Alejandro Cerezo, 24, spent 5 years in prison and with another compañera from the Comite Cerezo, is 'touring' europe, making links with activistsm, raising awareness and gathering support. there is a lot of info in english in the comite's website >

We will have them with us in the UK in june, dates to be confirmed. if you are interested in holding an event in your town city or social centre, contact the email address above.
Here is a short,ehem, 'synopsis' of the case:
1999 a year of student strikes in Mexico City against the privatisation of education. July 2000 Vicente Fox comes to power as Mexican president. 8 of August 2001 Mexico City small explosion outside Banamex (CityBank). F.A.R.P. graffity found nearby. Arrests follow; 13 of August, found in posession of ‘subversive material’ (leaflets and books), 3 brothers Hector, Alejandro, Antonio Cerezo Contreras and Pablo Alvarado detained. They are politically active in the UNAM ( Mexico City’s ‘Autonomous’ University) as well as in Indigenous People’s and Social struggles in Mexico. Their parents are allegedly the leaders on the EPR guerrilla. September 11th, Global War on terror begins .October 10th Digna Ochoa, human rights layer also working in the Cerezo case is ‘suicided’. June 03 the accused found not guilty of terrorism and possession of firearms, the court decides, that there is however an ‘IDEOLOGICAL LINK’. they are sentenced to 13 years in High Security prisons. March 2005 Alejandro is released. March 06 Antonio and Hector are dispersed. ***latest NEWS** MARCH 21 2006ANTONIO is put in ISOLATION FOR USING A PEN.
April 2006 Comite Cerezo’s European Tour: Freedom For ALL Political Prisoners in Mexico begins.