Kriss Donald?

Progressive Contrarian
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Do comment but read and understand what the man says - don't assume

06.10.2006 20:46

You are assuming the man is speaking 'as a Muslim and for only Muslims'.

Nothing could be fruiter from the truth.

Open your eyes.

The man is speaking on a level that INCLUDES all in society. That is above and higher than any location attached to any religious group. Or Racial or ethnic group or category or class.

So open your eyes and join in the call that Blair and Cameron must retract their untruths and must speak out against fomenting disaffection.

Surely there must be someone in the so-called mainstream British parties who has the ethics, the morality and the guts to speak out and sink the stupid Jack Straw out of any travel for good!

What is happening in this country with this open season on a particular religious group which on closer examination looks more like a racist Campaign of vilification and incitement!

In one single simple item, Jack Straw and Blair have undone the

Human Rights Act 1998 and many other statutes and statutory obligations against incitement, violations of rights etc.

Now, who is going to start taking Blair to Court and Straw to be bound and gagged in immediate succession to Blair?

Is the much touted human rights lawyer, Cherie Booth ‘QC’ going to step forward?

Where exactly is the other ‘Red’ careerists and alleged champion of all things ‘ethnic and minority’ the much-in-demand Helena Kennedy?

How is it that Mike Mansfield QC too has remained silent on this?

Or, come to think of it, Geoffrey Bindman and Anthony Lestor, two of the most credited architects of the UK’s human rights legislation?



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