Diane was a student activist at Georgetown University, and was an organiser and hunger-striker during the Georgetown Living Wage campaign.
Brie was active in organising around farmworker rights with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Student/Farmworker Alliance through the victorious Taco Bell Boycott. She was the US national co-ordinator for the Student/Farmworker Alliance
Saturday 27 May: Falmer House, Sussex University, at the Education Not for Sale conference (afternoon, from 12.00)
Monday 29 May: 7.30, Lower Lecture Rm, Lincoln College, Oxford University
Tuesday 30 May: 1.00, Council Chamber, Octagon, Sheffield University
Tuesday 30 May: 6.30, PL005, Physics Building, York Uni
Wednesday 31 May: 1.00 in the conference room, ARC, Leeds Uni Union
Wednesday 31 May: 6.00 Fylde Lecture Theatre, Lancaster Uni campus
Friday 2 June: 11.00, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 28 Russell Square, central London (Russell Sq tube) with speakers from the LSE and Queen Mary’s Living Wage campaigns
More details about this tour: email