London Indymedia

London's world naked bike ride yesterday

rikki | 11.06.2006 23:15 | Ecology | Social Struggles | London

between 600 and 1000 people took part in the naked bike ride protest yesterday afternoon in the blazing sunshine

piccadilly just after the start of the ride
piccadilly just after the start of the ride

showing bliar some arse
showing bliar some arse

oxfrod street crowds
oxfrod street crowds

meeting up at wellington arch from around midday, it soon became clear this travelling naked protest against the dominance of car culture and oil dependency was going to be something extraordinary.

cyclists, skaters, and a few walkers stripped off in their hundreds, and accompanied by a low-key police cycle presence (who looked rather hot and over-dressed in their yellow jackets) at soon after 3.30 they set off down piccadilly.

counters were asking people to go through the arch as they left, but many didn't realise and simply joined at the front. even so, more than 600 were counted, so the actual number was considerably larger.

the pink (and very english pale white) mass was dotted with a few darker hues as well as a few folk who didn't bare all (the ride is clothing optional). they cycled through piccadilly circus and trafalgar square to whitehall, where there was an impromptu stop and a fun photo opportunity outside the gates of downing street. on round the corner of parliament square (with shouts of support to brian haw the peace campaigner who is still there after more than five years) and across the bridge.

the reception from passers-by was very good with cheering, whistling and cameras clicking. back over waterloo bridge, the route passed through the heart of covent garden - what a spectacle for the tourists! cyclists handed out leaflets about the purpose of the ride, and the pavements were crammed with disbelieving onlookers as the naked riders wheeled their way up charing cross road to oxford street.

along oxford street, shoppers stopped and reached for their mobiles and cameras as the road was filled with flesh. then on to the american embassy where naked bums were flaunted en masse.

they cycled down the final straight of park lane with car traffic held back by the friendly cops, warm breeze on naked flesh as all three lanes were occupied. wow - why can't cycling always be like this?

back at the arch, the police bade farewell, and a small party with sound system continued until the last of the nudists finally robed near 8pm.

all shapes and sizes, genders and ages were involved. one of the oldest was a woman of 84 who was too cold to go naked last year. she was thankful for the brilliant sunshine yesterday.

the world naked bike ride is still in its infancy. if present growth rates continue, there will be thousands of riders forming the largest ever british 'critical mass' next year, and naked rides are sprouting up in cities all over britain and throughout the rest of the world.

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Hide the following 12 comments

Fucking degenerates

12.06.2006 00:29

Whats the point? Infantile, narsisistic, hednostic middle class degenerates.
I hate cars and support cyclists too, but this is offensive to lots of people, fucking cultural imperialists

Old fashioned socialist

What is it Mr Socialist?

12.06.2006 04:40

What is it about the unclothed human body you find degenerate? Is it because you have sexual problems? Are painting and statues of naked bodies also degenerate in your view?

Alf Narkist

Not nice.

12.06.2006 07:38

No this isnt nice, in a large city where children will obviously be, to see nudists and perverts walking & running around. Should it not have been set up. Then anyone who next runs on the football pitch starkers screaming with happiness that their team has scored or won the game. Will no longer be arrested & taken away & charged. Seems only fair.

Althogh whether ot not it was all rpe arranged via council & police. This is absolutely disgusting. How immoral can anybody be. This i cant explain how much this has angered me. Theyre nothing but perverts.


jeez i didn't realise how many seriously disturbed folk were out there...

12.06.2006 08:24

...even among indymedia readers?

can one of you reactionary weirdos please explain what is degenerate, immoral, or perverted about the human body. there was nothing sexual about the ride - it was simply pure nakedness - like a baby born - human beauty in all its shapes and sizes.

what kind of fucked-up society do we live in that can find so much offence in this simple act.

the word 'perverted' seems most apt to describe the idea that the human form can be offensive.

thankfully, my experience on the streets was that passers-by of all ages were loving it - we were cheered, applauded, laughed at, laughed with, photographed, and thanked. some children giggled and shielded their eyes. others were curious. without weirdos like the above telling them this was evil, they enjoyed the passing moment like evryone else, without trauma, without offence.

in a sane and unperverted society, people would find page 3 of the sun far more perverted than a bunch of nudie cyclists, but you lot sound likely sun readers with your bizarre bile.

