Medic Training – Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th
You do not need to join the medics group to take part -we want as many people as possible to know how to look after themselves and affinity groups on actions - so whether you're going to be in Ireland, Iceland, the Climate camp or Russia this summer come along! Email

Climate Conference – Saturday 3rd at 9.45am
Campaign Against Climate Change hosts a climate conference full of talks & workshops. Speakers from various campaign groups like Friends of the Earth, Rising Tide, Transport 2000, Road Block & many more, will talk on issues such as climate change & 'development', aviation, alternative energy sources, transport, biodiversity loss & deforestation, carbon trading & corporate enemies. Admission is free, no tickets required, just turn up on the day! Conference happening at the London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE.
Picket Communications House – Saturday 3rd at 1pm
For Freedom of Movement and the Right to Stay organised by No Borders London

Peoples' Common – Sunday 4th at 1.30pm
Meet on the green in parliament Square for the weekly picnic against the anti-protest exclusion zone around the British parliament and to develop the idea of the Peoples' Common. Picnic includes a non-heirarchical political meeting. Bring healthy (non-corporate) food to share, games to play and good ideas.
CALL IN ON TUESDAYS, from 2pm to 4pm and tell us what you are preparing next week - l.a.r.c / Infousurpa 0207 377 9088 or email