Part of United Diversity's 'Another World is Blossoming' festival

A collectively self-organised conference for linking with others, discussing, and planning.
Everyone agrees to the 'Law of two feet': if you feel you are not contributing or gaining from a particular session it is fine to move on to another. This creates a focused, creative, informal environment to be in.
Add to the shared list of 'wants and needs', to tap into the skills and resources of those gathered for the event.
The event features a debate done in a Cogers-style on the 'state of the world now and the challenges that face us', with speakers introducing alternative technologies and diverse business models. A debating method as way to negate the difficulties of networking and the meeting of minds.
Leap-frogging from this event it is planned for another, much more public, event at a later date specifically for expanding and actively promoting the projects.
Creative Forums are a gathering of capable and knowledgable people to pool our resources and create solutions. A creative, environmental, grass-roots, forward thinking atmosphere. Come to share your projects and to learn from others.
Current participants:
London Biennale self-organised art festival
EcoAction Sustainable communities Forum
The Conscious Fashion Week
Globalvision 2000
Art Not Oil
PeaceNotWar collective
A World to Win
Caracas Trollparty report and talk on open-source
A new model for Housing Co-ops
Open Capital
Networking and Creating Friendships
Economic Change Discussions
Practical Activism
Positive Change
There will be food, music, films and photography exhibition.
Event is free but we are collecting donations to support our related projects.
Further info:

creative visions of
another world: harmony;
inclusivity; participation;
authentic communication
The Creative Forum exists as a space for bringing together different and diverse groups and individuals to meet and share and network alternatives to the conventional way of thinking with regards to global political ecological and ethical relationships.