The 1 March 2006 Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Council demo was supported by RESPECT coalition MP George Galloway and by the main Opposition on Tower Hamlets Council, the Liberal Democrats. At the Council meeting that followed the same evening, Lib Dem councillor Louise Alexander sought to have Tower Hamlets show recognition to the community and to identify with the community in opposing the Crassrail hole plan attacks Bill.
The controlling clique failed to recognize the momentous importance of the motion and they even jeered at Councillor Alexander part of the time that she was presenting her arguments in support of the motion.
The only other non-Lib Dem councillor who supporter Louise Alexander was the RESPECT councillor Oliur Rahman
In his speech at the Khoodeelaar! demonstration earlier in the evening, Oliur Rahman described the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council as crooks and vowed to do everything he and his colleagues could do to remove them from office at the scheduled 4 May 2006 council elections.
A khoodeelaaronline report 1420 Hrs GMT Saturday 4 March 2006
UK Transport [Crossrail hole-Bill] Minister Alistair Darling, MP, makes another lame plea to Khoodeelaar! on behalf of Tower Hamlets Council !
Alistair Darling’s Department for Transport ahs sent a letter by email on Friday 3 March 2006 to Khoodeelaar organiser Muhammad Haque.
Crossrail-hole-Bill promoter Alistair Darling MP has not yet cottoned on to the fact that the East End community opposition to our area being devastated is not a temporary affair.
This opposition will continue and will grow. The only solution to this is for Darling to drop the whole Crossrail hole plot. To scarp the Crossrail hole Bill and to start again. Without a hole against our community. Without a hole in our community.
Nor has Alistair Darling understood the fact that he cannot get away with breaking the very laws on whose existence in the UK statute book he relies for his legitimacy as a bona fide member of a bona fide ‘democratic’ Government with claims to expect the community to abide by decisions that that Government makes.
Darling had his Department for Transport [DfT] write to Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque in February 2006.
In that communication the DfT made the plea that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council had been in touch with the DfT and that the DfT was listening to the Council over concerns on the Crossrail hole problems.
That communication was intended to ‘reassure’ the Khoodeelaar! Campaign organisation that Tower Hamlets Council was ‘indeed’ representing the concerns and the opposition of the local community against the Crossrail hole.
There cannot be any ‘reassurance’ on that at all unless there is incontrovertible, categorical and unconditional resolution by the full Council saying No to Crossrail hole attacks on the East End.
And that evidence could have been produced by the ruling clique on Tower Hamlets Council on Wednesday 1 March 2006.
The Council ignored the opportunity.
The ruling clique on Tower Hamlets Council squandered that opportunity.
The ruling clique on Tower Hamlets Council showed contempt to that opportunity.
Tower Hamlets Council ‘leadership’ of Michael Keith is so contemptuous of the people in the Borough that it fabricated a bureaucratic scenario which it then used to waste as long as three hours of vital council meeting time.
They did that to defuse the power of the argument typified in the motion formally put to the council by [Lib Dem] councillor Louise Alexander asking for the Council to show that it had woken up to the dangers posed by the Crossrail hole to the East End community.
That Alistair Darling ploy will not work because there is nothing in the hundreds of A4 pages of ‘statements’ ‘positions’ and ‘explanations’ so far published about the Crossrail plan by or in the name of or at the behest of the controlling clique on the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council which shows any sign that Tower Hamlets Council is being ‘led’ or ‘controlled’ by tellers of the truth.
Those who have been in control of the Tower Hamlets Council do not tell the truth and they do not recognise the truth when we in the community tell it.
And nothing has been more staggering as a confirmation of the Tower Hamlets Council’s illegitimate but actual ‘leadership’s inability to tell the truth than their behaviour on Crossrail hole over the past three years.
Tower Hamlets Council’s ‘controlling clique’ has lied to the community in the past three years and falsely claimed that the Crossrail hole plan would ‘bring benefits’ to the community.
How could the Crossrail hole plan bring ‘benefits’ unless the controlling clique had taken total leave of its senses!
Digging a hole in the Brick Lane London E1` area could not bring any benefits
Digging a hole could also trigger off all kinds of unforeseeable but possible environmental disasters linked with remains of devises that might be lying buried there from the 1940s war time bombing in the East End.
Digging a hole in the Woodseer street is no different at all from digging a hole in the Hanbury Street or in the Princelet street.
Digging a hole entails a thousand other assaults that will be made on the lives of thousands of people in the East End.
For no reason.
There is no economic reason for doing that.
There is no social reason for doing that.
There is no environmental reason for doing that.
There is no justification whatever for doing or wanting to do any of the Crossrail-hole things in any part of the London borough of Tower Hamlets.
So why are the Tower Hamlets Council so adamant that they openly lie to the community?
Alistair Darling’s DfT letter to Muhammad Haque on Friday 3 March 2006 repeats essentially the same line that the DfT has been in receipt of information from the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council.
But nothing about the allegations that khoodeelaar! had been making against the lying clique on Tower Hamlets Council and including the serious allegation supported by documentary evidence that that clique had abused its control over the constitutional and the elected entity of Tower Hamlets Council.
Alistair Darling’s DfT letter to Khoodeelaar on Friday 3 March 2006 does not deal with the Khoodeelaar! demand for action by the DfT against the liars over the Crossrail hole plan.
The DfT [constitutionally responsible MP is Alistair Darling ] letter to Khoodeelaar contains further pretence of its ignorance of the khoodeelaar representations of the past 26 months about the lying clique in control of the Council in their bid to promote the agenda of the Crossrail promoting vested interests.
The key facts contained in the past 26 months of the Khoodeelaar representations to both the DfT and to the offices of the UK Prime Minister and the UK Finance Minister [Chancellor of the Exchequer] have been about the role of the identified members of the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council.
The key role and the key culpable conduct – misconduct - by those identified members of that clique on Tower Hamkest Council has been the brazen lies that the clique have told to local people in the Brick Lane London E1 area.
They lied in that they never told the community that a Crossrail hole plan was even being discussed by the Council for YEARS.
They lied when the community got to know about that and the Khoodeelaar! movement against the hole plan began to take form in January 2004.
They lied when they then said that they did not know what the plan was.
They lied when they said that the campaign against the hole was doing nothing but spreading unnecessary scares
They lied when they then claimed that the khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole was not dealing with ‘regeneration’ ‘benefits’ that the Crossrail hole would bring to the Brick Lane London E1 area..
They lied when they stayed silent to questions that khoodeelaar! put to them.
They lied when they then contrived with the employees of the Tower Hamlets Council including Christine Gilbert the Council’s chief Executive, to arrange to block emails being sent from the campaign against the Crossrail hole.
This commentary is being updated with additional facts and campaign information throughout the day Saturday 4 March 2006 on the khoodeelaar web site

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