Democracy Now!, america's syndicated, community radio news &
current affairs show will be broadcasting from London for the next few
program airing on over 350 stations in North America. Pioneering the
largest public media collaboration in the U.S. and Canada.
Democracy Now offers the program to new stations FREE for a no-
obligation trial period of ONE YEAR. After that, they encourage new
stations to affiliate with the Pacifica Radio Foundation, but the program
is also available directly from Democracy Now!. The costs are identical
and are calculated using a sliding scale based on the station’s budget.
Feel free to pester your local community/student station to take DN!
listen on Resonance104.4FM at 1530 (half past three) weekdays
or listen on DN! website from 1600 (4pm) Mon-Fri

and click on
Listen to entire show - dial-up
Broadcast-quality MP3s are posted on the same page by 1600 (4pm)
GMT. Most stations can download the program and have it ready for
broadcast in about 15 minutes.
For the freshest edition: First airs Mon - Fri 1300-1400 (1- 2pm) GMT
on these webcasters


Never heard of it?

Copy of their pdf flyer click

Please listen in you'll be pleasantly surprised
Peace & Blessings
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