Nearest station: bellingham on the Blackfriars to Sevenoaks Thameslink line (same line as Elephant & Castle, Peckham Rye ...easily blaggable).
The Pub has been the subject of a controversial sale and is subject to a pending planning application for new housing, but local campaigners have been fighting to keep it. See below:
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Campaigner Minty Challis has been staying inside the Green Man Pub, Bromley Road, Catford, in protest over its planned demolition. There has been a pub on, or very close to the site for more than 200 years. Demolition of the pub has been opposed by local residents. Developer Renewal Beckenham Limited has applied for planning permission to knock down the pub to make way for four and five-storey flats with 45 parking spaces and on 31 August Lewisham Council convened to decide whether to let them. At the meeting council officers inevitably recommended that permission should be granted. Farewell another Catford landmark.
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