(i'm sorry i know there's an unwritten and effective rule on indymedia to ignore the occasional idiots and bigots who try to stir things up here, but i just couldn't hold back on this one - whatever rubbish they follow with i'm not going to get drawn into silly arguments and reply - just wanted to say my piece because i was seriously surprised at the level of bare intolerance)


Great innit...

12.06.2006 09:01

I remember getting into a discussion with a horrified American just after Janet Jackson flashed at the Superbowl or wherever it was. He was so shocked by this outrageous display of, gulp, nipple, he could barely speak. God knows how many thousand violent murders by bullet and blade every year and America gets all coy at the flash of a breast.

Looks like we're heading the same way. Sad. Very sad.

John C
- Homepage:

WNBR: some subjective impressions

12.06.2006 12:18

Yer bourgeois morality's got to be challenged hasn't it? More words here:

mail e-mail:
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Naked American Chicago Cyclist & Europhile

12.06.2006 15:32

In reference to the Janet Jackson comment, the American media exaggerated the reaction to exposed breast - & much of our media here, e.g Fox, has a right wing bias. Of course, the American viewers, many of which are simple minded sheeps, were provoked (like a shopper who buys something that he absolutely does not need, only because it's on sale).

However, were not all prudes (Americans). In fact, Chicago & a few other cities participated in the World Naked Bike Ride for the last 3 years. The reaction was only a mention on the nightly news. Although, I do agree that my fellow Americans are much to prudish about sex & nudity, when they should be more concerned about violence. Considering our violent crime statistics, you think we'd prioritize our concerns.
Which is one of many reasons why I wish I were a European! Help! Get me out of here!

mail e-mail: Darrinja

Get a life

12.06.2006 16:03

What a load of bollocks, literally! So youre not denying that youre middle class? What a bunch of exhibitionists. What about peoples cultural sensivities? Not everyboby approves of such things you know. Would you do this on for example an anti war demo where they may be some Muslims, for example who may be hostile to this? You think youre better dont you? Guess its good old fashioned colonial attitudes isnt it? Everyone elses culture is backwards apart from yours. White middle class arrogance, thats what it is.

Old fashioned socialist

More Photos

12.06.2006 16:13

There are loads on flickr:

And there is a text report from Jesse here:


Old fashioned socialism??

12.06.2006 17:29

Old fashioned socialist, I doubt anyone's gonna be able to state the fucking class composition of the ride, since I seriously doubt anyone bothered asking the hundreds of participants about their class. Come to think of it I bet you didn't either, but why let that stop you making massive generalisations eh? As for the comment about anti-war demos, is the fact that some people may be hostile to something a good reason by itself not to do it then? Better scrap the anti-war demo in the first place then, along with most of your "old fashioned socialism". Plenty of sensitive souls seem to be hostile to that. And is it only Muslims who get your consideration, or should we also worry about offending, ooh, say Christians and Hindus? And just the ones you judge to be "moderate", or also the "fundamentalists"? Guess you don't think much of Gay Pride events either, going on your arguments so far. Which side would you have been on when religious bigots, fascists and the riot police attacked Moscow Gay Pride recently?


at the end of the day it doesn't matter

13.06.2006 14:55

At the end of the day the bombs are still going to fall, capitalism will remain intact, and this is a lot of pointless postuing designed to make people feel better, and it isn't going to oust the warmongers from govement nor will it stop them from further warmongering.

someone who stayed in bed


05.07.2006 18:51

"At the end of the day the bombs are still going to fall, capitalism will remain intact, and this is a lot of pointless postuing designed to make people feel better, and it isn't going to oust the warmongers from govement nor will it stop them from further warmongering. "

Hahaha! If it doesn't matter and not living makes no difference then we might as well start enjoying our lives to the butt-naked full as possible! What a great action and cycle it was. The more folk who have the balls (ahem) to stand up (ahem) and celebrate life the better! the more folk who reject the cycle of fear and violence and choose instead love and butt-naked antics the better the world will be! and oh yes, what a beautiful world it is....



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