If you witnessed the accident, please send contact details to the email address shown, it would also be helpful to write a statement as soon as possible to ensure that all the facts of the accident has been recorded, please date and sign it.
If you know of any other people that have not been told of this incident that could be of help please forward this appeal to them...
For those that stayed with the victim much appreciation and love to you...the person is fine and is having their bike repaired to get back on the road as soon as possible...
More Bikes! Less Cars!
A Cleaner And Safer Environment For You, Your Family And your Fellow Inhabitants Of Earth!
Critical Mass is held on the last Friday of every month! 6-7pm under Waterloo Bridge, outside the NFT, South Bank, SE1
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Grammar nazi...
25.10.2006 18:29
It should be "fewer cars" but hey, less cars is more catchy!!
Sorry for being anal, I am just being a grammar nazi!
P.S. buy "Generator" by the Holloways, out now at all good record stores!! Hee Hee there's my plug for today
"I can get a record player and a generator, generate the music that makes you feel better!"
Let's get more music on Friday.....see you there!
e-mail: esther.ford@ucl.ac.uk
Homepage: http://www.myspace.com/esther_pester