"Since the Bush administration has violated
Common Article 3, officials could become defendants in war crimes
prosecutions. Bush is trying to prevent this by asking Congress to water
down our obligations under the Geneva Conventions."

Bush is trying retrospective legislation to avoid war crimes charges.

Current US deficit now at 3 trillion,
which is a pile of $1,000 dollar notes stacked for over 4,300 miles...
A lot of this has been given to arms/oil cartel..

Blair support zero as war crimes charges avoidance options are less in UK.. may seek refugee status in US puppet state.
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"Since the Bush administration has violated
Common Article 3, officials could become defendants in war crimes
prosecutions. Bush is trying to prevent this by asking Congress to water
down our obligations under the Geneva Conventions."

Bush is trying retrospective legislation to avoid war crimes charges.

Current US deficit now at 3 trillion,
which is a pile of $1,000 dollar notes stacked for over 4,300 miles...
A lot of this has been given to arms/oil cartel..